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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,237 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Geothermal Regime and Thermal History of the Llanos Basin, Colombia
Stefan Bachu , J. C. Ramon , M. E. Villegas , J. R. Underschultz
AAPG Bulletin
... permeability, measured in core, is also high, on the order of 10-13 to 10-12m2 on average. The vertical anisotropy of sandstone permeability is 0.7. The flow...
A Physical Model of Cementation and Its Effects on Single-Phase Permeability
Manmath N. Panda, Larry W. Lake
AAPG Bulletin
...., Surface phenomena in enhanced oil recovery: New York, Plenum, 874 p. Lake, L. W., 1988, The origins of anisotropy: Journal of Petroleum Technology...
Factors controlling prolific gas production from low-permeability sandstone reservoirs: Implications for resource assessment, prospect development, and risk analysis
Keith W. Shanley, Robert M. Cluff, John W. Robinson
AAPG Bulletin
... resource levels. Al-Hadrami, H. K., and L. W. Teufel, 2000, Influence of permeability anisotropy and reservoir heterogeneity on optimization of infill...
Fault and fracture systems in a fold and thrust belt: An example from Bolivia
Juan-Mauricio Florez-Nio, Atilla Aydin, Gary Mavko, Marco Antonellini, Asterio Ayaviri
AAPG Bulletin
... of the anisotropy and heterogeneity introduced by faults and fractures in the subsurface. In this regard, the critical questions are, How are faults...
Nature of a regional dogleg pattern in maturity profiles from Thrace basin, northwestern Turkey: A newly discovered unconformity or a thermal anomaly?
Ozkan Huvaz, Hasan Sarikaya, mr M. Nohut
AAPG Bulletin
... is characterized by increasing anisotropy with increasing maturity (Kilby, 1988). In the Thrace basin, the %Ro variation versus depth shows a sudden change...
Jointed deformation bands may not compartmentalize reservoirs
S. E. Tindall
AAPG Bulletin
... influence on the permeability and the permeability anisotropy in sandstone reservoirs.Open joints in porous sandstone can increase the effective...
Seismic expression of fracture-swarm sweet spots, Upper Cretaceous tight-gas reservoirs, San Juan Basin
Bruce S. Hart
AAPG Bulletin
... permeability and much higher system permeability as seen by the wellbore, drainage anisotropy) that indicate the important contribution that natural fractures...
Prediction of subseismic faults and fractures: Integration of three-dimensional seismic data, three-dimensional retrodeformation, and well data on an example of deformation around an inverted fault
Tina Lohr, Charlotte M. Krawczyk, David C. Tanner, Ramin Samiee, Heike Endres, Peter O. Thierer, Onno Oncken, Henning Trappe, Raik Bachmann, Peter A. Kukla
AAPG Bulletin
... on material parameters, such as rheology, porosity, fluids, or anisotropy, and on their spatial variation. Additionally, because of the influence of strike...
An experimental evaluation of the curvature-strain relation in fault-related folds
David P. Keating, Mark P. Fischer
AAPG Bulletin
... developed, they can also impart significant permeability anisotropy, affecting production efficiency and field development strategies (Nelson, 1985...
Remote sensing detection of heavy oil through spectral enhancement techniques in the western slope zone of Songliao Basin, China
Guifang Zhang, Lejun Zou, Xiaohua Shen, Shanlong Lu, Changjiang Li, Hanlin Chen
AAPG Bulletin
... susceptibility anisotropy meter, with a sensitivity of approximately 2 108 SI. To make sure that the data are valid and comparable, we filtered the soil samples...
Fractures in sandstone reservoirs with ultra-low permeability: A case study of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, China
Zeng Lianbo, Li Xiang-Yang
AAPG Bulletin
.... Zhu, W. L. Xiong, and Y. H. He, 2008, A study of the impact of rock anisotropy on fracture development: Progress in Natural Science, v. 18, p...
Pore-throat characterization in highly porous and permeable sandstones
Bassem S. Nabawy, Yves Geraud, Pierre Rochette, Nicolas Bur
AAPG Bulletin
.... 81, no. 5, p. 734759.Nabawy, B. S., P. Rochette, and Y. Geraud, 2009, Petrophysical and magnetic pore network anisotropy of some Cretaceous sandstone...
