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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)


Applications of Thermal Maturity Studies to Energy Exploration, 1990
Pages 161-166

Vitrinite Reflectance as an Exploration Tool in Defining Areas of Recent and Ancient Heating: A Case Study of the Cerro Prieto Geothermal System, Mexico

Charles E. Barker, Mark J. Pawlewicz


Thermal maturation of sedimentary organic matter after a geologically-short reaction time is most strongly controlled by peak temperature reached in the sedimentary rocks. Thus, it is a useful tool in showing the peak temperature reached in active sedimentary geothermal systems or ancient Previous HithydrothermalNext Hit deposits. This study uses the Cerro Prieto geothermal system as an example of the application of this method in an active system that is now at peak temperature in its central (hottest) portion. Vitrinite reflectance appears to be useful in exploring for newly-heated portions of the system and showing those portions that have cooled. In ancient systems the information provided by vitrinite reflectance studies could be an important aid to exploration for the core of Previous HithydrothermalTop deposits or possibly detecting them at a distance by locally higher thermal maturation values appearing in regional studies.

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