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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 20,723 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Seismic Reef Expression in the North Sumatra Basin

K. Wirjodihardjo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...) was incorporated. In addition, 2 vintages of 3D seismic data (25 by 25 meter bins) covering an area of 13.7 km by 12.75 km over the South Lho Sukon "D...


Simulation of Downhole Temperature Distribution in Fractured Shale Gas Wells by Incorporating Geomechanics and Apparent Permeability Modeling

Chuanyao Zhong, Juliana Y. Leung

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... characterization from production and temperature data are highlighted. 3D thermal flow simulation and discretized wellbore modeling are coupled with geomechanical...




Williston Basin Symposium

...: Location map. The acquisition of 3D data is an involved process, and was accomplished in several...


Abstract: 3D Design for Interpolation: A Decimation Case Study; #90187 (2014)

A. J. Crook, Balazs Nemeth, Christian Escalante, Laurie Ross, Ye Zheng, and Keith Millis

Search and

... interpolation can be used to merge complimentary infill surveys with sparse 3D geometry in order to obtain data that is comparable to a regularly sampled...


Ground-Penetrating-Radar Characterization and Porosity Evolution of An Upper Pleistocene Oolite-Capped Depositional Cycle, Red Bays, Northwest Andros Island, Great Bahama Bank

Colby S. Hazard,, Scott M. Ritter, John H. McBride, David G. Tingey, R. William Keach, II

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 1370– 1390. Keach, R.W., II, and McBride, J.H., 2010, Petroleum Industry Techniques Yield New Insights into 3D GPR Data: Institute of Electrical...


A New Perspective to Shallow Water Flow (SWF) and Sinking Well-Head Preventions in Deep Water

Selim Simon Shaker

GCAGS Transactions

..., can yield Vp/Vs ratios directly. However, deriving of Vp/Vs from inversion of 3D seismic data is more cost effective and valid in all submarine...


MAZ Processing for Basement Fracture: A Case Study on 3D Conventional Land Seismic Dataset

Ahmad Zazeli Fuadi, Yatty Surtiati

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of work to indentify the distribution and orientation of the fracture in the basement. 3D seismic data (P or PS data) is one of the tools that can...


Abstract: Progressive Seismic Data Mining for Reservoir Characterization

M. Turhan Taner, Gareth Taylor, David Dumas, and Richard Uden

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... a terrabyte of 3D seismic data per day and for some of the larger data processing centers to achieve daily throughput in excess of 10 terrabytes...


Developing a model discrete fracture network, drilling, and enhanced oil recovery strategy in an unconventional naturally fractured reservoir using integrated field, image log, and three-dimensional seismic data

Thomas H. Wilson, Valerie Smith, and Alan Brown

AAPG Bulletin

.... Reservoir characterization is based on three-dimensional (3D) seismic data, fracture image logs from Teapot Dome, and field observations of the Tensleep...


Abstracts: Geoscience Interpretation and Visualization of a Multicomponent 3D Seismic Survey in Extreme Southern Alberta; #90173 (2015)

John Duhault, Carmen Dumitrescu, and Penny Colton

Search and

... assessment of the property. However it was the 3D images of the converted wave (PS) data and the derived density (from the joint inversion of the PP...


Polarization Horn as Key in Identifying Resistivity Contrast at High Angle: An Observation from Six Successful Horizontal Wells, Natuna Sea Block B

Teguh Prasetyo, Bambang S. Murti, Sigit Suryonugroho

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to 8,000 BOPD in the oil wells. These successful results were achieved by careful prewell design, incorporating 3D seismic and adjacent well data...


Planform Recognition and Implications of a Cretaceous-age Continental-scale River Avulsion Node in the Western Interior Basin, Alberta, Canada

Harrison K. Martin,, Stephen M. Hubbard, Cynthia A. Hagstrom, Sean C. Horner, Paul R. Durkin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... belt; Fig. 3). This channel belt is stratigraphically equivalent to deposits that have been widely investigated using 3D seismic data (Fig. 2C...


Real-time Estimation of Hydraulic Fracture Characteristics from Production Data

Mohammadali Tarrahi, Sergio Gonzales, Eduardo Gildin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... parameters using production data. The validity of the method is examined using a synthetic reservoir model producing oil, gas and water from hydraulic...


Stratigraphic Controls on Mississippian Limestone Reservoir Quality through Integrated Electrofacies Classification and Seismic Constrained Spatial Statistics, Barber County, Kansas; #41924 (2016)

Niles W. Wethington, Matthew J. Pranter

Search and

... of major oil and gas fields in Barber County and model boundaries. Data includes 298 wells with logs, four cored wells, a 3D seismic survey, scaled...


Geosteering Using True Stratigraphic Thickness

Charles R. Berg, Andrew C. Newson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Figure 1. A forward model of a synthetic fold illustrating various features common in horizontal wells. The green horizon A is an artificially...


Integrated Chronostratigraphic Correlation and Its Dilemma: A Case Study in West Natuna Basin Block BŽ Arang Formation

Hanaga Simabrata, Budi R Permana, Agus Sulistiarso, Retno Wijayanti, Redo D Waworuntu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... In addition, 7117 square kilometers of high resolution 3D merge post-stack seismic data and several thousand kilometers of 2D seismic data were used...


ABSTRACT: Integrated Machine Learning Unsupervised Log Facies and Seismic Facies Workflows to delineate stratigraphic traps for field developments

Stanley Wharton

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... of various data conditioning processes, data manipulation techniques and Clustering algorithms. One Machine Learning technique, Unsupervised learning, is used...


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