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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,084 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: Integrated Petroleum Systems (Paper 1)
Jawati Abu Naim
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... for a successful exploration program. This approach integrates all of these key play elements of source, maturation, migration, structural timing and reservoir...
ABSTRACT: Biostratigraphic Refinements of Paleozoics of Great Basin Using Palynology, by T. J. Hutter; #91040 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Geochemistry of Hydrocarbon Seepages in Azerbaijan
I. S. Guliev and A. A. Feizullayev
AAPG Special Volumes
..., maturation, and type occur within a small region (Abikh, 1939; Veber, 1935; Kovalevski, 1940; Dadashev, 1963). This variety is related to the structural...
Intensity of Gas Formation and Primary Migration in the Formation of Gas Pools
V. I. Larin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... with a subsidence of 0.5 km. This intensity ranges from 0.2 to 2.5% in the initial stages of maturation. Intensity of generation of gas can also...
AAPG Memoir 75, Chapter 5: Classification and Origin of Petroleum in the Mexican Gulf Coast Basin: An Overview
Mario A. Guzmn-Vega, Lilia Castro Ortz, Juan R. Romn-Ramos, Luis Medrano-Morales, Lourdes Clara Valdz, Emilio Vzquez-Covarrubias, and Genaro Ziga-Rodrguez
AAPG Special Volumes
... and chemical features appear to reflect multiple sources, facies variations, maturation, and postfilling alteration processes. Each group is correlated...
Abstract: Predicting Potential Unconventional Production in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Play Using Thermal Modeling and Log Overlay Analysis
Hunter Berch, Jeffrey A. Nunn
GCAGS Transactions
... sonic logs and resistivity logs from 43 wells were used to estimate thermal maturation. Model results indicate that TMS is in the oil to condensate–wet...
Seventieth Birthday of Nikolay Andreyevich Eremenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... are to be found. He first suggested the effect of geologic time on the extent of maturation of bitumens and oil. He proposed new ideas on the energy involved...
Abstract: Structural Style and Hydrocarbon Habitat of the English Channel and Paris Basin, by B. A. Vining and D. Errat; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Migration and Segregation of Oil and Gas: ABSTRACT
S. R. Silverman
AAPG Bulletin
... as transformations of the stationary maturation variety. Detailed studies of the compositional differences encountered in such oil sequences imply...
Petroleum Exploration and Organic Geochemistry: ABSTRACT
Dietrich H. Welte
AAPG Bulletin
... with geologic knowledge produced a fair, but by no means complete, understanding of the complex processes of petroleum generation, maturation, and to some...
Origin and Distribution of Natural Gas: ABSTRACT
Richard D. McIver
AAPG Bulletin
... (i.e., early or late) of maturation. The progression is from relatively more nitrogen in early stages, to more carbon dioxide, and finally to very large...
Paleogeology in 21st Century: ABSTRACT
C. H. Savit
AAPG Bulletin
... sciences of today will continue to undergo the accelerating maturation processes that have been followed in the older sciences. The trends are clearly...
Vitrinite-Like Material as an Indicator of Thermal Maturity in Pre-Silurian Rocks, by F. Goodarzi; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Applying Petroleum Geochemistry to Search for Oil: Examples from Western Canada Basin
N. J. L. Bailey , C. R. Evans , C. W. D. Milner
AAPG Bulletin
... to the accumulation of the hydrocarbons must be considered. The maturation state of sediments may be gauged by several parameters including...
Geologic Distribution of Oil: ABSTRACT
S. W. Carmalt, K. L. Russell
AAPG Bulletin
... for deposition of source sequences. Adequate thermal maturation varies with the geothermal gradient and is, therefore, extremely dependent...
Plate Tectonics, Basin Analysis, and Exploration: ABSTRACT
James Helwig
AAPG Bulletin
... applied to problems of the pattern and timing within a basin of structures, subsidence, uplift, igneous activity, and thermal maturation, as illustrated...
Geochemical Evaluation of Ensenada de la Vela Basin, Offshore Falcon State, Venezuela: ABSTRACT
K. W. Stauffer, R. Araujo
AAPG Bulletin
...) Maturation mapping in the Tertiary La Vela basin, based on bottom-hole temperatures of 12 wells, indicates that only the Paleogene Guarabal Formation...
Paleoenvironment and Petroleum Potential of Mid-Cretaceous Black Shales in Atlantic Basins: ABSTRACT
B. Tissot, G. Demaison, P. Masson, J. R. Delpeil, A. Combaz
AAPG Bulletin
... of the sediments is therefore a consequence of the paleogeographic setting. Thus, the zones favorable for oil and gas (given adequate maturation...
Investigation of Measurements of Heat Flow Regime in Oceans as Related to Hydrocarbon Generation: ABSTRACT
Wm. C. Krueger, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... are not necessarily indicative of the temperature regime and heat flow below. Any attempt to associate generation and maturation of hydrocarbons to heat flow...
Calcite Cement Recognition--Fact or Fantasy: ABSTRACT
J. A. D. Dickson
AAPG Bulletin
.... These show competitive or impingement aggregates developed through 3 or 4 maturation stages, and occuring in two basic types, one in which...
Seals for Major Middle East Fields: ABSTRACT
R. J. Murris
AAPG Bulletin
... higher seals. Geochemical fingerprinting and maturation studies provide clues as to which source rock has generated the reservoir oils, and support...
Formation and Evolution of Nonmarine Petroleum in Songliao Basin, China: ABSTRACT
Wanli Yang, Li Yongkang, Gao Ruiqi
AAPG Bulletin
... that the maturation sequence of kerogen is Type-1, Type-2, and Type-3. The petroleum formation from combined sapropelic kerogen has its own characteristics...
Thermal and Subsidence History of Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Steven R. Mrkvicka
AAPG Bulletin
... faulting. An important component of the thermal history of the Williston basin is the relation between thermal heating and hydrocarbon maturation...
Potential of Evaporitic Environment as Source of Petroleum: ABSTRACT
Robert Evans, Douglas W. Kirkland
AAPG Bulletin
... conditions may be ass ciated with the bottom waters, much of the organic matter produced can be preserved. Upon maturation, the result may be a rich...
Relations Between Hydraulics, Temperatures, and Crude Oil and Natural Gas Composition in Some Upper Devonian Reefs of Alberta, Canada: ABSTRACT
Brian Hitchon
AAPG Bulletin
... oils suggests that there is imposed on these typical maturation trends differences in the fluid compositions and reservoir temperatures which...