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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


22nd Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1993
Pages 69-97

New Solutions to Old Problems: A Seismic Reprocessing Case History, DC and BQ Fields, Malacca Strait PSC

Charles A. Hinson


Explorationists constantly search for new methods to improve seismic data quality in order to obtain more accurate geologic interpretations. Seismic processing contractors have reacted to this requirement by continually developing data enhancement programs. This paper describes the practical application of several recently introduced or under-utilized processes to seismic data from the DC and BQ Field areas, Malacca Strait PSC.

Data examples illustrating the advantages of fx deconvolution and spectral whitening will be presented in a non-mathematical manner along with a comparison of tau-p vs. f-k filtering. The discussion concludes with a striking example of improved data quality obtained by integrating the application of hand statics with geological knowledge of an area of poor data quality.

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