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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,325 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Diagenetic history of the New Albany Shale (Devonian-Mississippian) in the Illinois Basin: insights from petrographic, magnetic fabrics and paleomagnetic studies.
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Eolian Architecture of Sandstone Reservoirs in the Covenant Field, Sevier County, Utah; #90106 (2010)
Emily E. Hartwick
Search and Discovery.com
... the definition of dune architecture and permeability anisotropy caused by crossbedding within the eolian reservoir units. Sandstone bodies in these units...
Abstract: TTI Anisotropic Depth Migration: Which Tilt Estimate Should We Use?; #90211 (2015)
Francois Audebert and Volker Dirks
Search and Discovery.com
..., characterized by tilt axis, polar velocity and anisotropy parameters. In the case of structurally conformable media, where the tilt of the medium coincides...
Abstract: Reservoir Characterization by Integration of Outcrop Analog with In Situ Stress Profiling of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir; #90255 (2017)
Jon Gutmanis
Search and Discovery.com
.... Consequently the models show large variations in stress regime and stress anisotropy with depth due primarily to this wide range in rock strengths...
Abstract: Revealing the Internal Flow of Salt Structures Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility; #90310 (2017)
Jack Richardson, Ian Alsop, Carl Stevenson
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Revealing the Internal Flow of Salt Structures Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility; #90310 (2017) Jack Richardson, Ian Alsop, Carl...
Abstract: Full Azimuth Long Offset Data for Fracture Characterization: A Jurassic Case Study in North Kuwait; #90319 (2018)
Hanan Al-Hasan, Fatma Basha, Riyanto Kusumo, Agus Abdullah, Taiwen Chen
Search and Discovery.com
... dataset. Particular attention was paid to attenuate residual noise while preserving azimuthal anisotropy, gather flattening, amplitude balancing...
Abstract: Near Surface and Anisotropy Modeling Strategies for Fast-Track Land Depth Imaging; #90319 (2018)
Ernesto Sandoval-Curiel, Daniele Colombo
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Near Surface and Anisotropy Modeling Strategies for Fast-Track Land Depth Imaging; #90319 (2018) Ernesto Sandoval-Curiel, Daniele Colombo...
Abstract: Unravelling the Implications of Structural Controls on Mechanical Stratigraphy and Strong Stress Anisotropy; Designing of Customized Solutions for Well Placement as Part of Field Development Kuwait Case Study;
Vijaya Kidambi, Chinmaya Pattnaik, Narhari Srinivasa Rao, Neama Al-Ajmi, Musaed Yaseen Makki Al-Dousiri, Dhiresh Govind Rao
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Unravelling the Implications of Structural Controls on Mechanical Stratigraphy and Strong Stress Anisotropy; Designing of Customized...
Abstract: FWI Using Reflections in Shallow Waters Offshore Abu Dhabi; #91204 (2023)
Carlos Barajas, Olivier Hermant, Oleg Khakimov, Bastian Hutahayan, Guillaume Cambois, Mohamed Mahgoub, Olivier Kirstetter
Search and Discovery.com
... and low velocity layers creating high apparent anisotropy in the bandwidth of seismic surveys. Obtaining an accurate description of the velocity...
Seismic Fracture Detection in the Second White Speckled Shale: Anisotropic Perspectives on an Isotropic Workflow; #41289 (2014)
David Cho, Craig Coulombe, Scott McLaren, Kevin Johnson, and Gary F. Margrave
Search and Discovery.com
..., travel-time anisotropy effects in shales were analyzed to determine its relationship to fracturing. The analysis yields a set of attributes...
Eye-Openers from Re-Processing of Oil Sands Seismic Data; #41290 (2014)
David Gray, Seann Day, and Scott Shapper
Search and Discovery.com
... is required in order to prepare these wide angles for density extraction. In particular, both VTI and HTI anisotropy must be corrected to flatten...
An InterpreterĀs Guide to Successful Prestack Depth Imaging; #41544 (2015)
Rob A. Holt
Search and Discovery.com
... communication, timely sharing of information, a suitable velocity and anisotropy strategy, and proactive Quality Check (QC). The success of the project can...
Seismic Exploration for Fractured Lower Dakota Alluvial Gas Sands, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, by Reeves, James J. and W. Hoxie Smith; #90030(2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Enhanced Productivity of Carbonate Reservoir by Cross
Search and Discovery.com
Influence of Lithology on Vertical Anisotropy of Permeability at a Field Scale for Select Louisiana Geologic Units
Douglas Carlson
GCAGS Transactions
...Influence of Lithology on Vertical Anisotropy of Permeability at a Field Scale for Select Louisiana Geologic Units Douglas Carlson Influence...
Monument Butte 3DReprocessing case study in Uinta Basin
Mitch Preston, Xinxiang Li, Seth Berman, Phillip Keith, Christopher Egger, Josef Heim, Nebojsa Pralica, David Brookes, James Beck
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... variations in the data. The azimuthal velocity variation analysis (VVAz) on the PSTM gathers successfully captured stress anisotropy caused by local...
Abstracts of Theses: Petrofabric Analysis of Potash Ore Beds, Esterhazy, Saskatchewan
Alan Raymond Clark
CSPG Bulletin
... by the physical anisotropy of the rock resulting from the preferred orientation of the cleavages. End_of_Record - Last_Page 323...
Integration of Microseismic With Rock Properties From Multi-Component Seismic Data, Mississippi Lime Play, North-Central Oklahoma
Scott W. Singleton, Shihong Chi, Crystal Lapaire, Lisa Sanford, Paul Constance
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Processing was carefully performed in order to quantify compressional and converted wave anisotropy. Then a reservoir characterization study...
Prestack Seismic Data Inversion for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization in China
Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Ximing Wang, Xing Liang, Uwe Strecker, Maggie Smith
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... attribute analysis of anisotropy from elliptical velocity inversion indicates that anisotropy varies horizontally and vertically, and that it is dominantly...
Seismic Imaging in Anisotropic Media. or... "A Better Way to Moveout and Migrate Long Offset Data"
Rolf Klotz, Martin Bayly, Sue Downie, Swee Leng
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... migration that takes anisotropy into account. Lynn W., Gonzalez A. and MacKay S 1989 Where are the fault plane reflections? Abstract of paper...
Abstract: Effects of Oil Compositions on the Optical Characteristics of Solid Bitumen
Ruitan Shi, Qingyong Luo
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... as a bridge to connect oil, gas and source rocks. The reservoir solid bitumen displays strong anisotropy and mesophase, which is very different from...
5. Directional Properties of Some California Sandstones
L. C. Bonham
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... is velocity anisotropy which, in the samples studied, is correlated with preferred orientation of microfractures. End_of_Record - Last_Page 178...
AAPG Methods in Exploration No. 14, Chapter 11:
O. Jorgensen and N. W. Petersen
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Utilizing wellbore image data to determine the complete stress tensor: Application to permeability anisotropy and wellbore stability: The Log Analyst, v. 38...
Coal Anisotropism and its Relationship to Methane Concentration in Coal: ABSTRACT
Francis T. C. Ting, P. B. Wang
AAPG Bulletin
... bituminous coal beds in the Appalachian coal basin vary in methane concentration by 5 to 10 times; their optical anisotropy also varies by 2 to 3 times. High...
Abstract: Anisotropic Depth Imaging and Interpretation in Thrust-Belt Exploration, by Don Lawton; #90073 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com