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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Quantifying the Impact of Fault Modeling Parameters on Production Forecasting for Clastic Reservoirs
Guillaume Lescoffit, Chris Townsend
AAPG Special Volumes
...Quantifying the Impact of Fault Modeling Parameters on Production Forecasting for Clastic Reservoirs Guillaume Lescoffit, Chris Townsend 2005 137 149...
A Regional Analysis of Fault Reactivation and Seal Integrity Based on Geomechanical Modeling: An Example from the Bight Basin, Australia
S. D. Reynolds, E. Paraschivoiu, R. R. Hillis, G. W. O'Brien
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Prediction of fault seal failure using well-constrained stress tensors and fault surfaces interpreted from 3D seismic: Australian Petroleum Production...
Fortescue Field--An Unconformity Trap in the Gippsland Basin, Australia
R. C. N. Thornton, B. J. Burns, A. K. Khurana, A. J. Rigg
AAPG Special Volumes
... a breakdown in the FM-1.4 seal somewhere off the flank of the structure in the aquifer. PETROLEUM GEOCHEMISTRY The use of geochemistry for oil-to-oil...
Fault Seal Analysis Application in Carbonate Rock Sequences: Issues and Solution
Benyamin Sapiie, Perdana Rakhmana Putra, Indra Gunawan, Luthi Nurul Hidayah Saifudin, Febriana Fiona Rizky
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to be done, particularly with deep core data. Fault seal analysis (FSA) is a crucial component of hydrocarbon exploration, production, and reservoir...
Productive Horizons of the Upper Cretaceous Sediments of the Sythian Zone of the Carpathians
G. F. Geletiy, M. I. Shebchuk, M. M. Chayka
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of the Opakov plate of the Orov thrust sheet (a), and profile geologic section (b) 1-Deep exploration and production wells; 2-earlier wells; 3,4-wells...
An Integrated Fault Seal Study of the Hebron/Ben Nevis and Terra Nova Oilfields, Offshore Newfoundland
Michael E. Rees, Deborah A. Spratt
CSPG Special Publications
...An Integrated Fault Seal Study of the Hebron/Ben Nevis and Terra Nova Oilfields, Offshore Newfoundland Michael E. Rees, Deborah A. Spratt 2001 275...
Clay Mineralogy and Depositional History of the Frio Formation in Two Geopressured Wells, Brazoria County, Texas
Robert L. Freed
GCAGS Transactions
.../S during deposition. Potassium feldspar provides K+ for the smectite to illite transformation. The breakdown of potassium feldspar also results...
Geomechanical Modelling, Fracture Permeability Analysis and Fault Stability Assessment for a Fractured Basement Field, Offshore Viet Nam
Adrian White, David Castillo, Sanjay Thakur
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is currently active or has the potential to become active during production and/or injection. If the faults are currently active then the associated fault...
Modeling and Validation of Fluid Flow-Geomechanics of Mauddud Reservoir in Sabriya Field; #41052 (2012)
I. Hossam, P. Ashok, K. Rajive, J. Al-Kandari, M. Yaser, A. Mohamad-Hussein, K. Khaqan, D. Press, G. Xi, K. Lee, and C. Tan
Search and Discovery.com
... to change as in-situ effective stresses change with pore pressure change during injection and production. By analyzing the effective normal and shear...
Unravelling the Complex Structural History of the Penola Trough - Revealing the St George Fault
P. Boult, P. Lyon, B. Camac, S. Hunt, H. Zwingmann
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... interacted with the obliquely trending NNW–SSE ‘St George’ fault set during the Hauterivian–Berremian, they created the three-way-dip fault-bound trap...
Structural traps and seals for expanding CO2 storage in the northern Horda platform, North Sea
Johnathon L. Osmond, Mark J. Mulrooney, Nora Holden, Elin Skurtveit, Jan Inge Faleide, and Alvar Braathen
AAPG Bulletin
..., but apparent across-fault pressure differentials and shale gouge ratio values >0.15 correlate, suggesting fault rock membrane seal presence. Aquifer...
Characterizing Seal Bypass Systems at the Rock Springs Uplift, Southwest Wyoming Using Seismic Attribute Analysis, #80483 (2015).
