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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
ABSTRACT: Shallow Seismic Reflection Confirmation of Berea Gas Pool Structure and Faulting, Portage County, Ohio, by Alexandros Sergoulopoulos, Alan H. Coogan, and Donald F. Palmer; #91041 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Characterization of Fractures in Limestones--Northern Segment of Edwards Aquifer and Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas, by Edward W. Collins; #91042 (2010)
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Summary of Geology and Exploration in Salinas Valley: ABSTRACT
J. E. Kilkenny
AAPG Bulletin
... originally thought. In addition, new light has been thrown on the King City fault, revealing two periods and types of movement and indicating that B. L...
Abstract: Controlling mechanisms for dyke emplacement and fluid flow around strike-slip faults in the Campbellton region, northern New Brunswick
S. D. Craggs
Atlantic Geology
.... Craggs atlantic geology . volume 47 . 2011 16 ment and thus fracture propagation was dominantly mode IIII. In addition, during major fault...
New Data on Disjunctive Tectonics of the Left-Bank Area of the Astrakhan Arch Based on Seismic Reflections from Fault Zones
S. D. Karinskiy, S. Yu. Milanovskiy, V. P. Nomokonov, N. N. Panteley, I. S. Pruzhanskiy, K. V. Kavalerov, A. A. Shevchenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...New Data on Disjunctive Tectonics of the Left-Bank Area of the Astrakhan Arch Based on Seismic Reflections from Fault Zones S. D. Karinskiy, S. Yu...
Cretaceous Rifting, Alluvial Fan Sedimentation, and Neogene Inversion, Southern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina
C. J. Schmidt, R. A. Astini, C. H. Costa, C. E. Gardini, and P. E. Kraemer
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Costa, C. E. Gardini, and P. E. Kraemer 1995 341 358 M 62: Petroleum Basins of South America Two north-trending, west-verging, fault-bounded Neogene...
Tectonic Characteristics of the Sub-Salt Sediments of the North Zone of the Pripyat Depression in Connection with Oil and Gas
A. A. Meshcherskiy
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
.... a-North border fault; b-regional fault zones that determine the east-west zonality; c-regional fault zones that determine the north-south (northeast...
Fracture-Controlled Production in Gilbertown Field, Alabama
Jules Braunstein
AAPG Bulletin
..., southwestern Alabama. The major production is from Eutaw (Austin age) sands in traps along the upthrown side of an east-west fault system...
Extended Abstract: Geomorphic and Shallow Subsurface Expression of Growth Faults in Mississippi River Delta Quaternary Sediment, Golden Meadow, Louisiana
Allison Scates, Rui Zhang
GCAGS Transactions
..., Louisiana Allison Scates, Rui Zhang 2020 287 290 Vol. 70 (2020) No. 1. The Golden Meadow Fault Zone (located between the Terrebonne and Barataria basins...
Tip Top Field, Sublette County, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Richard A. Howe
AAPG Bulletin
... day in the 7,000-foot depth range. Oil is trapped in the upper fractured part of the Nugget sandstone on the upthrown side of a thrust fault. Frontier...
2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: Shale Tectonics, Texas Coastal Area Growth Faults
C. H. Bruce
AAPG Special Volumes
... is not dominant, extensive growth fault systems are developed that extend for several miles subparallel with the coast. The relation of these growth...
2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.2 Salt Tectonics: Ship Shoal Anticlinal Structure
G. Huxford
AAPG Special Volumes
... graben system. Fault "A" is the dominant fault with fault "B" dying out into "A." Depositional thickening can be seen across the fault by comparing...
Structure and Stratigraphy of Rayne Field: ABSTRACT
Jack W. Shirley
AAPG Bulletin
... depositional faults. Pronounced thickening of the stratigraphic section occurs on the downthrown side of both faults. The northernmost fault...
AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 / SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, Chapter 18: A New Exploration Approach in a Mature Basin: Integration of 3-D Seismic, Remote-sensing, and Microtectonic Data, Southern Vienna Basin, Austria
H. Hausler, D. Leber, H. Peresson, and W. Hamilton
AAPG Special Volumes
... test area in the southern Vienna Basin. Microtectonic field surveys of fault slip directions and field measurements of reactivated faults, together...
Abstract: Study of Multilayered Divergent Wrench-Fault Systems by Using Sandbox Models, by C-W. Lin, M. Friedman, and J. M. Logan; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Vicksburg Fault Zone, Texas: ABSTRACT
Thomas B. Stanley, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
...Vicksburg Fault Zone, Texas: ABSTRACT Thomas B. Stanley, Jr. 1968 550 550 52 3. (March) One of the prominent structural features of the Gulf basin...
Abstract: Structural Development of the Fold-Thrust Model, Rocky Mountain Foreland, by J. J. Willis; #90987 (1993).
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Test of New Global Tectonics: REPLY
Mason L. Hill
AAPG Bulletin
...-west crustal shortening (3,000 ± km), presumably by subduction between the Farallon-Pacific and American plates. Because the San Andreas fault...
Test of New Global Tectonics: REPLY
Mason L. Hill
AAPG Bulletin
..." is essentially a restatement of his and a few other geologists' vestigial objections to more than a few miles of right-slip on the San Andreas fault. He...
ABSTRACT: ROV Observations of Fluid Expulsion in Monterey Bay, California, by Daniel L. Orange, J. Barry, N. Maher, D. Stakes, J. Paduan, H. G. Greene, J. B. Martin, B. McAdoo, and J. Yun; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Applying Modern Geologic Methods to Petroleum Exploration and Development--Case Study of Jurassic Reservoirs in East Texas, North Louisiana, and South Arkansas: ABSTRACT
Stephen E. Collins
AAPG Bulletin
... of exploration for Cotton Valley reservoirs. Smackover producing areas are in six different trends: (1) updip fault traps along the Mexia-Talco fault system; (2...
Sedimentation in Pull-Apart Basins--Modern Examples from Eastern Turkey: ABSTRACT
M. R. Hempton, L. A. Dunne
AAPG Bulletin
... rate of sedimentation, (3) asymmetry of sediment thickness and facies pattern, (4) organization of the facies into marginal fault-bounded fanglomerates...
Field Investigations in Arkansas Valley Seismic Swarm Area: ABSTRACT
S. R. Steele
AAPG Bulletin
... be indicative of the fault which is the source of the recent seismicity. The linear coincides with the alignment of portions of several drainage...
Oil Production from Volcanic Rocks of Balcones Fault Region: ABSTRACT
Gary L. Sandlin
AAPG Bulletin
...Oil Production from Volcanic Rocks of Balcones Fault Region: ABSTRACT Gary L. Sandlin 1984 119 119 68 1. (January) Igneous rocks associated...