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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Some Fresh/Brackish Water Depositional Enviroments in the S.E. Asian Tertiary with Emphasis on Coal Bearing & Lacustrine Deposits and their Source Rock Potential
J. M. Cole
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and structures (palynofacies analysis) over several coal bearing clastic and carbonate sequences. Arguments are presented that favour autochthonous...
Abstract: The Contribution of Palynofacies Analysis in Archeological Studies
Paula A. Gonçalves, Mónica Corga, Silvia Aires, Joalice de Oliveira Mendonça, João G. Mendonça Filho, Deolinda Flores
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...Abstract: The Contribution of Palynofacies Analysis in Archeological Studies Paula A. Gonçalves, Mónica Corga, Silvia Aires, Joalice de Oliveira...
ABSTRACT: Organic Facies of the Oligocene Lacustrine System in the Cenozoic Taubaté Basin, Southern Brazil
J.G. Mendonça Filho, R.B.A. Chagas, T.R. Menezes, J.O. Mendonça, F. S. da Silva
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... Orgânica. IGEO/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Gerência de Geoquímica CENPES/PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil A quantitative palynofacies and organic facies...
Abstract: Palynology, Biostratigraphy and Palynofacies Associations of Late Triassic assemblages from the Mungaroo Formation in the Greater Gorgon Area, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia; #90321 (2018)
Joseph Scibiorski
Search and Discovery.com
... resolution palynology and palynofacies analysis, largely carried out on precisely targeted new slides. Although all petroleum wells offshore Australia...
Characterization of Deepwater Channel System Architecture With Palynofacies: An Outcrop Example From the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon potential evaluation for the Kharita Formation (Albian) in the Abu Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt
Thomas Gentzis, Humberto Carvajal-Ortiz, Sameh S. Tahoun, Amr Deaf, Seare Ocubalidet
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...-dominated) alternates with palynofacies association 1 (Amorphous Organic Matter-dominated). A mixture of kerogen types III to III/II was recorded based...
Geochemical and Palynological Studies of Some Maastrichtian Source Rock Intervals Patti and Gombe Formations) in Nigeria: Implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity, #11185 (2019).
Olusola J. Ojo, Ayoola Y. Jimoh, Juliet C. Umelo,
Search and Discovery.com
.... Organic petrology (visual kerogen and maceral analysis) for determination of kerogen quality, maturity, and hydrocarbon potential was also carried out...
Geochemical (Rock Eval, δ13C and Pyrolysis GC) and Textural Characterization of Amorphous Organic Matter (AOM) in Carboniferous Mudstones From the Pennine Basin (UK)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon source rock of the conventional (Albian) Kharita Formation reservoir in Matruh Basin, North Western Desert of Egypt: a broader perspective
Amr S. Deaf, Sameh S. Tahoun, Thomas Gentzis, Humberto Carvajal, Ian C. Harding, John E. A. Marshall, Seare Ocubalidet
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...) and subordinate vitrinitic material indicating a kerogen type III to II in the lower Kharita (Fig. 3A). In contrast, the lower Hydrogen index (HI: 125-235.8...
Geology and paleo-depositional environment of Leru and its environs, southern eastern, Nigeria
Faith M. Kelechi, Kinsley K. Okeke, Ngozi Ulasi
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... Formation in the Anambra Basin involved analyzing sedimentology, biostratigraphy, and palynofacies geology. This analysis revealed that the strata were...
ABSTRACT: Palynofacies analysis: experimental design and hydrocarbon generation potential
Elkin Arboleda, Astrid Blandon
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...ABSTRACT: Palynofacies analysis: experimental design and hydrocarbon generation potential Elkin Arboleda, Astrid Blandon 35th TSOP Annual Meeting...
ABSTRACT: Organic Matter Characterization of the Early Toarcian Record in the SW German Basin
C. Fonseca, J. G. Mendonça Filho, C. Lézin, L. V. Duarte
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
....%). Isolated kerogen analysis displayed a dominance of bacterial-derived amorphous organic matter, namely: (i) products from bacteria (EPS); (ii) with a plate...
Abstract: Hydrocarbons in the Middle Miocene Jeribe Formation, Dyala, NE Iraq, by Thamer K. Al-Ameri, J. Zumberge, and Z. M. Markarian; #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Exceptional Hydrocarbon Source Rock of the Conventional (Albian) Kharita Formation Reservoir in Matruh Basin, Northern Western Desert of Egypt
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Palynofacies Analysis of Lower-Middle Jurassic Sediments from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
A. Ortiz-Loaiza, P. A. Gonçalves, J. G. Mendonça Filho, D. Flores
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...ABSTRACT: Palynofacies Analysis of Lower-Middle Jurassic Sediments from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) A. Ortiz-Loaiza, P. A. Gonçalves, J. G...
Permian Source Rocks of the Onshore and Nearshore Carnarvon Basin
Charmaine M. Thomas
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... and new infill sampling between existing data points. Kerogen assemblages of selected intervals were also determined from palynofacies analysis...
Sedimentology and Characteristics of Dispersed Organic Matter in Tertiary Niger Delta: Origin of Source Rocks in a Deltaic Environment
R. M. Bustin
AAPG Bulletin
... routine methods. Thus, any real differences in palynofacies and maceral composition between facies may be less than the precision of the analysis...
LmPy-GCMSMS and Other Alternative Methodologies in the Screening for Source Rocks
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Petrographic Characteristics of coals from the Cuervos Formation in the Cesar Basin, Colombia
Tatiana Juliao, Oscar Jaramillo Rúa, Astrid Blandón Montes
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... of the Cuervos Formation belonging to three seams, were analyzed using proximate analysis, petrographic, palynofacies and different forms of sulfur in order...
Upper Triassic Palynofacies and Environmental Interpretations for the Rankin Trend, Northern Carnarvon Basin, W.A.
A. N. Bint, R. Helby
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Upper Triassic Palynofacies and Environmental Interpretations for the Rankin Trend, Northern Carnarvon Basin, W.A. A. N. Bint, R. Helby Upper...
ABSTRACT: Relationships Between Palynofacies, Coal Petrographic Facies and Depositional Environments
A.R. Sweet and A.R. Cameron
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...ABSTRACT: Relationships Between Palynofacies, Coal Petrographic Facies and Depositional Environments A.R. Sweet and A.R. Cameron 7th Annual Meeting...
Abstract: Cretaceous and Tertiary Palynology Used in the Geological Understanding of the Maturn Sub-Basin, Venezuela, by I. Paredes and A. Fasola; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphic and Palynological Correlation of the Upper Jurassic Sequences in the Porcupine Basin, Offshore Western Ireland, by C. J. Dennehy; #90931 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Opening of the South Atlantic Ocean: Palynological and Geochemical Evidence from the North Gabon Sub-basin, by G. D. Wood, M. A. Miller, W. N. Krebs, and Z. Sofer; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Potential of Palynostratigraphy for Neogene Basin Analysis in Papua New Guinea
H. K. Waterhouse
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
.... Palynofacies analysis is the study of all the organic particles present in a palynological sample. This includes particles of wood, leaf cuticle and other higher...