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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 32,786 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Near Surface Hydrocarbon Migration: Mechanisms and Seepage Rates; #90013 (2003)
Michael A. Abrams
Search and Discovery.com
...) will become a more powerful tool with the integrated evaluation of surface geochemical measurements and geophysical migration pathway analysis...
ABSTRACT Multiple Hydrocarbon Accumulation Systems and the Pathways for Hydrocarbon Migration in Luliang Uplift the Junggar Basin China, #90104 (2010)
Chen Zhonghong; Zha Ming; Qu Jiangxiu; Wu Kongyou
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Multiple Hydrocarbon Accumulation Systems and the Pathways for Hydrocarbon Migration in Luliang Uplift the Junggar Basin China, #90104 (2010...
Abstract: Coupled 3-D stratigraphic and Fault Seal Modeling to Predict Hydrocarbon Migration and Trapping in the Western Ceduna Sub-Basin, Australia; #90310 (2017)
Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, Andrew Ross
Search and Discovery.com
...) the likely presence of a regional migration pathway associated with transitional sandy lower shoreface deposits, and (iii) the association...
AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 3: Modeling of Secondary Petroleum Migration Using Invasion Percolation Techniques
Daniel J. Carruthers
AAPG Special Volumes
... focused and restricted pathways.Residual oil was left behind, along the migration pathway, at a volume equal to the spanning cluster (the spanning...
An Area-of-Review Variance Study for Texas Gulf Coast Frio Formation Oil Fields
Don L. Warner, Leonard F. Koederitz, Robert C.
GCAGS Transactions
... of well construction and abandonment characteristics plus the presence of sloughing and squeezing shales and porous and permeable sand sink zones provide...
Use of Meta Attributes to Identify Migration Pathways in a Tertiary Basin, Deepwater Sundaland Margin
Paul Ware, Fred Aminzadeh, Brenton Oke, Tom Setzer
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... reservoirs. Lastly, the Chimney Cube response shows intense activity along an antithetic fault, which could be the primary migration pathway from the deeper...
Keathley Canyon 199 #1
Steven Schulz
Houston Geological Society
... to the thinking it had to be a fluid contact of some sort. Because of the difficulty associated with identifying the migration pathway...
Plate Tectonics -- A Possible Controlling Mechanism in the Development of Hydrocarbon Traps in Southwestern Ontario
B.V. Sanford, F.J. Thompson, G.H. McFall
CSPG Bulletin
... Management, Petroleum Resources Section, Map 69-1. Christopher, J. E., Kent, D. M. and Simpson, F. 1973. Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In: McCrossan, R. G. (Ed...
The Espirito Santo Basin (Brazil) Source Rock Characterization and Petroleum Habitat
G. Estrella, M. Rocha Mello, P. C. Gaglianone, R. L. M. Azevedo, K. Tsubone, E. Rossetti, J. Concha, I. M. R. A. Bruning
AAPG Special Volumes
... in these rocks. The interpreted migration pathway for these pools consists in a direct contact between source and reservoir rocks along the bottom...
Abstract: Development of an ASTM Practice for Conducting Exposure and Risk Assessment for Petroleum Contamination, by M. Small; #90958 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Quasi-continuous Lithologic Accumulation System: A New Model for Tight Gas Occurrence in the Ordos Basin, China, #80210 (2012)
Jingzhou Zhao, Jinhua Fu, Xinshan Wei, Xinshe Liu, Xiaomei Wang, Qing Cao, Yanping Ma, Yuanfang Fan
Search and Discovery.com
.... There is a generation center in source kitchen. The charging is concentrated and a predominant migration pathway is existed. Both primary and secondary...
Tracing migration pathways by integrated geological, geophysical, and geochemical data: A case study from the JX1-1 oil field, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Shang Xu, Fang Hao, Changgui Xu, Huayao Zou, and Jinqiang Tian
AAPG Bulletin
... associated with hydrocarbon charge. The purpose of this paper is to describe the conduit architecture and migration pathway from source rocks to trap...
