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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 472 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
... and cuticle, as well as a similarity to type I/II kerogen, i.e., high contents of both aliphatic groups and oxygencontaining compounds. Combined...
Subsurface Section from Portuguese Guinea Dated by Palynomorphs as Middle Silurian: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Fritz H. Cramer , Maria del Carmen R. Diez de Cramer
AAPG Bulletin
.... Paleontology. Cramer, F. H., and M. d. C. R. Diez de Cramer, 1972, North American Silurian palynofacies and their spatial arrangement: acritarchs...
Effective Petroleum Source Rocks of the World: Stratigraphic Distribution and Controlling Depositional Factors (1)
H. D. Klemme and G. F. Ulmishek
AAPG Bulletin
... types I and II rocks. Rocks with type I kerogen are rare and are insignificant in the overall balance; in our analysis, they have provided...
The character and origin of lacustrine source rocks in the Lower Cretaceous synrift section, Congo Basin, west Africa
Nicholas B. Harris, Katherine H. Freeman, Richard D. Pancost, Timothy S. White, Gareth D. Mitchell
AAPG Bulletin
... rift section. Organic matter consists of mixed types I and III kerogen in the active rift shales, pure type I kerogen in the late rift marls, and a type...
Source Rocks of Western Australia - Distribution, Character and Models
John Scott
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... to the Goldwyer 4 source facies (Fig. 1). Visual kerogen analysis shows that although G. prisca is present, other organic matter is predominant in these older...
A Paleoceanographic Approach to the Kimmeridge Clay Formation: Chapter 2
Richard G. Miller
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Kerogen types, organic maturation and hydrocarbon occurrences in the Moray Firth and South Viking Graben, North Sea basin in J. Brooks, ed., Petroleum...
Source potential and reservoir characterization of the Cambay Shale, Cambay Basin, India: Implications for tight gas and tight oil resource development
Mateen Hafiz, Naveen Hakhoo, Ghulam M. Bhat, Sudeep Kanungo, Bindra Thusu, Jonathan Craig, and Waquar Ahmed
AAPG Bulletin
... and classification of organic matter: Elemental analysis and pyrolysis, in Sedimentary organic matter: Organic facies and palynofacies: London...
Organic Sedimentation and Genesis of Petroleum in Mahakam Delta, Borneo
A. Combaz , M. De Matharel
AAPG Bulletin
... Assoc., Jakarta. Combaz, A., 1964, Les palynofacies: Rev. Micropaleontologie, v. 7, p. 205-218. De Matharel, M., G. Klein, and T. Oli, 1976, Case...
Petroleum Source Rock Potential of Whitehorse Trough: A Frontier Basin in South-central Yukon
Grant W. Lowey, Darrel G.F. Long, Martin G. Fowler, Arthur. R. Sweet, Michael J. Orchard
CSPG Bulletin
..., R.E. and Quezada, R.A. 1998. Constraining the oil charge history of the South Pepper oilfield from the analysis of oil-bearing fluid inclusions. Organic...
The occurrence of chitinoidellids in palynological residues from the Ammonitico Rosso Formation (Tithonian), Spain
Gloria Andreini, Nicoletta Buratti, Simonetta Cirilli
... owing to the variability and complexity of their collar and lorica, which cannot always be resolved in thin-section analysis (Remane, 1978...
Chapter 10: Petrographic and Micro-FTIR Study of Organic Matter in the Upper Devonian New Albany Shale During Thermal Maturation: Implications for Kerogen Transformation
Bei Liu, Juergen Schieber, Maria Mastalerz
AAPG Special Volumes
... kerogen: Insight from density fraction analysis: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 103, p. 60–69. Mastalerz, M., A. Schimmelmann, A. Drobniak, and Y...
Woodbine Palynofacies--Their Relationship to Tuscaloosa of Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Terry L. Beach
AAPG Bulletin
...Woodbine Palynofacies--Their Relationship to Tuscaloosa of Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT Terry L. Beach 1985 237 237 69 2. (February) A recent palynologic...
New Insights on Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Bight Basin, Australia from IODP Site U1512
Carmine Wainman, Peter McCabe, Simon Holford, the IODP Expedition 369 Scientific Party
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
.... Preliminary palynofacies analysis indicates a prevailing dysoxic marine environment, with the assemblage dominated by phytoclasts (40–90% of the assemblage...
