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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
LIDAR and Gravity Data Combined to Establish Cross-Cutting Relationships of Features on the Surface of the Prairie Allogroup near Lafayette, Louisiana, #41091 (2012)
Gary L. Kinsland, Shawn Kushiyama, Christoph Borst
Search and Discovery.com
... for approximate scale. (Modified after Kushiyama, 2010) Figure 3. Idealized gravity profile over the scarp of a normal fault. The subject fault scarp has...
Deformation mechanism variation and CPO fabric development along the Willard thrust fault, Utah
Search and Discovery.com
James Dean Schofield
Montana Geological Society
... Range Fault is defined as a normal fault, the fault plane solution calculated by Gary shows left-lateral relative movement along the fault...
Geometry and Origin of Fault-Related Folds in Extensional Settings
Roy W. Schlische
AAPG Bulletin
... contour (tip-line loop) of the fault plane has an elliptical geometry (Figure 1b), with the short axis of the ellipse parallel to the slip direction...
Opening versus shearing of a fluid-driven fault reactivation
Feng Xiao, Saeed Salimzadeh, Qian-Bing Zhang
Australian Energy Producers Journal
...) on the fault plane. The minor horizontal stress σy is set to 120 MPa. Moreover, the fluid viscosity and the constant fault aperture are offset to 8.9...
Problems of Fault Nomenclature
John C. Crowell
AAPG Bulletin
... on opposite sides of a fault. In practice we recognize these points where lines formed by geological elements meet the fault plane at piercing points...
Computer Modeling of Multiple Surfaces With Faults: The Ivanhoe Field, Outer Moray Firth Basin, U.K. North Sea: Chapter 12
N. J. Hooper, J. G. M. Raven, M. J. Kilpatrick
AAPG Special Volumes
... automates the volumetric modeling of multiple horizons exhibiting nonvertical faulting. The modeling is based upon the construction of fault plane grids from...
Diapirs of Magdalena Delta: DISCUSSION
M. M. Ball
AAPG Bulletin
... outside the plane of the profile are plotted in this plane at greater than their true depths. Without closely spaced dip and strike lines...
-- no title --
Haryanty Hashim, Raidi Hashim, Anifadora Mustapha
Search and Discovery.com
... circulation. A fault is not typically created as a single, clean fracture fault plane, but generally formed in a zone of complex deformation associated...
Earthquake Hazards and Tectonic History of the San Andreas Fault Zone, Los Angeles County, California
Allan G. Barrows, James E. Kahle, David J. Beeby
Pacific Section of AAPG
... slip before the present San Andreas fault formed. When each one of the ancestral traces was bypassed, it remained a plane of discontinuity along...
The Heart Mountain Detachment Fault, Northwest Wyoming: Involvement of Absaroka Volcanic Rock
Thomas A. Hauge
Wyoming Geological Association
... rocks became detached along a subhorizontal bedding-plane fault and now occurs as several tens of allochthonous masses distributed over an area more...
Log Map, New Type of Subsurface Map
T. H. Bower
AAPG Bulletin
... content of the "610" sand zone at comparable depths on either side of the fault plane. When detailed correlation between profiles of a particular member...
Pitfalls of using entrenched fracture relationships: Fractures in bedded carbonates of the Hidden Valley Fault Zone, Canyon Lake Gorge, Comal County, Texas
Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, Alan P. Morris, Camilo Higuera-Diaz, and Daniel Prawica
AAPG Bulletin
... is on the map. Orientation data are shown for opening-mode fractures and faults along each fracture profile. Poles to opening-mode fractures and fault...
Maximum Principal Stress of East Cimandiri Fault, Bandung Area, West Java, Indonesia: Abstract
Afiat Anugrahadi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... stress based on measurement of fault plane data and striations. These data were processed by computer with the results presented in rose diagrams...
Moho Topography Beneath the Alaska Range: Results from BEAAR - Abstract
Elizabeth Veenstra, Douglas Christensen
Alaska Geological Society
... is determined. Receiver functions are inverted for the velocity profile beneath the station. A plane layered model with a crustal velocity of 6.5 km...
Abstract: FMI Formation Microimager - High Resolution Solution Tool to Reveal Structural Complexity, Western Desert, Egypt, by Elie G. Haddad and Ahmed M. Abuelfotoh; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Oil-Bearing Features Along the Karamay Overthrust Belt, Northwestern Junggar Basin, China
Xie Hong, Zhao Bai, Lin Long-Dong, You Qi-Mei
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... of each fault sub-belt has a gentle fault plane with a low angle; this fault is steep in the upper part and gende in the lower part, forming a concave...
The Kuala Lumpur Fault Zone Revisited
H. D. Tjia
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... steps, (4) fault roche moutonnees, (5 ) pluck steps, (6) bruised steps, (7) polished stosssides of knobs or of ramps of the fault plane, and (8...
Structural Geology of the Northern Silver Island Mountains
Warren L. Anderson
Utah Geological Association
... portion of Crater Island. No dips could be obtained, because the fault plane has been covered by recent sediments. The fault is high angle, normal...
The Three Elements of Structural Geology Part 6, #41849 (2016).
Terry Engelder,
Search and Discovery.com
... on which the profile of a fold is projected. A fold that has a planar axial surface is said to be a plane fold, otherwise it is a nonplanar fold. One...
Results of a 3-D Seismic Shoot at Lopeno Field, Zapata County, Texas
By Richard W. Debus and E. E. Rudder
GCAGS Transactions
... of 2-D seismic shot over it. Figure 3 shows a typical 2-D seismic profile shot perpendicular to the large Lopeno Fault. The Field is a large faulted...
Fault interaction in porous sandstone and implications for reservoir management; examples from southern Utah
Haakon Fossen, Tord Erlend Skeie Johansen, Jonny Hesthammer, Atle Rotevatn
AAPG Bulletin
...Fault interaction in porous sandstone and implications for reservoir management; examples from southern Utah Haakon Fossen, Tord Erlend Skeie...
III. Evidence of Faulting
Robert E. Sheriff
AAPG Special Volumes
... plane; that is, it juxtaposes different velocities. Therefore, raypaths passing through the fault plane are bent according to Snell's law by the change...
Compartmentalization of the Codell and Terry (Sussex) Formations Using Clay Smear Technology, Wattenberg Field Area, Denver Basin, Colorado
Thomas J. Birmingham
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... an abundant source of ductile 30%) source material which can deform into a continuous layer deform continuous along the fault plane and provides...