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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


19th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1990
Pages 245-251

Application of Wave Equation Tomography in Frontier Areas

Tien-when Lo, Guy W. Purnell


In frontier areas, insufficient information about complex local geology makes building an initial Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model for seismic data Previous HitmigrationNext Hit difficult. We developed a wave equation tomography method that can be used as an initial Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model generator to overcome this problem. Since this method requires little a priori information about the local geology, the Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model it generates is very objective.

We applied this method to offshore seismic data and found that the Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model produced is consistent with the Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model generated by conventional methods. Local Previous HitvelocityNext Hit variation within each layer is clearly shown on the tomogram. Added benefits are that the wave equation tomography method requires less user intervention than conventional Previous HitvelocityTop analysis and may be less computationally expensive.

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