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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


21st Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1992
Pages 331-344

Modification of Flowing Gradient Equation in Gas Wells with Liquid Present

Sutopo, Pudjo Sukarno


In this study, the Cullender and Smith equation has been improved by correcting the gas specific gravity, gas production rate, and proposing a new friction factor equation for a mixture of fluids (gas, Previous HitoilNext Hit/Previous HitcondensateNext Hit and water).

The density of the flowing fluid is the combination of gas specific gravity, Previous HitcondensateNext Hit specific gravity after converted into gas conditions and water specific gravity when treated as water vapor.

A proposed friction factor equation for gas flow in the tubing with liquid present is introduced in this paper. The equation has been developed using Govier and Fogarasi's data presented in Reference 3. Bottom hole pressure measurements taken from 102 wells are available. The results are plotted as a function of flow rate and tubing diameter. The plot shows a linear trend and regression Previous HitanalysisTop yields a correlation coefficient of 0.939377

The proposed equation shows good agreement with the measured data: the average absolute error is approximated 3%. Using the same data, the Cullender and Smith equation produces an average absolute error of 14%.

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