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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,273 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Cilicia Basin: imaging of salt tectonics in a sedimentary basin in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Brian D. Rex

Atlantic Geology

... reflection data acquired in 1992 by researchers from MUN in a joint effort with the institute ofMarine Sciences of Doluz Eylul University, Izmir...


An Example of the Use of Satellite Image Analysis and Digital Data Integration in Exploration for Hydrocarbons in West Texas

R. L. Borger

West Texas Geological Society

... features can be of assistance in the interpretation of both well data and seismic data. Gravity and aeromagnetic data can be integrated into the data...


Abstract: Basement Structure of the Gulf Coast: Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies Supported with Structural, Magnetic, and Seismic Data

Gary L. Kinsland

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Basement Structure of the Gulf Coast: Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies Supported with Structural, Magnetic, and Seismic Data Gary L...


Use of Gravity Meter in Search for Stratigraphic Traps: Geologic Exploration Methods

Craig Ferris

AAPG Special Volumes

..." and "filtered" gravity data. Betterthan-average gravity data are a prerequisite to finding subsurface microstructures such as those at Denmark and Wapella East...


A New Exploration Frontier

Kenneth W. Mohn, Fugro Multi Client Services

GEO ExPro Magazine

... for the survey. A regional interpretation of existing potential field data was created to assist with the regional basin model. Processing Challenges...


The Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies

E. V. McCollum

Tulsa Geological Society

.... Quantitative interpretation is not generally possible on the basis of gravity information alone; therefore, gravity data must be augmented by other...


Abstract: Sensing Seismic Signal in OBN without Equipment Artefacts with the 3rd Generation of MEMS; #91204 (2023)

Nicolas Tellier, Stephane Laroche, Philippe Herrmann

Search and

..., and the harmonic distortion (-90 dB) is much lower than that of geophones (-62 dB). As individual MEMS can detect the gravity vector, the integration...


Airborne gravity gradiometry: A case study for integrated interpretation from the Upper Assam Basin in Northeast India

Subrata Singha, Pawan Kumar Singh, Anup Kumar, Koustav Dasgupta

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

..., gravity, and magnetic (AGG & GM) data for further interpretation. Processing includes standard levelling, corrections, noise reduction...


Enhancing Seismic Interpretation Using Crosswell Seismic: Case Study From Indonesia

Tri Handayani, Zeppy Irwanzah, M. Taslim, Sanjeev Dogra, Ajay Nalonnil, Bruce Marion, Pedro Carrillo Reyes

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... acquisition time as well as to acquire shear data. The direct shear source capability and the use of 3component receivers also enabled the processing of shear...


Transform Faulting—An Unseen Problem to Resource Plays

Bruce J. Martin, Trevor Brooks

GCAGS Transactions

... information. Traditional geophysical techniques, such as magnetic and gravity data interpretation, are now under appreciated and thus have become...


The Gravity Field of Borneo and Its Region

John Milsom

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... interest, but comparisons with shipborne data have shown, in many cases, an impressive degree of agreement. Free-air gravity Most processing of satellite...


Abstract: Interpretation and Modeling of Time-Lapse Seismic Data: Lena Field, Gulf of Mexico

D. H. Johnston, J. J. Shyeh, J. E. Eastwood, ] M. Khan, and L. R. Stanley

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... resulting from gravity. By 1995, most down-structure wells had watered out and many producers had high GOR production. Seismic Data A preproduction 3D...


Australia: New Imaging of the Vulcan Sub-basin

Tony Pedley, Richard Palmer, Polarcus, Spectrum

GEO ExPro Magazine

.... Historically, sub-optimal acquisition and processing strategies of the legacy data across the basin have not been able to address the geological...


Base of Salt Determination Utilizing Full Tensor Gradient Data

Gary W. Coburn

GCAGS Transactions

... subsequent processing flows, including pre-stack depth migrations. Conventional gravity data, while useful in determining the configuration of the deeper...


Exploiting non-uniqueness: Improving inversion results by post-processing

James Brewster

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... will be demonstrated by application to the inversion of airborne gravity gradiometry data THEORY Spherical Convolution Gauss’s law states that the total...


Integrated Analysis of Gravity and Magnetic Data in the Upper Assam Shelf and Adjoining Schupen Belt Area - A Critical Review, #30228 (2012)

D. Saha

Search and

...Integrated Analysis of Gravity and Magnetic Data in the Upper Assam Shelf and Adjoining Schupen Belt Area - A Critical Review, #30228 (2012) D. Saha...


Abstract: A New Tertiary Tectonic Compilation for Western and Central South East Asia and Revamped Basin Prospectivity Analysis

Ian Somerton

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

.... We begin by reprocessing and interpreting comprehensive, high-resolution satellite gravity data using techniques proven by GETECH in the Gulf of Mexico...


Integrated Geological Interpretation Using Seismic and Non-seismic Methods for Hydrocarbon Exploration: a case Study in NELP-VI block in Mizoram, India, #50583 (2012)

G. K. Ghosh, K. L. Mandal, A. K. Khanna, S. N. Singh

Search and

... of the study area is shown in Figure 1. The combination of geochemical, geological, gravity and aeromagnetic data information along with other geoscientific...


Abstract: Gravity Study of a Sinkhole in the Permian Basin

E. Gerald “Jerry” Hensel and Greg Minnery

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...-resolution gravity survey, °Gal level, was conducted over the area of the seismic anomaly. Gravity data along two profiles over a surface sinkhole...


Gravity Studies of the Victoria Land Basin and Iselin Bank

F. J. Davey, A. K. Cooper

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... in obtaining the gravity data, and J. Ivory and K. Fenaughty for assistance in data processing and collation. REFERENCES CITED Bennett, D. J., and B...


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