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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 32,786 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Migration Pathways
New Orleans Geological Society
... to be a leak. This implies that this fault is capable of carrying hydrocarbons upward, and, thus, is a migration pathway. End_Page 140...
An Integrated Structural and Palaeogeographic Investigation of Eocene Erosional Events and Related Hydrocarbon Potential in the Gippsland Basin
E. M. Johnstone, C. C. Jenkins, M. A. Moore
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... regarding the presence of an adequate hydrocarbon migration pathway, structural focussing and trap charge elements in this region. This risk...
Diagenetic Pathways in Sedimentary Basins: Chapter 6: DIAGENESIS AND BASIN HYDRODYNAMICS
Wendy J. Harrison, Regina N. Tempel
AAPG Special Volumes
... strata are presented as examples. A time-dependent diagenetic pathway for onshore Wilcox Group strata shows that episodic cementation is superimposed...
Abstract: Low-Cost Quantified Fluorescence Analysis of Soils Helps Evaluate the Hydrocarbon Potential of Oil and Gas Prospects, by J. Q. Belt Jr. and G. K. Rice; #90918 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Construction of Cross Sections and Maps from Dipmeter Data, by Arnaud Etchecopar; #91032 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Unlocking Central Mandu Gas Potential by Gas Stripped Oil Hypothesis
Ahmad Anshariy, Ronald Herbet, Andi Irawan, Hermawan, Iswahyuni Fifthana Hayati
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... The steps for examining the hypothesis are listed below: • Timing of trap formation (Isopach Map) • Migration pathway reconstruction at migration time...
ABSTRACT: Analytical Models of Petroleum Migration In Homogeneous Strata: Implications for Migration Efficiency and Velocity, by A. A. Brown; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Neogene Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Frontier Offshore Tanimbar Region in the Southern Banda Outer Arc, Eastern Indonesia
Michio Ohara, Lisnanda Alam Perdana, Afif Saputra, Ade Himsari, Masamichi Fujimoto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of oil prone kitchen in the FTB, Miocene carbonate thrust anticline structures and migration pathway. This paper focuses on the geological history...
ABSTRACT: Using Stratigraphic Heterogeneity to Maximize the Efficiency of CO2 Geological Storage; #90061 (2006)
Catherine M. Gibson-Poole, Richard F. Daniel, Jonathan Ennis-King, Andy J. Rigg, Lotte Svendsen, and Maxwell N. Watson
Search and Discovery.com
.... Stratigraphic architecture and reservoir heterogeneity primarily affect the migration pathway of CO2. An understanding of these aspects can assist...
Abstract: Rock Volatiles Reservoir and Fluid Evaluation of STACK-SCOOP-MERGE in Oklahoma and Marcellus in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. New Insights from Gentle, Multi-Pressure, Multi-Extraction, Cryo-Trap Mass Spectrometry of PDC Cuttings and Cores;
Michael Smith
Search and Discovery.com
... to a fault migration pathway are not charged. Oil and gas, including Helium, migrate predominantly into reservoir rocks in the hanging wall above...
Cambrian Hydrocarbon Migration System and Reservoir-Controlling Pattern of Anyue Gas Field, Sichuan Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Petroleum System Modeling of Northern Alaska
Oliver Schenk, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth J. Bird, Kenneth E. Peters
AAPG Special Volumes
... are assumed to consist of one facies. Because of its importance as a major hydrocarbon migration pathway, a facies map was constructed for the LCU...
The Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Model of Shallow Layers in Sub-Sag, Slope and Salient of Continental Rift Basin: A Case Study of Huanghekou Sag in Bohai Bay Basin; #10550 (2013)
Chen Lei, Tian Lixin, Zhou Xinhuai, Niu Chengmin, and Zeng Xuan
Search and Discovery.com
... is a hydrocarbon-rich area in Bohai Bay Basin, with many large-scale extensional faults that provide a good pathway for the vertical migration of hydrocarbon...
Scaled Physical Model of Secondary Oil Migration
Michele Moisio Thomas , Jamie A. Clouse
AAPG Bulletin
...Scaled Physical Model of Secondary Oil Migration Michele Moisio Thomas , Jamie A. Clouse 1995 19 28 79 1. (January) A scaled physical model...
ABSTRACT: Terrestrial Hydrocarbon Distribution in Kuqa Foreland Basin--Illustrating Impacts of Migration Pathway Transformation on the Petroleum System, by Zhang, Shuichang; Zhang, Bin ; Zhu, Guangyou; Su, Jin; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Predicting gas migration through existing oil and gas wells
James A. Montague, George F. Pinder, and Theresa L. Watson
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... to provide a pathway for gas migration (GM); to this end, the large database of well characteristics provided by IHS AccuMap™ is useful in training...
Migration--A View from the Top
Martin D. Matthews
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and capillary imbibition in the transition from sources and seal into carrier rocks. The migration pathway is determined by three-dimensional heterogeneity...
Disposal of Cogeneration Wastewaters from Enhanced Recovery Operations
Dane S. Johnson
Pacific Section of AAPG
... of the injected fluid to migrate in a down dip direction, a structural contour map will help to determine this preferred migration direction over time...
Abstract: Structural Controls on Present Day Hydrocarbon Leakage in the North West Shelf, Australia: New Information from the Integration of Airborne Laser Fluorosensor (ALF) and Structural Data
G. T. Cooper, C. R. Barnes, J. D. Bourne, G. J. Channon
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... with high quality 20 migration pathway breaching during the evolution of relay ramps. This model is significantly different to contemporary models...
Hydrocarbon Flux Variations in Natural and Anthropogenic Seeps
Victor T. Jones III and Stephen G. Burtell
AAPG Special Volumes
...). Migration of oil and gas from the subsurface follows a complex pathway that is rarely imaged, as illustrated by the "bright spots" in Figure 1. Migration...
Mesozoic (Upper JurassicLower Cretaceous) deep gas reservoir play, central and eastern Gulf coastal plain
Ernest A. Mancini, Peng Li, Donald A. Goddard, Victor Ramirez, Suhas C. Talukdar
AAPG Bulletin
.... The hydrocarbon flow pathway modeling demonstrates the importance of vertical as well as lateral migration in this petroleum system. Zimmerman...
Integrated Interpretation of Borehole and Geophysical Data for Fault Configuration and Its Implication to Hydrocarbon Distribution in Bunyu Area, Tarakan Basin
Helmi Indrajaya, Dina Novi Susanti, Totong Koesnadi Usman, Aliftama Febrian Wicaksono, Hitler Sijabat, Mohammad Wahyudin, Sugiri
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... As a consequence, the fault configuration is difficult to map, and this results in uncertainty both in terms of hydrocarbon trap configuration and migration...
Geologic Considerations Related to the Selection of Sanitary Landfill Sites in Sevier County, Utah
Barry J. Solomon, Robert H. Klauk
Utah Geological Association
... areas with natural safeguards to protect the environment, and which require minimal engineering and construction disturbance. Proper landfill siting...
Abstract: Isotopically Light Methane Accumulations of the Madura Strait: Elements of Thermogenic System Contribution and Implications for Exploration?
Nicolas Bianchi
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... the migration pathway...