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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,489 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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Abstract: Gulf Coastal Plain Marker Fossils in the Revised Miliolidae

Harold V. Andersen

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Gulf Coastal Plain Marker Fossils in the Revised Miliolidae Harold V. Andersen 1997 Vol. 47 (1997), The foraminiferal family Miliolidae...


Abstract: Was a long-lived mantle plume associated with Iapetus opening in Laurentia?

Joseph P. Hodych

Atlantic Geology

...? Joseph P. Hodych Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University, St. John’s NL, Canada A1C 3X5. Harold Williams and co-workers showed that the Humber...


Natural Resources Section in Japan and Korea: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Thomas A. Hendricks

AAPG Bulletin

..., is chief of the Library and Production Division of the Section, and is assisted by Capt. HAROLD H. HAWKINS, who left the National Park Service for the Army...


Geology of West Edison Oil Field, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT

Harold H. Sullwold, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

...Geology of West Edison Oil Field, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT Harold H. Sullwold, Jr. 1953 186 186 37 1. (January) The West Edison oil field...


Omission and Repetition by Faulting.: ABSTRACT

Harold H. Sullwold, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

...Omission and Repetition by Faulting.: ABSTRACT Harold H. Sullwold, Jr. 1953 2775 2775 37 12. (December) Misleading statements are commonly seen...


Castaic Hills Field: ABSTRACT

Harold Stark

AAPG Bulletin

...Castaic Hills Field: ABSTRACT Harold Stark 1955 139 139 39 1. (January) The Castaic Hills field is located about 40 miles north of Los Angeles...


Silurian of Great Basin: ABSTRACT

Roy Harold Waite

AAPG Bulletin

...Silurian of Great Basin: ABSTRACT Roy Harold Waite 1957 354 355 41 2. (February) The Silurian rocks in the Great Basin can be assigned to two...


Oil Creek Field, San Mateo County, California: ABSTRACT

Harold L. Fothergill

AAPG Bulletin

...Oil Creek Field, San Mateo County, California: ABSTRACT Harold L. Fothergill 1958 216 217 42 1. (January) The Oil Creek field is in the southeast...


Geological Research Developments: ABSTRACT

Harold N. Fisk

AAPG Bulletin

...Geological Research Developments: ABSTRACT Harold N. Fisk 1959 1769 1769 43 7. (July) Research activities yielding information applicable...


Bar-Finger Sands of Mississippi Delta: ABSTRACT

Harold N. Fisk

AAPG Bulletin

...Bar-Finger Sands of Mississippi Delta: ABSTRACT Harold N. Fisk 1960 1249 1249 44 7. (July) Elongate, lenticular sand bodies, termed bar fingers...


Florida-Bahama Platform: ABSTRACT

Harold Owens

AAPG Bulletin

...Florida-Bahama Platform: ABSTRACT Harold Owens 1960 1254 1254 44 7. (July) The emerged and submerged Florida-Bahama platform covers 200,000 square...


Florida-Bahama Platform: ABSTRACT

Harold Owens

AAPG Bulletin

...Florida-Bahama Platform: ABSTRACT Harold Owens 1960 1602 1602 44 9. (September) The Florida-Bahama platform covers 200,000 square miles, encompassing...


Pottsville Gas Area of Hamilton and Comanche Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT

Harold C. Beaird

AAPG Bulletin

...Pottsville Gas Area of Hamilton and Comanche Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT Harold C. Beaird 1961 124 124 45 1. (January) The Pottsville Gas Area...


Permian Fusulinids in Eastern Nevada--Paleoecologic Implications: ABSTRACT

Harold J. Bissell

AAPG Bulletin

...Permian Fusulinids in Eastern Nevada--Paleoecologic Implications: ABSTRACT Harold J. Bissell 1962 261 261 46 2. (February) Field and laboratory...


Origin of Late Paleozoic Cyclothems: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

AAPG Bulletin

...Origin of Late Paleozoic Cyclothems: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless 1963 375 375 47 2. (February) Cyclic sedimentary sequences of similar origin...


Deep Pays in Delaware-Val Verde Basins: ABSTRACT

Harold J. Holmquest

AAPG Bulletin

...Deep Pays in Delaware-Val Verde Basins: ABSTRACT Harold J. Holmquest 1963 2074 2074 47 12. (December) The Delaware-Val Verde Basins are a continuous...


Lunar Stratigraphy and Sedimentation--Post-Ranger View: ABSTRACT

Harold Masursky

AAPG Bulletin

...Lunar Stratigraphy and Sedimentation--Post-Ranger View: ABSTRACT Harold Masursky 1966 626 626 50 3. (March) The completion of the preliminary...


Authigenic Silicates in Marine Spencer Formation at Corvallis, Oregon: ABSTRACT

Harold E. Enlows, Keith F. Oles

AAPG Bulletin

...Authigenic Silicates in Marine Spencer Formation at Corvallis, Oregon: ABSTRACT Harold E. Enlows, Keith F. Oles 1966 647 647 50 3. (March) Segments...


Thermodynamic and Geochemical Characteristics of Salton Sea Geothermal System: ABSTRACT

Harold C. Helgeson

AAPG Bulletin

...Thermodynamic and Geochemical Characteristics of Salton Sea Geothermal System: ABSTRACT Harold C. Helgeson 1968 563 563 52 3. (March) The Salton Sea...


Sedimentary Structure Zonation on Tidal Levees, Andros Island, Bahamas: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

AAPG Bulletin

...Sedimentary Structure Zonation on Tidal Levees, Andros Island, Bahamas: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless 1969 748 748 53 3. (March) The natural levees...


Influence of Preexisting Bedrock Topography on Bars of "Lime" Mud and Sand, Biscayne Bay, Florida: ABSTRACT

Harold R. Wanless

AAPG Bulletin

...Influence of Preexisting Bedrock Topography on Bars of "Lime" Mud and Sand, Biscayne Bay, Florida: ABSTRACT Harold R. Wanless 1970 875 875 54 5. (May...


Data Collection and Processing Techniques for Increased Significance of Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: ABSTRACT

Jerald Alliger, Vernon N. Jackson, Harold C. McIlrath

AAPG Bulletin

..., Harold C. McIlrath 1973 766 766 57 4. (April) Although relations between radioactive elements and both mineral deposits and petroleum accumulations...


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