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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 36,888 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Using Granular Hydrocarbon Profiling to Augment Reservoir Understandings of Hydrocarbon Sources, Seals, Porosity, Water Saturation and Lateral Placement: an Eagle Ford Case Study; #90239 (2015)

Rick Schrynemeekers

Search and

... and Lateral Placement: an Eagle Ford Case Study; #90239 (2015) Rick Schrynemeekers AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90239 © 2015 AAPG Education...


Old Electric Logs: An Interpretation and Analysis Workshop

Willard J. (Bill) Guy


... Normal Log Long Normal Log Lateral Log INDEX • • • • • • • • • Permeability From Resistivity Logs Self Potential Log Gamma Ray Log Neutron Log...


Cross Correlation of Wire Line Data and SEM Based Mineralogical and Textural Vertical Well Data: A New Tool for Intelligent Completion Designs and Better Production Predictions.

Mark Mulkern, Chad Cunningham, Chi V. Ly, Graham Spence, Guy Oliver, John K. Flavin, Charlie Jackson, Sergio Centurion

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the reservoir to maximize hydrocarbon recovery while also reducing the overall cost. Currently, there is a lack of low cost and risk data on lateral wells...


Additional Applications on Determining Optimal Lateral Lengths and Trajectories on University Lands Delaware Basin

Yogashri U. Pradhan, Hongjie Xiong

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Additional Applications on Determining Optimal Lateral Lengths and Trajectories on University Lands Delaware Basin Yogashri U. Pradhan, Hongjie...


Multilaterals: An Unconventional Approach to Unconventional Reservoirs

David Wilcox, Stefano Cappiello, Mauricio Sevilla, Eric Shafer, Greg Gill, Ian Kress, Nestor Sanchez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... is at a premium. This paper reviews a field trial of MLT in an onshore unconventional reservoir where hydraulic fracture stimulation of each lateral...


Deformation along oblique and lateral ramps in listric normal faults: Insights from experimental models

Shamik Bose, Shankar Mitra

AAPG Bulletin

...Deformation along oblique and lateral ramps in listric normal faults: Insights from experimental models Shamik Bose, Shankar Mitra 2009 431 451 93 4...


Petrophysical Analysis of “Old” Well Logs in the Phillips Petroleum Company Austin #1 in the Austin Upper Mississippian Field Lea County, New Mexico

G. B. Asquith, Dean C. Hamilton

West Texas Geological Society

..., a very complete logging suite was run which consists of: 1) 18’8” Lateral, 2) 10” Short Normal, 3) SP, 4) 32” Limestone Lateral, 5) Microlog, and 6...


Improved Methods of Geophysical Investigation of Carbonate Sediments of the Volga-Ural Region

V. G. Dvoretskiy, N. G. Nesterenko, A. V. Ruchkin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... 651 657 Vol. 7 (1963) No. 11. (November) 1. Chukin, V. T., 1959, Lateral logging: Priklad, Geofiz., no. 21. 2. Gulin, Yu. A., Semenov, Ye. V...


Geometric Analyses and Balanced Cross Sections of the Arbuckle Mountains and Washita Valley Fault

Stephen J. Naruk Bellare

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... . The Arbuckle Mountains, Washita Valley Fault and Ardmore Basin, have long been considered definitive examples of left-lateral wrench tectonics. Although...


Subsurface Structure of a 400-Km-Long Segment of the Oca-Ancon Right-Lateral Fault Zone from the Offshore Margin of Colombia to the Falcon Basin of Venezuela: Abstract

Paul Mann

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...Subsurface Structure of a 400-Km-Long Segment of the Oca-Ancon Right-Lateral Fault Zone from the Offshore Margin of Colombia to the Falcon Basin...


The Classification of Faults

Stuart K. Clark

Tulsa Geological Society

... involved is proposed. The types recognized are: Normal diagonal shears Reverse diagonal shears Horizontal faults Tension faults Lateral shears...


ABSTRACT: Model Presentation for Displacements Between Western North America, Eastern Eurasia, and Adjacent Oceanic Plates for the Past 180 Million Years

David Engebretson

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... lateral oblique subduction with respect to North America. In contrast, the Farallon plate swept from west to east across the basin and allowed...


Abstracts: The Whirlpool Sandstone

Otto Gietz

CSPG Bulletin

.... This is an attempt to show the direction of origin of the detrital materials of the Whirlpool Sandstone by a study of the lateral variation of its grain size along...


Abstract: Origin of Reservoir Compartmentalization in Lower Ordovician Karstic Dolostones, Ellenburger Group, West Texas

Charles Kerans

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... demonstrates that most Ellenburger reservoirs are characterized by pronounced vertical and lateral heterogeneities created by post-Ellenburger karst...


Use of Variograms to Quantify Distribution of Barriers to Flow in Incised Valley-Fill Newcastle Sandstone, Wyoming: Abstract

Ekrem Kasap, Roderick W. Tillman

Tulsa Geological Society

... Shales which underlies and is lateral to the Newcastle sandstone forms lateral and bottom seals. We concurrently measured the permeabilities...


Abstract: Tectonic Boundaries of the Eastern Gulf Coast of North America

Clifford Leonard, Jr., Robert R. Phillips, Sr.

GCAGS Transactions

... part of an ancient passive continental margin developed during the late Precambrian. The southern downthrown block in deformed by left-lateral...


Subsurface Strata between Base of Osage Group and Top of Devonian Limestone in Illinois: ABSTRACT

L. E. Workman, I. T. Sehwade

AAPG Bulletin

... studies, is described. A series of isopach maps and cross sections shows the lateral variations in thicknesses of the entire group of sediments and also...


Abstract: Reversal of Wrench Movement at the West-Central Margin of the Malay Basin (Poster 4)

Liew Kit Kong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... Kelang Right lateral wrench movement could have occurred on the west-central margin of the Malay Basin as early as Jura-Cretaceous and continued till pre...


Abstract: Production Testing of Timmy Gas Field Begins

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... well has been placed on pump after the two lateral wells Timmy 2 and 3 w here flushed, cleaned and a new pump installed in Timmy- 1. Molopo Managing D...


Abstract: Regional North-South Terengganu Faults: Besut, Kampung Buluh and Ping-Teris

H. D. Tjia

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...: Besut fault zone, Kampung Buluh fault belt, and Ping-Teris fault zone are strike-slip faults. Lateral displacements on the first two mentioned had been...



Derrell A. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

..., p. 369, should read: "The fault is non-sealing to lateral migration because there is a continuous phase of hydrocarbons between the fault blocks...


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