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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


13th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1984
Pages 75-107

The Determination of Economic Basement of Rock Formation in Exploring the Langkat–Medan Area, North Sumatra Basin

Mulhadiono, J. A. Sutomo


Exploration drilling in the Langkat–Medan area, North Sumatra Basin, has proved oil and gas potential in the Belumai Formation. Drilling also penetrated the Pre Belumai Previous HitsequenceNext Hit of so-called "Basal Sandstone".

The evaluation of data on hand shows that the possibility of favourable reservoirs is limited to the Belumai Formation.

Pre-Belumai rocks, especially the "Basal Sandstone" were strongly affected by diagnesis and consequently are very low porosity reservoirs. Exploration efforts should therefore be limited to the interval above the base of Belumai Formation and the Pre-Belumai section should be considered as "economic basement". Geological correlation based on Previous HitwellTop data and outcrop sections shows that the "Basal Sandstone" is Pre Tertiary rock belonging to the Kualu Formation.

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