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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 481 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
The initiation of the Mesoproterozoic Bylot basins (Nunavut, Arctic Canada) as recorded in the Nyeboe Formation, Fury and Hecla Group
Mollie Patzke, J. Wilder Greenman, Galen P. Halverson, Alessandro Ielpi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... 160– 161. Miall, A.D., 1985, Architectural-element analysis: a new method of facies analysis applied to fluvial deposits: Earth-Science Reviews, v...
Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Poland and Ukraine): Its Sedimentary, Structural, and Geodynamic Evolution
N. Oszczypko, P. Krzywiec, I. Popadyuk, T. Peryt
AAPG Special Volumes
..., magnetotelluric, and well data, the platform basement with Miocene molasse cover dips southward underneath the Outer Carpathian nappes to a distance...
Mantle Creep: Elasticoviscous Versus Modified Lomnitz Law, and Problems of "The New Global Tectonics"
Paul S. Wesson
AAPG Bulletin
...------------------------------ unless a method of investigation by scattering of seismic waves can be developed. The estimates of grain size commonly employed (0.01-100 cm) may...
New design of marine controlled-source electromagnetic transmitter using supercapacitors
Tanvir Alam Shifat, Xiaolei Tu, Yue Cao, Adam Schultz
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... methods for hydrocarbon exploration in shallow water, 61, 187–199. Constable, S., 2013, Instrumentation for marine magnetotelluric and controlled...
The Ungaran Geothermal Field
Yudiyoko Ega Sugiharto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., and magnetotelluric. Geomagnetic anomaly shows that the north side of Gedongsongo is characterized by very low negative anomaly lower than -44500 nT...
Possible Major Diapiric Structures in the Southern Canning and Northern Officer Basins
J. Craig, J. W. Downey, A. D. Gibbs, J. R. Russell
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... ~ .,. Borehole failed to penetrate the entire Kidson No1 Carboniferous : evaporites iilferred from gravity & magnetotelluric data (Australian Aquitaine...
Petrophysical Big Data - case study from the Stavely Project, western Victoria
Phil Skladzien
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...). Electrical property data (e.g. electrical conductivity and resistivity) are essential for inverting airborne electromagnetic and magnetotelluric data...
SAFOD—The San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth and Its Relevance to Oil and Gas
Bill Rizer
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... magnetotelluric exploration, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31, L12S05, doi:10.1029/2003GL019405 van der Vink, Gregory E., Stephen H. Hickman, Thorne Lay...
1.5 Crustal Sections: Crustal Structure in the Adirondacks
S. Klemperer, L. Brown, J. Oliver, C. Ando, and S. Kaufman
AAPG Special Volumes
... and Sci. Service, Map and Chart Ser. No. 15. Jiracek, G.R., M.E. Ander, and H.T. Holcombe, 1979, Magnetotelluric soundings of crustal conductive zones...
Geophysical Investigation of Crystalline Basement Between Dead Sea Rift and Mediterranean Sea
A. Ginzburg , Y. Folkman
AAPG Bulletin
... information. However, magnetic interpretation is unable to distinguish between basement features and local intrasedimentary intrusions. Some magnetotelluric...
ABSTRACT: Leveraging Success from Onshore North America to Frontier and International Areas; #90017 (2003)
William H. Smith
Search and Discovery.com
... and magnetotelluric data: Tectonophysics, v. 259, p. 171-184. Kley, J., C. R. Monaldi, and J. A. Salfity, 1999, Along-strike segmentation...
Abstract: Evidence for a Neoarchean Snowbird Tectonic Zone from the Athabasca Granulite Terrane; #90172 (2014)
Gregory Dumond, Kevin H. Mahan, Philippe Goncalves, Rebecca M. Flowers, Michael L. Williams, Samuel A. Bowring, Michael J. Jercinovic
Search and Discovery.com
..., A.G., Snyder, D., Hanmer, S., Asudeh, I., White, D., Eaton, D., and Clarke, G., 2002, Magnetotelluric and teleseismic study across the Snowbird...
