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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,489 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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Eastern Kansas: Guidebook, 21st Field Conference

John Mark Jewett, Grace Muilenburg

Kansas Geological Society

... Midcontinent Coal Basins, Harold R. Wanless 85   Oklahoma Facies of Kansas Formations, Carl C. Branson 92   Lithologic Variation in Exposed Upper...


Abstract: Foraminiferal Faunules from the Mudlumps

Harold V. Andersen

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Foraminiferal Faunules from the Mudlumps Harold V. Andersen 1957 Vol. 7 (1957), Clays and silts from the mudlumps off the mouths...



Zoltan de Cserna, Carl Fries Jr., Cesar Rincon-Orta, Harold Westley, Jose Solorio-Munguia, Eduardo Schmitter-Villada

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

..., Carl Fries Jr., Cesar Rincon-Orta, Harold Westley, Jose Solorio-Munguia, Eduardo Schmitter-Villada Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos...


Front Matter

Edward S. Slagle

New Orleans Geological Society

.... Among the many other individuals who have helped in various ways with this project the author would especially like to thank Harold Banks; Barbara...


Anomalous Brine Maps Yield Rapid Prospect Leads

Harold L. Overton

GCAGS Transactions

...Anomalous Brine Maps Yield Rapid Prospect Leads Harold L. Overton 1974 Vol. 24 (1974), Sediments in predominantly sand-shale basins have abnormally...


The S.E.P.M. Looks Ahead

Harold N. Fisk

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...The S.E.P.M. Looks Ahead Harold N. Fisk 1954 Vol. 24 No. 2. (June), In the quarter century since its organization, the S.E.P.M. has proved its worth...


Sedimentary Environment of Iron Formations

Arthur L. Howland, Harold L. James

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Sedimentary Environment of Iron Formations Arthur L. Howland, Harold L. James 1955 Vol. 25 No. 2. (June), Sedimentary iron formations, containing...


Stratigraphy and Structure of Northeastern Strawberry Valley Quadrangle, Utah: ABSTRACT

Harold J. Bissell

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphy and Structure of Northeastern Strawberry Valley Quadrangle, Utah: ABSTRACT Harold J. Bissell 1951 1109 1109 35 5. (May) The Northeastern...


Cascade Oil Field, Los Angeles County, California: ABSTRACT

George H. Roth, Harold H. Sullwold, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

...Cascade Oil Field, Los Angeles County, California: ABSTRACT George H. Roth, Harold H. Sullwold, Jr. 1958 218 218 42 1. (January) The Cascade oil...


Research and the Petroleum Industry: ABSTRACT

Harold Gershinowitz

AAPG Bulletin

...Research and the Petroleum Industry: ABSTRACT Harold Gershinowitz 1963 357 357 47 2. (February) If research were to be considered as an industry...


Differentiation of Late Mississippian--Early Pennsylvanian Pentremites: ABSTRACT

Harold H. Beaver

AAPG Bulletin

...Differentiation of Late Mississippian--Early Pennsylvanian Pentremites: ABSTRACT Harold H. Beaver 1964 517 518 48 4. (April) Blastoids were virtually...


Pelahatchie Field--Mississippi Giant?: ABSTRACT

Harold E. Karges

AAPG Bulletin

...Pelahatchie Field--Mississippi Giant?: ABSTRACT Harold E. Karges 1968 1832 1832 52 9. (September) Pelahatchie field in Rankin County, central...


Salinity Variations and Anomalies in Marine Sandstone: ABSTRACT

Harold L. Overton

AAPG Bulletin

...Salinity Variations and Anomalies in Marine Sandstone: ABSTRACT Harold L. Overton 1970 863 863 54 5. (May) The writer has developed a new indicator...


Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential of Minnelusa Group, Western North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Harold C. Ziebarth

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential of Minnelusa Group, Western North Dakota: ABSTRACT Harold C. Ziebarth 1971 544 545 55 3. (March) The Minnelusa...


Mars Geologic History and Processes: ABSTRACT

Harold Masursky

AAPG Bulletin

...Mars Geologic History and Processes: ABSTRACT Harold Masursky 1973 1843 1843 57 9. (September) The year-long observations of Mars by Mariner 9...


Thailand Gas Project--A Cooperative Effort of World Bank, Government of Thailand, and Private Enterprise: ABSTRACT

Philippe Bourcier, Harold M. Lian

AAPG Bulletin

...Thailand Gas Project--A Cooperative Effort of World Bank, Government of Thailand, and Private Enterprise: ABSTRACT Philippe Bourcier, Harold M. Lian...


Seasonal Growth Rates and Carbonate Production in Halimeda opuntia at Marquesas Keys, Florida: ABSTRACT

J. Harold Hudson

AAPG Bulletin

...Seasonal Growth Rates and Carbonate Production in Halimeda opuntia at Marquesas Keys, Florida: ABSTRACT J. Harold Hudson 1984 489 489 68 4. (April...


Deep-Basin Lignite in Northwest Louisiana: ABSTRACT

Harold D. Nilsson

AAPG Bulletin

...Deep-Basin Lignite in Northwest Louisiana: ABSTRACT Harold D. Nilsson 1984 1217 1218 68 9. (September) Analysis of more than 2,000 electric logs has...


Improving Interpretation of SAR Imagery for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development in Gulf Coast by Modifying Data Acquisition Conditions: Three Case Histories: ABSTRACT

Allen M. Feder, Harold R. Huth

AAPG Bulletin

... Case Histories: ABSTRACT Allen M. Feder, Harold R. Huth 1985 1420 1420 69 9. (September) A comparison of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) parameters...


ABSTRACT: The cleaning potential evaluation of coal resources: A case study from three general exploration areas, Shanxi province, China

Yuegang Tang, Xiaoshuai Wang, Harold H. Schobert, Cortland F. Eble, Chengwei Yang, Yufei Su, Kai Ye, Qingshun Cao, Guohua Liu

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

..., Xiaoshuai Wang, Harold H. Schobert, Cortland F. Eble, Chengwei Yang, Yufei Su, Kai Ye, Qingshun Cao, Guohua Liu ABSTRACTS FOR ORAL PRESENTATIONS...


Memorial: Karl William Reynolds (1894-1970)

Harold T. Morley

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: Karl William Reynolds (1894-1970) Harold T. Morley opment, where he went to work as a geologist for the Mid-Continent Oil Company. However...


Abstract: Dunnage-Gander relations in the Appalachian-Caledonian orogen: evidence for an early Ordovician arc-continent collision

Cees Van Staal, Harold Williams

Atlantic Geology

..., Harold Williams 290 ABs'IltACTS Dunnage-Gander relations In the Appalachlan-Caledonlan orogen: evidence for an early Ordovician arc-continent colllslon...


Memorial: Harold Alvin Gorrell (1924-1985)

C. A. S. Bulmer

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: Harold Alvin Gorrell (1924-1985) C. A. S. Bulmer industrial minerals and subsurface waters, including studies of geothermal potential. His...


Memorial: Virgil Harold Roán (1919-1989)

Robert W. Allen

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: Virgil Harold Roán (1919-1989) Robert W. Allen Cree Oil Company and then became one of the first independent well-site geologists. He...


Abstract: Appalachian reminiscenses

Harold Williams

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Appalachian reminiscenses Harold Williams atlantic geology . volume 43 . 2007 85 Appalachian reminiscenses Harold Williams Department...


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