Effect of pore structure on electrical resistivity in carbonates
Klaas Verwer, Gregor P. Eberli, Ralf J. Weger
AAPG Bulletin
... of pores, specific surface area, tortuosity, anisotropy, and compaction (Salem and Chilingarian, 1999). Because of the dependence of m on the shape of grains...
Quantitative structural analysis using remote sensing data: Kurdistan, northeast Iraq
Daniel Reif, Bernhard Grasemann, Robert H. Faber
AAPG Bulletin
... that in the Iranian part of the Zagros fold and thrust belt, the mechanical anisotropy of the formations consisting of a succession of relatively competent...
Production-induced fault compartmentalization at Elk Hills field, California
Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Nathaniel E. Reish, Peter F. Cowell
AAPG Bulletin
... will lead to bulk permeability anisotropy (Ferrill et al., 2000, 2009). Third is the stress state on discontinuities within the fault zone. Fault...
Geomechanics of hydraulic fracturing microseismicity: Part 1. Shear, hybrid, and tensile events
Seth Busetti, Wenjie Jiao, and Ze’ev Reches
AAPG Bulletin
...., and S. Yaskevich, 2014, Azimuthal anisotropy in microseismic monitoring: A Bakken case study: Geophysics: v. 79, no. 1, p. KS1–KS12, doi: 10.1190/geo2013-0211.1...
Neoformed magnetic minerals as an indicator of moderate burial: The key example of middle Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, West Virginia
Myriam Kars, Charles Aubourg, and Isabel Suárez-Ruiz
AAPG Bulletin
..., A. M., K. F. Evans, and T. Engelder, 1995, Correlation between magnetic anisotropy and fabric for Devonian shales on the Appalachian Plateau...
Characterization of natural fracture systems: Analysis of uncertainty effects in linear scanline results
Rafael F. V. C. Santos, Tiago S. Miranda, José A. Barbosa, Igor F. Gomes, Gabriel C. Matos, Julia F. W. Gale, Virginio H. L. M. Neumann, and Leonardo J. N. Guimarães
AAPG Bulletin
..., Permeability, porosity, and shear-wave anisotropy from scaling of open fracture populations, in T. E. Hoak, A. L. Klawitter, and P. K. Blomquist, eds...
Use of global analogues to improve decision quality in exploration, development, and production
Shaoqing Sun, David A. Pollitt, Shengyu Wu, and David A. Leary
AAPG Bulletin
... to understand porosity distribution and permeability anisotropy for karstic carbonates). To select appropriate analogues, practitioners should focus on specific...
Low pressure buildup with large disposal volumes of oil field water: A flow model of the Ellenburger Group, Fort Worth Basin, northcentral Texas
Shuang Gao, Jean-Philippe Nicot, Peter H. Hennings, Paul La Pointe, Katie M. Smye, Elizabeth A.Horne, and Robin Dommisse
AAPG Bulletin
.... The lateral migration of pressure increase is somewhat guided by location and strike of the framework faults and because of the permeability anisotropy...
Pore structure of sediments from Green Canyon 955 determined by mercury intrusion
Hugh Daigle, Yi Fang, Stephen C. Phillips, and Peter B. Flemings
AAPG Bulletin
.... The properties we measured with MICP are scalar and isotropic, and it is likely that other properties, such as the magnitude of anisotropy...
Methane migration mechanisms for the Green Canyon Block 955 gas hydrate reservoir, northern Gulf of Mexico
Li Wei, Ann Cook, and Kehua You
AAPG Bulletin
..., overpressure combined with permeability anisotropy can drive focused water flow toward topographic highs and into coarse-grained sediments where...
Unconventional reservoir characterization by seismic inversion and machine learning of the Bakken Formation
Jackson R. Tomski, Mrinal K. Sen, Thomas E. Hess, and Michael J. Pyrcz
AAPG Bulletin
... when computing the angle gathers during the prestack seismic inversion due to the anisotropy of the Bakken Formation and are possible due to performing...
High-resolution petrophysical, geochemical, and geomechanical profiling of a 230-m continuous core from the Montney Formation, Canada
Daniela Becerra, Christopher R. Clarkson, and Amin Ghanizadeh
AAPG Bulletin
... within the rock mass, which strongly influences the strength anisotropy and fracture plane orientations. The authors observed that when...
AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2015
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