Why Not Both Conventional and Unconventional Exploration in Sub-Saharan Africa?, #30551 (2018).
James W. Granath, William Dickson
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana: evidence from magnetotelluric and electrical resistivity tomography imaging: Jour. African Earth Sci., v. 65, p. 61-71. Daly...
Oil and Gas Developments in Middle East in 1988
Darwin O. Hemer, C. B. Phillips
AAPG Bulletin
... performed a magnetotelluric survey in an unspecified mining concession. Amoco also was awarded 100% interest in the Block 3 concession (Afar license...
Geology of Millard County, Utah (B-133)
Lehi F. Hintze, Fitzhugh D. Davis
Utah Geological Survey
...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 Mt. Laird intrusive dikes...
1996 Annual Convention and Exhibition, 19-22 May 1996, Sand Diego, California, - Abstracts; #91019 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
III Columbia Oil & Gas Investment Conference: Conventional & Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources - Abstracts
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... to be approximated by hyperbolas and 3D-SRME cannot be applied without significant data interpolation and extrapolation. In this paper, I present a new method...
Chapter 18: Cenozoic Provenance and Depositional Record of the Sub-Andean Foreland Basin during Growth of the Central Andean Fold-Thrust Belt, Southern Bolivia
Amanda Z. Calle, Brian K. Horton, Rodrigo Limachi, Daniel F. Stockli, Geila V. Uzeda-Orellana, Ryan B. Anderson, Sean P. Long
AAPG Special Volumes
... Cordillera Oriental, southern Bolivia: Evidence from cross-sectional balancing, gravimetric and magnetotelluric data: Tectonophysics, v. 259, no. 1–3, p...
Petroleum Exploration and Production in Europe in 1973
Robert E. King
AAPG Bulletin
... Mineralolverwaltung A.G. (OMVAG): Seismic surveys, most of them using the vibroseis method, centered in the northwestern part of the Vienna basin (Mistelbach...
SG14: The COCORP Seismic Reflection Traverse Across the Southern Appalachians - Geologic Divisions in the Southern Appalachians and Interpretation of the Seismic Data
Frederick A. Cook, Larry D. Brown, Sidney Kaufman, and Jack E. Oliver
AAPG Special Volumes
... and complexly deformed metamorphic rocks so manifest themselves. In addition, recent magnetotelluric data acquired by the Geotronics Corporation were obtained...
Selected Bibliography–Paradox Basin and Four Corners Region
D.L. Donald Rasmussen, D.L. Larry Rasmussen, G.J. Jerry Rasmussen, Mark W. Longman
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of Paradox Basin, in M.T. Halbouty, ed., The deliberate search for the subtle trap: AAPG Memoir 32, p. 131–158. Baars, D.L., and G.M. Stevenson, 1983...
2012 AAPG ANNUAL CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION, April 22-25, 2012, Long Beach, California, USA; - Abstracts, #90142 (2011).
Search and Discovery.com
Bibliography: Upper Cretaceous of Southwest Texas and Adjacent Mexico, Updated to September 30, 2004
Thomas E. Ewing
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
..., Texas Audio-magnetotelluric Data: A Web Site for Distribution of Data; USGS Open-File Report 02-118 (online only) (data from two sections in Uvalde...
Geology and Geothermal Energy Development at the Coso KGRA
J. L. Moore, C. F. Austin, H. J. Prostka
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... soundings, audio-magnetotelluric soundings and telluric mapping in and around the Coso Range, California: M e n l o Park, Calif., U S G S Open-File Rept. 7 7...
Geothermal Exploration at Cove Fort-Sulphurdale, Utah1 1972-1992
Gerald W. Huttrer
Utah Geological Association
... the existing steam producing wells. The geophysical work included Self Potential (SP), Magnetic, and Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric (CSAMT...