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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


IPA-AAPG Deepwater and Frontier Symposium, 2004
Pages 127-134

Interpreting Borehole Image Data from Deep-Marine Environments

Adriaan A. Bal, Kenrick A. A. van Noord, Gde P. Wirawan


An accurate reservoir and play model impacts revenue by seeking improvements in sweep efficiency through a reservoir, hence optimisation of the drilling program, saving money and time in an offshore situation. However, the value of information from a thorough Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of image logs is all too often underestimated due to the perceived low value and high cost of such studies. To reach expectations and minimise costs, a meticulous study methodology is necessary. Such a methodology is demonstrated in this paper within the context of deepwater depositional environments. The primary tools used for interpretation of dips include dip and dip-azimuth tadpole versus depth plots, stereoplots, and dip-vector plots. Dip information together with image fabric and bed-thickness information is used to subdivide the deposits of mass-flow processes into a number of architectural elements of differing scale and timeframe. An Previous HitanalysisTop of syn-sedimentary slumping provides information on slope orientation, and when integrated with seismic confirms depositional models and reservoir geometry. Image facies can be calibrated with petrophysical parameters to define flow units.

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