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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 26,414 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Hierarchies of Architectural Units in Terrigenous Clastic Rocks, and Their Relationship to Sedimentation Rate

Andrew D. Miall

Special Publications of SEPM

... of arohileclnral nails, each bounded by ils own distinctive bounding snrfaces. Three hypes of surface were recognizedm bah fcaethor work by Talbol (1985) and Kocarok...


The Well at Wichita

Lawrence H. Skelton

Petroleum History Institute

..., ensued and met problem after problem. The usual audience was stunned when a bed of crystalline gypsum (probably Ver Wiebe's (p.12) proposed Annelly...


Photogeology by Spartan Air Services Limited

Photo Interpretation Staff

CSPG Special Publications

... between them. The ultimate aim of photogeology is to map the bed rock units and to work out their structure, if they are sedimentary or meta...


Abstract: Coastal Geomorphology of the Strait of Malacca Area during the past Millennium (Keynote Paper IV)

T. T. Khoo

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... not be cut, were left as small islets way out from the present coastline. At the Teluk Pelandok locality is a bed of ferricreted (iron oxide cemented) beach...


Structural Modeling of a Fractured Chalk Reservoir: Toward Revitalizing Gilbertown Field, Choctaw County, Alabama

Jack C. Pashin , Richard H. Groshong, Jr. , Guohai Jin

GCAGS Transactions

..., p. 1-4. Groshong, R. H., Jr., 1990, Unique determination of normal fault shape from hanging-wall bed geometry in detached half grabens: Eclogae...


Electromagnetic Detection of Pebble Transport in Streams: A Method for Measurement of Sediment-Transport Waves

Stephen G. Custer, Nicholas Bugosh, Peter E. Ergenzinger, Bret C. Anderson

Special Publications of SEPM

...: electromagnetic coil placed in the bed of a stream can provide instantaneous real-time electronic data on the motion of An coarse, naturally-magnetic, bed...


Methods and challenges to locating legacy wells in western Pennsylvania: Case study at Hillman State Park

James I. Sams III, Garret A. Veloski, J. Rodney Diehl, and Richard W. Hammack

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

.... Bragg, 1997, Map showing areal extent of the Pittsburgh coal bed and Horizon and mined areas of the Pittsburgh coal bed: Reston, Virginia, US Geological...


Dinosaur and Wood Fossils from the Cretaceous Corwin Formation in the National Petroleum Reserve, North Slope of Alaska

Henry W. Roehler, Gary D. Stricker

Alaska Geological Society

... in outcrops of a crevasse splay in a cutbank of the Kokolik River in sec. 13, T. 1 S., R. 40 W. The stratigraphic position of the fossil bed is indicated...


Dipmeter and Log Motifs in North Sea Submarine-Fan Sands

Richard C. Selley

AAPG Bulletin

... slopes or submarine fault scarps appear to be characterized by random "bag o' nails" dips, in both sandstone- and conglomerate-infilled channels...


Hull-Silk Oil Field, Archer County, Texas

Edwin I. Thompson

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Abner Nails A-325, J. S. Brooks A-17, T. Cecil A-982, E. Knight A-900, J. O. Reiley A-360, and E. Hall A-682 surveys. Topographically, the pool...


Empirical Determination of Physical Controls on Megafaunal Footprint Formation Through Neoichnological Experiments with Elephants

Brian F. Platt, Stephen T. Hasiotis, Daniel R. Hirmas


... expression of nails in A and B; feet were photographed while wet from being cleaned, which resulted in the contrast and reflections. Anterior is toward the top...


Three-Dimensional Reservoir Architecture of a Valley-Fill Sequence and a Deltaic Aggradational Sequence: Influences of Minor Relative Sea-Level Variations (Scalby Formation, England)

R. Eschard, C. Ravenne, P. Houel, R. Knox

Special Publications of SEPM

... geulogiaal stradies and gmuslatistiral Eschard, Raveooe, HourI, and Knox 111018086E BED PALEOGEOGIt0SrPHIC SETrING During Middle Jurassic time...


The Runn of Cutch

Lucian B. Platt

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... a "bed, which instead of being slimy, is hard, dry, and sandy, of such a consistency as never to become clayey ... a vast expanse of flat, hardened sand...


Salt and Gypsum of the Arapien Shale - the Central Utah Evaporite Mineral Industry

Grant C. Willis

Utah Geological Association

...., 1997, Gypsum, in Young, R.M., Ten penny nails - pioneering Sevier Valley: Richfield, Utah, Fine Line Printing, p. 47. Lawton, T.F., 1985, Style...


A√k Method with Dynamic Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity under Closure Stress

Ivan C. Aldana Gallego, I. Yucel Akkutlu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of a formation is controlled by stress-sensitive fracture. The sensitivity of the fracture to stress is introduced using the concept of bed of nails...


Experimental Analysis of Gulf Coast Fracture Patterns

Ernst Cloos

AAPG Bulletin

... structure. Fig. 11. Experimental setup for asymmetrical fault pattern with symmetrical pull. Metal sheets overlap. Nails and metal rail prevent rotation...


Shale Resource Assessment in Presence of Nanopore Confinement

I. Yucel Akkutlu, Seunghwan Baek, Olufemi M. Olorode, Pang Wei, Zhang Tongyi, Ai Shuang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... matrix is modeled in this study using Gangi’s mechanistic micro-crack model based on the bed of nails (Gangi, 1978). 3 m  p 1 −  conf − α p...


Bilinear Flow Analysis of Shale Gas Wells With Dynamic Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity

Ivan C. Aldana, I. Yucel Akkutlu, W. John Lee

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., for the fracture permeability 𝑘𝑘 𝑓𝑓 we assume that its stress-dependence can be captured using Gangi’s model (1978) based on the bed of nails concept...


Stress Regime in the Cretaceous Succession of the Alberta Basin: A Predictor for Coal Bed Methane Producibility

Stefan Bachu, Sebastian Bell

CSPG Special Publications

...Stress Regime in the Cretaceous Succession of the Alberta Basin: A Predictor for Coal Bed Methane Producibility Stefan Bachu, Sebastian Bell 2001 5 9...


ABSTRACT: Variations in Turbidite Bed-thickness Distributions as a Function of Basin Confinement and Submarine Fan Environment; #90007 (2002)

David Hodgson, Stephen Flint, Kevin Pickering

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Variations in Turbidite Bed-thickness Distributions as a Function of Basin Confinement and Submarine Fan Environment; #90007 (2002) David...


Old Electrical Log Interpretation [Pre-1958], Chapter 2: The Lateral Curve

Hilchie, D.W.

AAPG Special Volumes

... is generally used to estimate Rt if the bed in question is thick enough.The terms resistive and conductive beds are used in this text as they are in many...


Interpretations of Sedimentary Structures by Flume Experiments: ABSTRACT

Daryl B. Simons

AAPG Bulletin

...Interpretations of Sedimentary Structures by Flume Experiments: ABSTRACT Daryl B. Simons 1966 2036 2036 50 9. (September) The various types of bed...


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