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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Application of Inverse-Q Filter and Deconvolution to Improve Seismic Data Quality in the Deep Section
Earth attenuation is one of the factors that lower seismic data quality. Various inverse filtering methods have been developed to compensate for this phenomenon; among these are deconvolution and an inverse Q filter. The objective of the study is to investigate the possibility of seismic data quality improvement in the deep section by applying deconvolution and inverse Q filtering on 2D seismic data.
The seismic data that are used in the study have a problem with resolution. Frequency components are very limited in the deep section, 10-15 Hz over an 1800-2400 ms time window. The application of deconvolution and inverse Q filtering improves the frequency component slightly in the deep section, and the application of both methods yields interesting results.
Deconvolution improved the signal energy and intensively suppressed multiples that exist in the data. Inverse Q filtering improved the coherency of seismic traces and increased confidence in velocity analysis. Inverse Q also sharpened the seismic wavelet shape and made the seismic wavelet become more stationary, as shown in the synthetic-seismic correlation results.
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