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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


24th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1995
Pages 579-579

Maximum Principal Stress of East Cimandiri Previous HitFaultNext Hit, Bandung Area, West Java, Indonesia: Abstract

Afiat Anugrahadi1


Signs of the Cimandiri Previous HitFaultNext Hit are difficult to see clearly in the field. It is theorized that its movement characteristics differ from one place to another.

Recognition of the East Cimandiri Previous HitFaultNext Hit zone based on Landsat and SPOT images reveal linements of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit from Pelabuhan Ratu that parallel the Cimandiri River and then proceeds in a northeast direction.

The Previous HitfaultNext Hit population analysis method and vertical dihedron method were used to determine the maximum principal stress based on measurement of Previous HitfaultNext Hit Previous HitplaneNext Hit data and striations. These data were processed by computer with the results presented in rose diagrams and stereographic projections.

Supplemental data on the interpretation of maximum principal stress is still needed. This will consist of field data (stylolite direction) and seismic data for analysis of the focal mechanism.

Geological structure analysis results lead to the conclusion that the maximum principal stress direction affecting the East Cimandiri Previous HitFaultTop in Bandung, West Java, is north-south.


Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Trisakti University

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