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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Analysis of Magnetic Anomalies from the South-Central Alberta Foothills, Canada

Christian Abaco

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Analysis of Magnetic Anomalies from the South-Central Alberta Foothills, Canada Christian Abaco 2006 43 43 48 5 Interpretation of airborne...


Paleoecological Reconstruction of Depositional Environments—Some Techniques of Possible Exploration Interest: Abstract

Francis G. Stehli

Tulsa Geological Society

... positive structures). A model shows that ocean current patterns on the shelf are easily seen in variations in the ratio of planktonic to benthonic...


Integration of Geophysical Data to Define a Structural Model in the North-Central Coast of the Venezuelan Platform; #30327 (2014)

Vanessa Villarroel Estaba and Nuris Orihuela

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...., 2009), gravimetric data from the combined earth gravitational model EGM2008 (Pavlis et al., 2008), and magnetic data from the earth magnetic model EMAG2...


Spatial Variations in Magnetic Properties and Paleomagnetic Directions in the Duperow Formation, Williston Basin

Maria Cioppa

Saskatchewan Geological Society

...Spatial Variations in Magnetic Properties and Paleomagnetic Directions in the Duperow Formation, Williston Basin Maria Cioppa 2006 107 111...


Gravity and Magnetics for Geologists and Seismologists

L. L. Nettleton

AAPG Bulletin

... variations in the intensity of the gravitational field, and (3) the measurement of small variations in the magnetic field. In the nearly 40 years since...


Geophysical Data for Geologic Study

R. C. Dunlap, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... widely used term to describe this broad development in the seismic field is "seismic magnetic data processing." In referring to this as a new concept...


Re-Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Potentials of Eastern Part of the Chad Basin, Nigeria: An Aeromagnetic Approach, #10405 (2012)

Emmanuel Anakwuba, Augustine Chinwuko

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... the possibility of faults or local fractured zones passing through these areas. According to Nsikak et al. (2000), there is always a magnetic...


Regional Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation over East Coast-Pegasus Basin, New Zealand; #30437 (2015)

P.S. van Heiningen, L. De Luca, I. Guerra, S. Panepinto, K. Hayo, S. Klug, M. Uzcategui Salazar

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... by local density variations, the observed gravity data have been subjected to a processing, which involves a series of corrections resulting...


Oil-Base Mud Filtrate and Hydrogen Index Effects on Magnetic Resonance Porosity in Gas Reservoirs, #42332 (2018).

Stanley Oifoghe, Victor Okowi, Holger Thern,

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...Oil-Base Mud Filtrate and Hydrogen Index Effects on Magnetic Resonance Porosity in Gas Reservoirs, #42332 (2018). Stanley Oifoghe, Victor Okowi...


The Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Area Underlying the Magnetic Quiet Zone on the Margin South of Australia: Rifted Margins

Manik Talwani , John Mutter , Robert Houtz , Michael Konig

AAPG Special Volumes

...The Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Area Underlying the Magnetic Quiet Zone on the Margin South of Australia: Rifted Margins Manik Talwani...


Radiometric, Magnetic and Hydrocarbon Anomalies - Alabama Ferry Field, Leon and Houston Counties, Texas

Donald F. Saunders, K. Ray Burson, J. F. Branch, C. Keith Thompson

West Texas Geological Society

...Radiometric, Magnetic and Hydrocarbon Anomalies - Alabama Ferry Field, Leon and Houston Counties, Texas Donald F. Saunders, K. Ray Burson, J. F...


Computerized Magneto-Electric (ME) Exploration: With Case History: The Giddings Field, Lee County, Texas

S. J. Pirson

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... to small variations. The first step in ME interpretation of large areas is the visual scanning of the magnetic maps, total field or vertical gradient...


Magnetic Anomalies and Crustal Structure in Eastern Gulf of Mexico

D. I. Gough

AAPG Bulletin

... and in the vicinity of Caryn Peak: Geophysics, v. 21, p. 406-432. Smith, R. A., 1961, Some theorems concerning local magnetic anomalies: Geophys...


Broad Structure of the Central and Northern Nova Scotian Continental Shelf: Abstract

A. K. Goodacre

CSPG Special Publications

.... This fault zone is also reflected in the earth’s magnetic field and recently available magnetic data indicate that there is generally magnetic material...


Geophysical Investigation of Crystalline Basement Between Dead Sea Rift and Mediterranean Sea

A. Ginzburg , Y. Folkman

AAPG Bulletin

... information. However, magnetic interpretation is unable to distinguish between basement features and local intrasedimentary intrusions. Some magnetotelluric...


Enhancing the Process of Knowledge Discovery from Integrated Geophysical Databases Using Geo-Ontologies

Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Heinz Dreher, Andi Noventiyanto, Aswin Mostafa, Giuseppe Fiume

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... basins. Magnetic prospecting is based on the measurement, analysis and interpretation of the cause-effect relation between the spatial variations...


Mantle Origin of Global Sea-Level Fluctuations and Geomagnetic Reversals: Evidence from Non-Linear Dynamics

J. F. Collins, J. Bon

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... it's place, producing a local temperature drop at the core-mantle boundary. This may produce an instantaneous effect on magnetic behavior...


Abstract: Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data; #90187 (2014)

Hassan H. Hassan

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...Abstract: Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data; #90187 (2014) Hassan...


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