Yuri Ganshin, Fred McLaughlin
Search and Discovery.com
... at the study site though some were associated with seal bypass systems. Additional unknowns include compartmentalization of the reservoirs along fault...
Degradation of a footwall fault block with hanging-wall fault propagation in a continental-lacustrine setting: How a new structural model impacted field development plans, the Sirikit field, Thailand
Christopher K. Morley, Yarick Ionnikoff, Nantavan Pinyochon, Krongpol Seusutthiya
AAPG Bulletin
..., 2007, Fault superimposition and linkage resulting from stress changes during rifting: Examples from 3D seismic data, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand...
The Birkhead-Hutton(!) Petroleum System of the Gidgealpa Area, Eromanga Basin, Australia
Peter J. Boult, Melanie J. Ryan, Bernd H. Michaelsen, David M. McKirdy, Peter R. Tingate, Elio Lanzilli, Meshack L. N. Kagya
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., 1996, An investigation of reservoir/seal couplets in the Eromanga Basin; implications for petroleum entrapment and production. Development...
Abstract: Faulting: Leak or Seal for Petroleum Accumulations? by Marlan W. Downey; #90943 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
The Petroleum Potential of the Peedamullah Shelf
E. Delfos, R. Dedman
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of the Peedamullah Shelf during the Jurassic, sediments of this age are absent. However, tilted fault blocks appear to be draped E. Delfos and R. Dedman...
Distinct-element Stress Modeling in the Penola Trough, Otway Basin, South Australia
Suzanne P. Hunt, Peter J. Boult
AAPG Special Volumes
..., 3-D fault modelling and assessment of top seal structural permeabilityPenola Trough Onshore, Otway Basin: Australian Petroleum Production...
Interpretation of Footwall (Lowside) Fault Traps Sealed by Reverse Faults and Convergent Wrench Faults
T. P. Harding, A. C. Tuminas
AAPG Bulletin
... of the footwall block as a consequence of block-edge folding, fault drag, and shortening transverse to fault strike. Effective fault seal and longitudinal...
Fashing Field: Atascosa-Karnes Counties
Robert Keahey
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... program been conducted. Figure 6 lists a breakdown of the average daily production from the “A” and “B” zones of the Edwards at Fashing Field. Figure 6...
Abstract: Fault Seal Quantitative Assessment in Hydrocarbon-Compartmentalized Structures Using Fluid Pressure Data, by Dominique Grauls, Thierry Rives, and Frederic Pascaud; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Geoscience and 4D Technology Defines Reservoir Compartments to Extend Production Life of the Ravva Field, K-G Basin, India, #20186 (2012)
Ray McClenaghan, Kausik Saika, Susanta Mishra, Challapalli Rao, Kondal Reddy, Menal Gupta, Joel Guttormsen, Sivasankar Joysula, Stuart D Burley
Search and Discovery.com
... saturation levels. Fault Mapping and Fault Seal Analysis The HD3D seismic volume was instrumental in detailed 3D mapping of faults in the Ravva Field and has...
Abstract: 4D Geomechanical Study Helps Drilling Operations in North Kuwait Giant Reservoirs; #90254 (2016)
Safaa M. Marie, Shaikh A. Azim, Hossam Ibrahim, Ali Nasar Khan, Lamya A. AbouQammaz, Assef M. Hussein, Robert Newman, Magdalena Povstyanova, Kwang-Ho Lee
Search and Discovery.com
..., Schlumberger, Bracknell, UNITED KINGDOM ABSTRACT North Kuwait has had mature giant reservoirs on production for the last six decades. The reservoirs...
Fault facies and its application to sandstone reservoirs
Alvar Braathen, Jan Tveranger, Haakon Fossen, Tore Skar, Nestor Cardozo, S. E. Semshaug, Eivind Bastesen, Einar Sverdrup
AAPG Bulletin
... in fault zone structure and implications for fault seal prediction: Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publication 7, p. 6172.Childs, C., T. Manzocchi, J. J...
Fault Zone Deformation and Fluid History in Mechanically Layered Eagle Ford Formation and Austin Chalk
Search and Discovery.com