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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
Depositional, Diagenetic, and Production History of the Upper Morrowan Buckhaults Sandstone, Farnsworth
, Ochiltree County Texas
Farnsworth Field
in Ochiltree County, Texas is the most prolific Upper Morrow oil
in the Anadarko Basin, producing more than 36 million barrels of oil and 27 billion cubic feet of gas since its discovery in 1955. The bulk of the production comes from an Upper Morrow-aged sandstone locally referred to as the Buckhaults sandstone. The Buckhaults sandstone is a coarse to very coarse-grained, arkose to arkosicwacke.
Grain size distributions, sedimentary structure analysis, and sand-body geometry indicate that the Buckhaults was deposited in a fluvial-deltaic environment as distributary channel and distributary mouth bar sands. Depositional strike is northwest to southeast.
The source area for the Buckhaults sediments was primarily a plutonic igneous terrane, with a minor contribution from volcanic and reworked sedimentary rocks. The proposed source area is the Amarillo-Wichita Uplift to the south. In addition the Cimarron Arch and/or Keyes Dome to the west-northwest may also have contributed sediment to the study area.
The large (average) grain size, the amount of feldspar present, and the overall immaturity of the Buckhaults sediments indicates a relative short distance of transport.
After deposition the Buckhaults sediments underwent a series of diagenetic alterations including: 1) dissolution of silica from volcanic quartz and detrital chert fragments; 2) alteration of detrital feldspar and formation of authigenic clays; 3) precipitation of calcite cement; and 4) development of authigenic pyrite. The dissolution of silica and alteration of feldspars served to enhance primary porosity while the authigenic clay formation and calcite cementation were deleterious to reservoir
porosity and permeability. Average values for porosity and permeability in the Buckhaults sandstone at Farnsworth
are 14.53 percent (%) and 45.2 millidarcies (md) respectively.
The field
was produced under primary production condition until 1965, at which time a secondary waterflood was initiated. The
is presently under study by Union Oil of California for the possible implementation of a tertiary CO2 injection program.
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