Abstract: Belly River Channel Architecture Reservoir Analog Ghost Dam, Cochrane, Alberta; #90187 (2014)
D. S. Coutts and P. K. Pedersen
Search and Discovery.com
... 2m to 10m in thickness. Splays offer a fluid migration pathway which is spatially continuous across the width of the outcrop,300m. Splays are bounded...
The Arang Petroleum Play in The West Natuna Basin: A New Perspective From Geochemical Study and Petroleum System Modelling
Dani Solisa, Fahri Usmani, Febrie Ekaninggarani, Fendy Kusdiantoro, Ismail Y. Syarifuddin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the Migration Pathway The special conditions of gas characteristics found in the southern dry gas family is interpreted as the result of phase segregation...
Using Oil Tracers to Model Petroleum Migration
Search and Discovery.com
Direct Hydrocarbon Response Technique Application and Opportunity in Barito-Kutai Interbasinal High
Stephen T. Jacobs, Norman D. Meyer
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Location Map. Despite the fact that long-distance migration is proven by seeps strung between the two basins, past exploration efforts have been...
Hydrocarbon Potential Mapping for Fractured Basement Reservoir Plays in the Offshore North West Java Block
Nicolas Jalu Pangesty, Aveliansyah, Hadi Nugroho, Denni Utomo H
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Formation plays a role as productive source rock and/or as a possible migration pathway when in contact with fractured basement. Hydrocarbons also likely...
Controlling Off-Site Forest Destruction During Oil Field Development in Sumatra, Indonesia
Michael A. Brady, Achmad Kosasih
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Washington: Island Press. Chantefort, A. 1978. Bioclimatic map of Sumatra. In Bioclimates of Indonesian archipelago, ed. J. Fontanel and A. Chantefort...
Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration Modeling in the Barmer Basin of Western Rajasthan, India: Lessons for Exploration in Rift Basins with Late-Stage Inversion, Uplift, and Tilting
Bodapati S. Naidu, V. R. Sunder, Vachaspati Kothari, Pinak Mohapatra, Stuart D. Burley, John Dolson, Paul Farrimond
AAPG Special Volumes
.... This simple approach of multiple scenario models and risk map construction is able to explain all of the known oil accumulations in the Central...
Geochemistry of Oil from Santa Cruz Basin, Bolivia: Case Study of Migration-Fractionation
H. A. Illich , F. R. Haney , M. Mendoza
AAPG Bulletin
...Geochemistry of Oil from Santa Cruz Basin, Bolivia: Case Study of Migration-Fractionation H. A. Illich , F. R. Haney , M. Mendoza 1981 2388 2402 65...
Compositional Changes to Gas Migrating through Water-Saturated Rock, #41391 (2014).
Alton A. Brown
Search and Discovery.com
... in water, the water–gas ratio is high during migration. Therefore, mass of dissolved gases along a migration pathway may approach those of the migrating...
Evaluation of hydrocarbon broaching after subsurface containment failure, Gulf of Mexico
Thomas W. Bjerstedt, William W. Shedd, Michael G. Natter, Pierre B. Abadie, George J. Moridis, and Matthew T. Reagan
AAPG Bulletin
... a loss of subsurface well containment. An underground blowout may allow migration of fluids upward through adjacent formations or the annulus...
Sand-Rich Lithosomes of the Holocene Mississippi River Delta Plain
Mark Kulp, Duncan Fitzgerald, Shea Penland
Special Publications of SEPM
... deltas may reflect the construction of regressive beach ridges against the updrift flank of a prograding distributary as sediment is transported alongshore...
Massive Sediment by Passing of a Wide Tidal Inlet; Cat Island Pass, Louisiana
Bruce E. Jaffe , Asbury H. Sallenger, Jeffrey H. List
GCAGS Transactions
... features, such as shoreface retreat, inlet development and migration, and downdrift spit growth. An unexpected feature was a large volume of sediment...
An Experimental Study of Secondary Oil Migration (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., the oil was replaced by air. The observations included the oil migration pathway, the minimum oil column height needed for migration, and the rate...