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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,360 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Integration of Paleontology - Key to Building Impact, #70087 (2010)

Martin B. Farley

Search and

... of the discipline and marketing our technologies to the broader community to continue to be effective. Industry has contributed to utility by synthesizing data from...


Some Paleontological Evidence on the Age of the Oil-Bearing Horizon at Burkburnett, Texas

L. C. Glenn

AAPG Bulletin

... definite paleontologic evidence could be found as to the age of the oil bearing beds. The most specific data is that given by Udden and Phillips,(FOOTNOTE 2...


Lower Middle Mississippian of Southeastern West Virginia: DISCUSSION

David B. Reger

AAPG Bulletin

... and paleontologic data and represents a valuable contribution to the literature of the Mississippian. It is illustrated by adequate maps and figures...


Introduction to Check List of Japanese Tertiary Marine Mollusca

Kotora Hatai , Syozo Nisiyama

AAPG Bulletin

... of Japan and several paleontologic papers bearing on the elucidation of specific problems of stratigraphic correlation in Japan have alre dy been published...


Note 32--American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature Definition of Geologic Systems: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

AAPG Bulletin

... as of the date of publication. Notes are proposals and recommendations to the Commission and present data that bear on problems under study...


The Ordovician Radiations: Diversification and Extinction Shown by Global Genus-Level Taxonomic Data

J. John Sepkoski Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

...The Ordovician Radiations: Diversification and Extinction Shown by Global Genus-Level Taxonomic Data J. John Sepkoski Jr. THE ORDOVICIAN RADIATIONS...


Foredeep: Seismic Stratigraphy of Lewis Shale Deltaic and Deep-Water Clastics, Red Desert-Washakie Basins, Wyoming

Kenneth J. McMillen and Robert D. Winn, Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... geological setting to describe seismic sequences and seismic facies in a tectonically active foreland basin province. Abundant well and core data provide...


Eocene - Oligocene Boundary, Eastern Gulf Coast Region

Alan Cheetham

GCAGS Transactions

... of Southeastern United States," Bull. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol., vol. 28, pp. 1313-1354. Monsour, E., 1937, "Micro-Paleontologic Analysis of Jackson Eocene...


Correlation of Organic Shales in the Southern End of the San Joaquin Valley, California

E. G. Gaylord, G. D. Hanna

AAPG Bulletin

... attempted to apply paleontologic data to the problem for the first time, and the results indicate that the geology is much more simple than...


Late Cretaeous Stratigraphy of the Coalville Area, Utah

Norman C. Williams, James H. Madsen Jr.

Utah Geological Association

... Formation by Eardley (1952, pp. 54-55). Geologic mapping, still in progress, has clearly indicated on both structural and paleontologic data...


Transgressive Marginal-Marine Deposits of the Avenal Sandstone, Reef Ridge, Central California

Kristine A. Kappeler, Richard L. Squires, A. Eugene Fritsche

Pacific Section SEPM

... (1970, 1972), and Dibblee (1971-1974). Megapaleontologic data were reported by Arnold (1910), Arnold and Anderson (1910), Vokes (1939), Wells (1940...


The Age of the Diatom-Bearing Shales at Malaga Cove, Los Angeles County, California: DISCUSSION

G. D. Hanna

AAPG Bulletin

... he was not able to present a very conclusive statement as to the age of the diatom beds in question because he lacked exact paleontologic data...


Revised Geologic Nomenclature for Pre-Cretaceous Rocks of British Honduras: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

J. H. Bateson , I. H. S. Hall

AAPG Bulletin

... appears to us to be identical with the published descriptions of the Santa Rosa Group in Guatemala (Bohnenberger, 1966), and the paleontologic data...


Late Cretaceous Nappes in Oman Mountains and Their Geologic Evolution: DISCUSSION

Michael Welland

AAPG Bulletin

... of amplification. TERMINOLOGY Terminology remains a complicating factor in the debate, particularly where limited stratigraphic data are reflected...


Paleontology and its Application in South Louisiana Hydrocarbon Exploration

W.P.S. Ventress

New Orleans Geological Society

... techniques and the array of paleontologic data provided by paleontologists (biostratigraphers) in the Gulf region. This chapter will review some...


Geology of Del Valle Oil Field, Los Angeles County, California

L. A. Tarbet

AAPG Bulletin

... and sedimentary irregularities. Subsurface structure: Lithologic and paleontologic data from well cores and ditch samples, combined with electric-log records...


Abstract: Productive Lower Wilcox Distributary Channel Sands of the Hallettsville Embayment, Lavaca County, Texas

Stewart Chuber , Harvey H. Howell

GCAGS Transactions

... the Howell Mary Golsch G. U. No. 4, and 31 feet from the Guadalupe Thomas Grahmann No. 1. Petrographic and paleontologic data come from 34 thin...


Darrow Salt Dome, Ascension Parish, Louisiana

Carroll E. Cook

AAPG Bulletin

..., and appear to a large extent to be due to radial faulting. Paleontologic data suggest that all production on the dome has been obtained from the same...


Late Cretaceous Nappes in Oman Mountains and Their Geologic Evolution: DISCUSSION

H. Hugh Wilson

AAPG Bulletin

... interpretation of paleontologic data obtained from rocks in the sequence. Glennie and earlier authors have recognized the presence of Permian to Cenomanian...


"Carboniferous Formations And Faunas Of Central Montana"

Dr. William H. Easton

Panhandle (Texas) Geological Society

... to be equivalent to Amsden strata of the type section. Paleontologic evidence shows that lower shaly strata of the so called Amsden are in part equivalent...


Abstract: Carboniferous Formations and Faunas of Central Montana

William H. Easton

CSPG Bulletin

... to be equivalent to Amsden strata of the type section. Paleontologic evidence shows that lower shaly strata of the so-called Amsden are in part equivalent...


Carboniferous Formations and Faunas of Central Montana: Abstract

William H. Easton

Tulsa Geological Society

... to Amsden strata of the type section. Paleontologic evidence shows that lower shaly strata of the so-called Amsden are in part equivalent to the Heath...


Depositional Relations of Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks, Northeastern Alaska

C. M. Molenaar

AAPG Bulletin

... of depositional environments, new paleontologic data, and analogy with depositional patterns observed in areas to the west all indicate the need for revision...


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