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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Determining the Channel Sinuosity of Ancient Fluvial Systems from Paleocurrent Data: DISCUSSION

Torben Olsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... variance and channel sinuosity can only be expected for rivers with solitary, relatively deep and narrow channels, where the direction of bedform migration...


The Fate and Persistence of Aromatic Hydrocarbons Dissolved in Groundwater: Results from Controlled Field Experiments

J. F. Barker, E. A. Sudicky, C. I. Mayfield, R. W. Gillham, G. C. Patrick, K. L. Berry-Spark

Pacific Section of AAPG

.... 22, p. 2069-2082. Sudicky, E. A., J. A. Cherry, and E. O. Frind, 1983, Migration of contaminants in groundwater at a landfill: a case study, 4...


Using Mise-à-la-Masse to Delineate the Migration of a Conductive Tracer in Partially Saturated Basalt

Robin E. Nimmer, James L. Osiensky

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... resistivity measurements to evaluate the velocity and direction of migration of a sodium chloride tracer from a single well. Jaemtlid et al. (1984...


Hydrocarbon-Bearing Submarine Fan System of Cellino Formation, Central Italy

Raffaele Casnedi

AAPG Bulletin

... follo s, which activates the eastern migration of the fan system and deposits facies. Postdepositional deformation (compressional faulting...


Out-of-phase cyclical sediment supply: A potential causal mechanism for generating stratigraphic asymmetry and explaining sequence stratigraphic spatial variability

R. Bruce Ainsworth, Adam J. Vonk, Paul Wellington, Victorien Paumard

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... curve combined with cyclical sediment-supply curve in phase with sea-level change is summarized in Figure 7. As in the constant-sediment-supply case (Fig...


Fracture Curving Between Tightly Spaced Horizontal Wells

Reza Safari, Xiaodan Ma, Richard E. Lewis, Uno Mutlu, Ahmad Ghassemi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Biot’s constant Production case BHP Viscosity Biot modulus Injection case BHP Viscosity Biot modulus (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (GPa) (µD) (%) - 89.60...


Stratigraphic Relationships and Geologic History Depicted by Computer Mapping

Thomas A. Jones, Carlton R. Johnson

AAPG Bulletin

... be considered. Time of hydrocarbon migration, pathways from source to trap, time of trapping, and quality and quantity of these hydrocarbons are more...


Depositional Processes, Sedimentary Structures, and Predicted Vertical Sequences in Barred Nearshore Systems, Southern Oregon Coast

Ralph E. Hunter, H. Edward Clifton, R. Lawrence Phillips

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... unidirectional longshore migration of oblique bars along a continuously prograding coast when relative sea level is constant. It should be stressed that the model...


The Hydraulic Autogenesis of Distinct Cyclicity in Delta Foreset Bedding: Flume Experiments

Tetsuji Muto, Chizuru Yamagishi, Tomohiro Sekiguchi, Miwa Yokokawa, Gary Parker

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-supercritical flow associated with a train of upstream-migrating hydraulic jumps that delineate cyclic steps. Upstream migration of hydraulic jumps...


Stratigraphic Zone-Depth Predictions for Louisiana's Probable Hydrocarbon Exploration Floor

Ronald K. Zimmerman

GCAGS Transactions

... Survey, Folio Series no. 7. Hunt, J.M., 1990, Generation and migration of petroleum from abnormally pressured fluid compartments: AAPG Bull., v. 74...


Observations on Structures Associated with Mud Diapirism and their Role in Petroleum Charging and Trapping - Presentation

Rod Graham and Andy Pepper

Search and

... migration system In this case the MV samples create the false impression that the reservoirs will have been charged Only biogenic gas is encountered Example...


Giant Oil Accumulations and Their Areal Concentration Efficiency

Kinji Magara

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... concentrated than in the case of a thicker window, other conditions being constant. Relatively fast burial may cause undercompaction and abnormally high...


What is Horizontal Resolution?

L. R. Denham, R. E. Sheriff

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... used for migration are usually derived from velocity analyses of common midpoint data. These analyses are limited in accuracy and make several...


Problems of the Origin, Migration, and Accumulation of Oil: Part III. Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum

John L. Rich

AAPG Special Volumes

... of migration. Nevertheless, concentration of pools on the arch argues strongly for regional migration. In the case of the lenticular sand pools...


Overpressures and Hydrocarbon Migration in the Hibernia-Nautilus Area of the Jeanne D'Arc Basin, Offshore Newfoundland: DISCUSSION

Glen S. Stockmal

CSPG Bulletin

...Overpressures and Hydrocarbon Migration in the Hibernia-Nautilus Area of the Jeanne D'Arc Basin, Offshore Newfoundland: DISCUSSION Glen S. Stockmal...


Abstract: Study of Subvertical Fracturing Zones in Subsalt Carbonates of the Pre-Caspian Basin using Duplex Wave Migration; #90224 (2015)

K. O. Iskaziyev, S. G. Karimov, N. I. Yasafova, R. V. Kudаkaev, E. G. Khabibullin, E. V. Rastegaeva, Yu. I. Denisov, and A. S. Kostyukevych

Search and

... technology, azimuthal anisotropy of Pwave velocity, and relatively recently introduced Duplex Wave Migration (DWM) amplitude cube analysis. This paper...


Evaluation of a Simple Model of Vitrinite Reflectance Based on Chemical Kinetics (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... constant-heating rate segments. In this case, a faster more accurate integration can be obtained by using formulas described by Braun and Burnham...


Greenhouse shoreline migration: Wilcox deltas

Jinyu Zhang, Ronald Steel, and William Ambrose

AAPG Bulletin

..., and seismic data sets). In the case of the northern Gulf of Mexico, late Quaternary shoreline migration, including long-distance regressive and transgressive...


Graphic Approach to Determination of Hydrocarbon Maturation in Overthrust Terrains

Kevin P. Furlong , Janell D. Edman

AAPG Bulletin

... on the timing of maturation and migration, as well as information on the maturity of potential source rocks. Angevine, C. L., and D. L. Turcotte, 1983, Oil...


A Model for Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Sunda Basin, West Java Sea

David C. Bushnell, Atmawan D. Temansja

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... or, as in the case of the Janti and Yani fans, lie against basin boundary faults. These contacts may represent either trapping interfaces or migration...


Diagenesis of the Keg River Formation, Northwestern Alberta: Fluid Inclusion Evidence

K.L Aulstead,, R.J. Spencer

CSPG Bulletin

..., intersection of aqueous and hydrocarbon isochores (lines of constant density on a pressure-temperature diagram) and fluid composition of the inclusions...


Impact of Fluid Heterogeneity on Tight Unconventional Well GOR Performance

Fahd Mohamad Alqahtani, Mohamad Majzoub Dahouk, Curtis H. Whitson, Ellie Chuparova

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... heterogeneities. Thermal maturity and migration are strong controls on fluid heterogeneity at a regional scale but are assumed to have negligible effect at well...


The Application of Velocities and Models to Seismic Interpretation

G. Jarrota

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... phenomena: for example, the velocity of the last studied layer, between H4 and H5, is very constant, about 3.9 km/sec. On the contrary, between H3 and H4...


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