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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Sealing mechanisms in volcanic faulted reservoirs in Xujiaweizi extension, northern Songliao Basin, northeastern China
Bo Liu, Songlin He, Lingdong Meng, Xiaofei Fu, Lei Gong, and Haixue Wang
AAPG Bulletin
... created a series of fault-seal, dual-control reservoirs. The local seals within the Yingcheng Formation consist of mudstone, tight volcanic rock...
Geomechanical Implications on Unconventional Reservoir Fracturing in Saudi Arabia
Safdar Khan, Maksim Oparin, Roberto Tineo, Doug Bentley
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... breakdown pressures or even inability to breakdown which can prevent that part of the well from contributing to the production. There are two approaches...
ABSTRACT Incorporating Stratigraphic Petrophysical and Fault Seal Uncertainties Through the Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Process, #90104 (2010)
Freeman Stephen R.; Harris Simon D.; O'Connor Victoria; Wood Kevin; Grenfell Stephen; Russell Rebecca; Davies Russell K.
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Incorporating Stratigraphic Petrophysical and Fault Seal Uncertainties Through the Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Process, #90104...
ABSTRACT: Fault-seal Prediction in the Gulf of Mexico: Empirical Data
Stephen J. Naruk, Shell Exploration and Production Technology Co.
AAPG Special Volumes
...ABSTRACT: Fault-seal Prediction in the Gulf of Mexico: Empirical Data Stephen J. Naruk, Shell Exploration and Production Technology Co. 2000...
ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Failure - An Explanation for Geological Depletion of Reservoir Pressure, by Swarbrick, Richard E.; O'Connor, Stephen; #90155 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Workflows for Fault Seal Prediction in Siliciclastics and Carbonates; #41821 (2016)
Graham Yielding, Emma Michie, Pete Bretan, Quentin Fisher
Search and Discovery.com
... a seal The fault-zone rock-type depends upon the composition of the faulted sequence, and the burial/temperature history during and after faulting...
Fault Seal Analysis in the Southern Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment, #11187 (2019).
Sanelisiwe Mhlambi, Fritz A. Agbor, Tapas K. Chatterjee, Jan van Bever Donker,
Search and Discovery.com
...Fault Seal Analysis in the Southern Pletmos Basin, Offshore South Africa: Implications for Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment, #11187 (2019...
Toward the Creation of Models to Predict Static and Dynamic Fault Seal Potential in Carbonates
Search and Discovery.com
Geomechanical, microstructural, and petrophysical evolution in experimentally reactivated cataclasites: Applications to fault seal prediction: Reply
David N. Dewhurst, Richard M. Jones
AAPG Bulletin
.... Schuster, 2000, Trap integrity in the Laminaria High-Nancar Trough region, Timor Sea: Prediction of fault seal failure: Australian Petroleum Production...
Introduction to AAPG Bulletin thematic issue on fault seals
Russell K. Davies, James W. Handschy
AAPG Bulletin
..., remains a large uncertainty in hydrocarbon exploration and production. The series of articles in this Bulletin addresses fault-seal concepts, methods...
Introduction to AAPG Bulletin thematic issue on fault seals
Russell K. Davies, James W. Handschy
AAPG Bulletin
..., remains a large uncertainty in hydrocarbon exploration and production. The series of articles in this Bulletin addresses fault-seal concepts, methods...
Abstract: Application of a Naive Bayesian Model in Predicting Fault Seal;
Wang Qiaochu, Chen Dongxia, Wang Yu, Wang Fuwei
Search and Discovery.com
... density of microfracture and content of carbonate cements were dominant factors for fault seal in Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. During the machine...
ABSTRACT The Impact of Hydrodynamics on CO2 Migration and Sealing Capacity of Faults, #90103 (2010)
Karsten Michael, James R. Underschultz
Search and Discovery.com
... of hydrodynamics on fault seal capacity has been largely neglected in the scientific literature but is the main focus of this study. Underschultz (2007) has...
ABSTRACT: Assessment of Prospect Compartmentalization and Its Impact Upon Valuing Exploration Opportunities; #90061 (2006)
Gavin Lewis, Rob Knipe, Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, Paul Bradbury, and Bader Al Busafi
Search and Discovery.com
... during early production. This talk will illustrate a workflow for the assessment of intrareservoir seal risk remote from well control and will discuss...
ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Controls On Gas Column Heights, Offshore Netherlands, Southern North Sea, by Tabor, John R., Jay P. Busch, William F. Dula, Stephen J. Naruk; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Fault-Seal Evaluation in Exploration and Production Environments, by Graham Yielding, Pete Bretan, and Gary Marsden; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Three-Dimensional Seismic Interpretation and Fault Sealing Investigations, Nun River Field, Nigeria
J. D. Bouvier , C. H. Kaars-Sijpesteijn , D. F. Kluesner , C. C. Onyejekwe , R. C. Van Der Pal
AAPG Bulletin
.... 17. Fault seal and nonseal: (1) dragging of ductile clays into fault plane during faulting creates clay seal between two sandstones (A and B); (2...
Abstract: Fault Sealing Processes at Ceiba Field, Offshore West Africa, by Goode, Joseph; Clechenko, Cory; Dula, William F.; Kilsdonk, Bill; Mondziel, Steven; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Hydrocarbon retention in clastic reservoirs of NW Borneo - Examples of hydrocarbon trap, reservoir, seal and implications on hydrocarbon column length
Franz L Kessler
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... columns tend to be longer in clay prone environments (sand to clay juxtaposition is here more likely; and a better fault seal due to good SGRs...
Fault Compartmentalization in a Mature Clastic Reservoir: An Example from Elk Hills Field, California; #40907 (2012)
Alan P. Morris, Kevin Smart, David A. Ferrill, Nathaniel Reish, and Peter F. Cowell
Search and Discovery.com
... faults that contribute to permeability reduction - important at production, but not trap formation, time scales. Fault Seal Behavior A major cause...
Top Seal Bypass Risk along the Southern Flank of the Gippsland Basin, South-eastern Australia, #50750 (2012)
N. Bozkurt Çiftçi, Laurent Langhi, Dariush Nadri, Julian Strand, Louise Goldie-Divko, John Miranda, Peter Tingate
Search and Discovery.com
... and seepage indicators in the basin. Quantifying fault seal potential along the southern flank of the Gippsland Basin, Australia N. Bozkurt Çiftçi...
FAST: A New Technique for Geomechanical Assessment of the Risk of Reactivation-related Breach of Fault Seals
Scott D. Mildren, Richard R. Hillis, Paul J. Lyon, Jeremy J. Meyer, David N. Dewhurst, Peter J. Boult
AAPG Special Volumes
... seal failure using well-constrained stress tensors and fault surfaces interpreted: Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Journal, v...
Early Delineation of Productive Areas in Unconventional Plays Using Uplift Intensity- a Utica Example
Akash Singh, Antoine Bertoncello, Frederic Brigaud, David Foulon
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-existing seal integrity is poor or is damaged by fracturation during uplift. The overpressure is not preserved over geological time impacting...
Iagifu 3X/8X Toro Block Reservoir Performance Evaluation - Case Study
S. A. Azizi-Yarand, J. E. Livingston
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... a possible seal breakdown between the lagifu anticline Digimu aquifer and the lagifu 3X/8X Block Toro. An Allan fault plane map was constructed along...
Significance of Fault Seal from Exploration to Field Development – Geomechanical Perspective
Search and Discovery.com