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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Magnetic Investigations in the Delaware Basin
Nelson C. Steenland
West Texas Geological Society
.... The discovery well is shown. The nose is a direct reflection of local basement structure. The small, erratic variations of the contours are generated by shallow...
A Gravity and Magnetic Survey of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado and New Mexico
Michael W. Webring, Gerda A. Abrams
Utah Geological Association
... variations in depth generates the magnetic anomaly between x-coordinates of 40 and 70 km. Beyond 70 km lies the Hogback Monocline and the San Juan Basin, where...
Aeromagnetic Evidence and Geologic Structure, Northern Olympic Peninsula and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
Robert D. Brown, Jr. , William F. Hanna
AAPG Bulletin
... in the local magnetic effects produced by the conflicting structural models. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC RELATIONS Basaltic pillow lava, flow breccia, minor sedimentary...
An AI approach to using magnetic gradient tensor analysis for quick depth and property estimation
David A. Pratt, K. Blair McKenzie, Anthony S. White
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... The field components are calculated by Fourier transformation of the total magnetic intensity grid and assume that the local regional has been removed...
Magnetic susceptibility mapping: applications for the Meguma Group, central Nova Scotia
M. S. King
Atlantic Geology
... with stratigraphic variations at both local and regional scales. Magnetic susceptibility data also dem onstrate a quantitative relationship between the amount...
Basement Tectonic Controls on Structural Style of the Laramide Thrust Belt Interpreted from Gravity and Magnetic Data
Richard I. Gibson
Wyoming Geological Association
... and Hendrix (1981) synthesized the local and regional geology, and the tectonic history of the area. This paper focuses on the magnetic character of the fold...
Assessment of Subsurface Geology in the Mosida Hills, Utah County, Utah, by Integrating Gravity and Magnetic Data
Alvin K. Benson, Andrew R. Floyd
Utah Geological Association
... the mountain fronts. The magnetic data were corrected for diurnal variations in the earth’s magnetic field and for latitude variations using International...
Telluric Currents and Their Use in Petroleum Exploration
K. Vozoff , R. M. Ellis , M. D. Burke
AAPG Bulletin
... that additional information might be obtained by measuring both the electric and magnetic variations at the same time. Finally, in 1953, Cagniard published his now...
ABSTRACT: Sedimentological, geochemical, and magnetic analyses of pedogenesis in Maroon Formation loessite with paleoclimatic implications; #90012 (2003)
Kristy L. Tramp, G. S. (Lynn) Soreghan, R. Douglas Elmore
Search and Discovery.com
..., G.S., Elmore, R.D., Katz,B., Cogoini,M., Banerjee, S., 1997, Pedogenically enhanced magnetic susceptibility variations preserved in Paleozoic loessite...
The Magnetic Polarity Time Scale: Prospects and Possibilities in Magnetostratigraphy
M. W. McElhinny
AAPG Special Volumes
...The Magnetic Polarity Time Scale: Prospects and Possibilities in Magnetostratigraphy M. W. McElhinny 1978 57 65 SG 6: Contributions to the Geologic...
Hotchkiss Superdip: A New Magnetometer
Noel H. Stearn
AAPG Bulletin
... to measure slight variations in the earth's magnetic field. The construction of the Superdip is designed to withstand rough field use. Its...
Reconnaissance Geophysical Studies in Barents and Kara Seas--Summary: Evolution of Arctic Ocean Basin
P. R. Vogt , N. A. Ostenso
AAPG Special Volumes
.... The magnetic field within 50 km of northern Norway is almost undisturbed by local anomalies. There are several broad magnetic highs which may...
Dome Structure, Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf East of Delaware: Preliminary Geophysical Report
Robert E. Sheridan
AAPG Bulletin
... at tie points generally were less than ±20 gammas, and magnetograms from Fredericksburg, Virginia, indicate consistent diurnal magnetic field variations...
Gravity Measurements East of Black Hills and along a Line from Rapid City to Sioux Falls, South Dakota: ABSTRACT
Daniel Lum
AAPG Bulletin
.... The configuration of the basement surface and the variations of intra-basement lithology, as suggested by the gravity measurements and some magnetic studies...
Prospecting for Iron Ore in the Bedong Area, Kedah Using Geophysical Techniques
C. Y. Lee, I. H. Abdoul-Fatah
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... measured total magnetic fields to a resolution of 1 gamma (or nT). To monitor the diurnal variations a similar model Geometrics G856AX Base Station...
High Resolution Aeromagnetics as an Aid to Structural Interpretation Over the Muturi PSC, Irian Jaya
Neil A. W. Moig
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the Earth's field and its associated variations. These variations in the Earth's field are a combination of geographic location, altitude, magnetic latitude...
Abstract: Multiple Data Integration: A Case Study From Ecuador, by R. H. Barton; #90951 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
Use of Airborne Magnetics in Overthrust Areas: ABSTRACT
Noel F. Rasmussen
AAPG Bulletin
...Use of Airborne Magnetics in Overthrust Areas: ABSTRACT Noel F. Rasmussen 1985 1319 1319 69 8. (August) Detailed airborne magnetic surveys have been...
ABSTRACT: Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Bin Distribution Permeability to Observed Production; #90106 (2010)
Steven Thibodeaux, Jim Bray, Charles H. Smith, Ken Huggins, Sandeep Ramakrishna
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Bin Distribution Permeability to Observed Production; #90106 (2010) Steven Thibodeaux, Jim Bray, Charles H...
Geophysical Characterization of the Shallow Subsurface at a Contaminated Site in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana
Keri B. Judice, Carl Richter, William H. Schramm, Catherine E. Bishop, Timothy W. Duex
GCAGS Transactions
... area revealed that there are possibly a few small, buried metal objects in the pit. The surface magnetic susceptibility revealed variations...
3D interpretation of geological, 3D seismic and conventional geophysical data from the Darlot Gold Mine
Glenn Pears, James Reid, John McGaughey, Will Turner, Graeme Hird
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... revealed by 3D seismic also provides the primary control on the physical property variations that magnetic, gravity, and electrical or EM methods respond...
Some Features of the Structure of the Earth’s Crust in the Eastern Part of the Baltic Sea
Yu. Ya. Vashchikov, I. M. Mirchink, I. I. Naumenko-Bondarenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...-Bondarenko 1976 329 330 Vol. 13 (1976) No. 7. (July) (Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, no. 7, p. 49–55, 1975) Gravity and magnetic surveys were made offshore...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... 206Aircraft and measures the total magnetic field using three Scintrex H6 cesium vapour sensors, two mounted on the wingtips and a third installed...
Microfluidic Investigation of Ferrofluid Assisted Recovery in Porous Media
Fatimah AlNasser, Ge Zhang, Anthony R. Kovscek
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-Newtonian rheology and especially the variations in their viscosity under magnetic fields, the capillary number proves inadequate in effectively...
Search and Discovery.com