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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Growth Faulting and Salt Diapirism: Their Relationship and Control in the Carolina Trough, Eastern North America: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy
William P. Dillon, Peter Popenoe, John A. Grow, Kim D. Klitgord, B. Ann Swift, Charles K. Paull, Katharine V. Cashman
AAPG Special Volumes
... 13) cannot be an artifact of the seismic profile because increasing velocities of deeper rocks has the effect of apparently bending up the fault plane...
Abstract: Kinematic Analysis Using Profile and Time-Slice Animations of 3-D Siesmic Volumes, with Three Examples from the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province, by D. S. Stone; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Mechanics of Low-Angle Overthrust Faulting as Illustrated by Cumberland Thrust Block, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee
John L. Rich
AAPG Bulletin
... to tear loose along a shearing plane or incipient tear fault, forming a block of the same general shape as the Cumberland block as a whole. In view...
Happy Springs Field, Fremont County, Wyoming
G. L. Helmke
Wyoming Geological Association
... fault, effecting a repetition of the Third Frontier sand. The axial plane of the structure dips northeastward 60° in the lower formations, and tests...
Serang Field – Discovery Within a Seismic "Fault Shadow"
Tom Clark, Mike Turk, Joewono Hadiwijoto, Yoseph Partono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... milliseconds two-way travel time. To construct a correction map this ΔT correction profile was projected along trend of the Fault Plane as in Method...
N. S. Hardin
AAPG Special Volumes
... some post-depositional deformation. The fault offsets of the sea floor indicate continued rise of the horst after deposition ceased. Profile M-M...
Development characteristics of transtensional fractures: A case study from Linnan Depression, East China
Dawei Dong, Xingpeng Chen, Qianhao Sun
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... Development characteristics of transtensional faults (c) Figure 5: Fracture plane and profile of tectonic adjustment zone in region B. (a) Plane. (b...
Overthrust Zones as New Oil-Gas Exploration Targets in South Sakhalin
P. F. Volgin, V. A. Parovyshnyy, V. M. Radyush
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... displacement is of the same order. In the Paromay sector of the fault, seismic profile 24, which crosses the Goromay structure, shows that the upper...
Akaso Field, Nigeria: Use of Integrated 3-D Seismic, Fault Slicing, Clay Smearing, and RFT Pressure Data on Fault Trapping and Dynamic Leakage
B. I. Jev , C. H. Kaars-Sijpesteijn , M. P. A. M. Peters , N. L. Watts , J. T. Wilkie
AAPG Bulletin
...] Combined schematic cross section and pressure profile of the Akaso G reservoirs of the Akaso A block. The fault plane additionally corresponds...
Comment on Article by R. S. Yeats on Low-Shake Faults of the Ventura Basin, California
A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki, R. F. Yerkes
Pacific Section SEPM
... that these features are due to monoclinal warping of a relatively thin layer of late Pleistocene alluvium over a discrete fault plane or fault zone at depth...
Geophysical Mapping of the Hockley Fault in Northwestern Houston and Recent Surface Observations
Mustafa Saribudak
GCAGS Transactions
... profile (L1) were performed. Figure 3. Schematic map of Hockley Fault at U.S. Highway 290 and Fairfield Village during the data collection of year 2005...
Fault Plane Geomorphology and Structural Analysis of a Middle Eastern Giant Carbonate Oil Field
Search and Discovery.com
4.2 Wrench Fault Tectonics: Wrench Fault, Southeast Asia
P. D'Onfro and P. Glagola
AAPG Special Volumes
... sections A-A' and B-B' illustrate five criteria for identifying a wrench fault on a single seismic profile. The criteria are: (1) presence of "flower...
Geophysical Signature of Haby Crossing Fault and Its Implication on Edwards Recharge Zone, Medina County, Texas
Mustafa Saribudak, Alf Hawkins, Kerlon Saraiva, Jenna Terez, Kim Stoker
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... a profile across the Haby Crossing fault, which is located in south south-east of Medina County, Texas. The fault is located within a new...
Four-dimensional analysis of the Sembo relay system, offshore Angola: Implications for fault growth in salt-detached settings
David M. Dutton, Bruce D. Trudgill
AAPG Bulletin
... stepping out of the plane of propagation at point X. In comparison, the rearward fault (Figure 4B) shows a more significant variation in fault...
Structure of the Western Grand Canyon Region
W. K. Hamblin
Utah Geological Association
... topographic break marks the fault line. The profile of the Grand Wash Cliffs is similar to the profile of one side of the western Grand Canyon. A steep...
New Data on Disjunctive Tectonics of the Left-Bank Area of the Astrakhan Arch Based on Seismic Reflections from Fault Zones
S. D. Karinskiy, S. Yu. Milanovskiy, V. P. Nomokonov, N. N. Panteley, I. S. Pruzhanskiy, K. V. Kavalerov, A. A. Shevchenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... in the left-bank area (northeast of the Volga River) of the Astrakhan arch. a-Intersection of reflecting plane of a fault with a surface at −3500 m...
Evidence for right-oblique-slip on a northern segment of the Big Trails fault system, southern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Alan J. Ver Ploeg, Phillip L. Greer
Montana Geological Society
... in a deep drainage perpendicular to the fault. At this location the fault plane dips 80° to the west giving it a normal profile. Because...
Evidence for Right-Oblique-Slip on a Northern Segment of the Big Trails Fault System, Southern Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming
Alan J. Ver Ploeg, Phillip L. Greer
Wyoming Geological Association
... identified in the fault trace correlate with confining and releasing bends. The trace of the main fault was near vertical in profile. Vertical offset, i.e....
Influence of normal fault growth and linkage on the evolution of a rift basin: A case from the Gaoyou depression of the Subei Basin, eastern China
Yin Liu, Qinghua Chen, Xi Wang, Kai Hu, Shaolei Cao, Lin Wu, and Feng Gao
AAPG Bulletin
... be subdivided into four segments based on its G–d profile: the Shaobo, Fanchuan, Liuwushe, and Liulu segments. Growth rates indicate that the Zhen 1–Wu 1 fault...
Fault interactions and reactivation within a normal-fault network at Milne Point, Alaska
Casey W. Nixon, David J. Sanderson, Stephen J. Dee, Jonathan M. Bull, Robert J. Humphreys, and Mark H. Swanson
AAPG Bulletin
... of an individual west-northwest–trending fault plane (fault 11-KUP) in the KUP horizon with throw contoured onto the fault plane; (B) a throw profile along...
Fault displacement-distance relationships as indicators of contractional fault-related folding style
Amanda N. Hughes, John H. Shaw
AAPG Bulletin
... the displacement-distance profile) because each of the major types of contractional fault-related fold modelsfault bend, shear fault bend, and fault...
Abnormal Pressures in Lower Vicksburg, McAllen Ranch Field, South Texas: ABSTRACT
Robert R. Berg, Mark F. Habeck
AAPG Bulletin
... to an underlying major, listric normal fault and then updip along the fault plane. There is also upward flow from Jackson Shale below the fault. The top...
Structural Styles and Stratigraphic Patterns of Syndepositional Faults in a Contractional Setting: Examples from Quaidam Basin, Northwestern China
Tingguang Song, Xiepei Wang
AAPG Bulletin
... the seismic reflection profile. The fault plane rooting into basement dips about 60°. The interval thicknesses below the lower Pliocene (N