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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


24th Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 2), 1995
Pages 75-101

Strategic Recovery Processes for Rindu Development

M. Kumar, A. A. Reed, M. E. Smith, D. S. Mims, E. J. Hanzlik, S. J. Gross


Rindu sands overlay the Pertama and Kedua (P/K) sands, which are currently being steamflooded in the Duri Previous HitfieldNext Hit. Because of thin net pay, shallow depth (300 to 500 ft), and lower oil saturation, advanced technology is considered necessary to fully exploit this Previous HitreservoirNext Hit. A joint, multidisciplinary, P.T. Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI), Chevron, and Texaco team is developing a cost-effective method(s)/recovery process(es) to exploit Rindu sands. This paper describes results of the recovery processes screening effort.

Numerical simulation results show that steamflood recovery processes (for example, steam assisted gravity drainage and steamfloods using horizontal or conventional wells) are generally preferable to primary production and hot waterflood recovery processes. The low ranking of primary processes (such as horizontal wells, ultrashort radial wells, and cold production) were driven by low recovery. Variability in Previous HitreservoirNext Hit quality across the Previous HitfieldNext Hit had a significant effect on results. In addition, interwell heterogeneity representations using geostatistical methods (kriged and conditional Previous HitsimulationsNext Hit) showed a notable variation in the recovery forecasts. Furthermore, kriged representation was not always the most optimistic. Crude oil viscosity also affected results. Recovery processes were ranked using Strategic Decision Analysis concepts. The selected process(es) will be Previous HitfieldTop tested next year.

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