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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


27th Annual Convention Proceedings, 2000
Pages 1-8

The 30 Minute AFE: Attributes and Benefits of a Spreadsheet Program used to Develop a Well Design, a Cost Estimate and an Authority for Expenditure (AFE)

Alexander Megawe, Dennis Rider, Puput Ariyanto


This paper presents an automated well design and AFE (Authority For Expenditure) Program for drilling completion and workover. The program calculates the cost for wells onshore or offshore; shallow or deep; straight, directional, or horizontal; floaters, heli-rigs, or land rigs; normal or underbalanced and prints the Drilling AFE forms, directional plan, material forecasts, depth vs time and depth vs cost curves. It designs the rig, casing, completion, cementing, stimulation, etc. The program is written in Excel and Visual Basic and consists of over 62 spreadsheets with over 1600 parameters and variables. Yet, a typical "Budget" AFE can be produced and forms printed in less than 30 minutes using less than 20 variables. A very detailed AFE that includes specifics of coring, stimulating, testing, logging, completion, and directional plan, can be produced in an hour. Once the user has established the basic design, the "what ifs" for development scenarios can be made quickly by changing only a few variables. The data is saved, so that updates can be made using the same assumptions to maintain consistency in the budget process, AFE preparation, and post well evaluation. Rig-to-rig and year-to-year efficiency comparisons can be accomplished with a high degree of objectivity using the AFE program with the actual well conditions.

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