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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


17th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1988
Pages 285-303

Environmental Impact Assessment of the Wiriagar Oilfield Development

E. Brotoisworo, P. Hutomo


An environmental impact assessment (referred to as the ADL or "Analisis Dampak Lingkungan") of the Wiriagar Oilfield Development Project was conducted to determine whether the project could proceed in a safe and environmentally acceptable manner. Despite the fact that several environmental studies have been completed by other oil and gas operators earlier, this is still the first ADL for an onshore-offshore production operation in one of the most environmentally sensitive areas in Indonesia, conducted in line with the policies set forth in the recent Government Regulation No. 29/1986.

The study was completed in 7 months and was presented October 1987 to the KPAM or the "Komisi Pusat Andal Migas", then to the newly founded governmental working group on environmental matters within the Ministry of Mines and Energy. The ministry letter approving the environmental feasibility of subject project was received in January 1988.

This ADL is the main basis for PERTAMINA, Conoco and their partners to file Environmental Management/Monitoring Plans (RKL-RPL) to the Minister of Mines and Energy, as required by Government Regulation No. 29/1986 and specified in the Minister's letter approving the environmental feasibility, for this operating area.

The sections that follow (1) outline some basic aspects of environmental control for the oil industry in Indonesia, (2) describe the basis upon which the ADL was conducted, (3) summarize the ADL process, (4) discuss major sources of Previous HitpotentialTop impacts identified for the project and (5) summarize recommended mitigating & control measures.

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