Pores, Spores, Pollen and Pellets: Small, but Significant Constituents of Resource Shales
Roger M. Slatt, Neal O'Brien, Carlos Molinares-Blanco, Andrea Sema-Bernal, Emilio Torres, Paul Philp
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... surfaces from several resource shales reveal a common variety of pore types. An inexpensive method of analysis has been developed to measure porosity...
New ASTM Standard Test Method for Determination of the Reflectance of Vitrinite Dispersed in Sedimentary Rocks; #90131 (2011)
Paul C. Hackley, Carla V. Araujo, Ángeles G. Borrego, Brian J. Cardott, Alan C. Cook, Mária Hámor‐Vidó, Kees Kommeren, João G. Mendonça Filho, Jane Newman, Mark Pawlewicz, Judith Potter, and Isabel Suárez‐Ruiz
Search and Discovery.com
... and Technical Services, Volmerlaan 8 PO Box 60, 2280 AB Rijswijk, The Netherlands 8 Palynofacies and Organic Facies Laboratory, Universidade Federal do Rio...
Geologic evolution of the Iraqi Zagros, and its influence on the distribution of hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan region
Joseph M. English, Grenville A. Lunn, Luke Ferreira, and George Yacu
AAPG Bulletin
...., 2010, Petroleum source rock analysis of the Jurassic Sargelu Formation, northern Iraq: M.S. thesis, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, 106 p...
Stratigraphic Patterns in Carbonate Source-Rock Distribution: Second-Order to Fourth-Order Control and Sediment Flux
F.S.P. Van Buchem, A.Y. Huc, Bernard Pradier, Marco M. Stefani
Special Publications of SEPM
.... The results of the Rock-Eval and palynofacies analysis of the organic-matter of the Chimney Rock and Gothic Shales are shown in Figure 9 and Table 1...
Controls on Organic Accumulation in Upper Jurassic Shales of Northwestern Europe as Inferred from Trace-Metal Geochemistry
Nicolas Tribovillard, Abdelkader Ramdani, Alain Trentesaux
Special Publications of SEPM
... analyses were performed by ICP-AES (major or checked by international standards and analysis of replicate minor elements) and ICP-MS (trace elements...
Hydrocarbon generation capability of Sinian–Lower Cambrian shale, mudstone, and carbonate rocks in the Sichuan Basin, southwestern China: Implications for contributions to the giant Sinian Dengying natural gas accumulation
Chunhua Shi, Jian Cao, Xiucheng Tan, Bing Luo, Wei Zeng, Haitao Hong, Xin Huang, and Yong Wang
AAPG Bulletin
...., 2008; Chen et al., 2012), including TOC analysis to indicate the abundance of organic matter, biomarkers and kerogen carbon isotopic composition...
Sedimentation and Preservation of Organic Matter in an Estuary, Niigata Plain, Central Japan
Akiko Omura, Koichi Hoyanagi, Mamiko Yoshida, Azusa Yamazaki, Miyuki Yamagishi, Atsushi Urabe
Special Publications of SEPM
... using fluorescent visual kerogen analysis. Modified from Tissot and Welte (1984), Senftle et al. (1993), and Sawada and Akiyama (1994). Facies C...
Geoheritage and advanced training for the oil industry: The Lusitanian Basin case study (Portugal)
Rui Pena dos Reis, and Maria Helena Henriques
AAPG Bulletin
...9–July 13, 2006, p. 669–672. Silva, R. L., J. G. Mendonça Filho, A. C. Azerêdo, and L. V. Duarte, 2014, Palynofacies and TOC analysis of marine and no...
Petroleum distribution in the Montney hybrid play: Source, carrier bed, and structural controls
Tristan Euzen, Neil Watson, Martin Fowler, Andy Mort, and Thomas F. Moslow
AAPG Bulletin
... distribution from a basin analysis perspective, and (3) identify future avenues of research to improve our understanding of the Montney and other...
Exploring the Triassic oil potential on the North West Shelf, Australia
Claudia Valenti, Jeff Goodall, Stephen Molyneux, Roisin McGee
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... material. Visual kerogen analysis supports algal rich (phytoplankton) organic facies, being markedly different to the co-eval, deltaic, Upper Mungaroo...
Frontmatter, TOC and Author Index: Joint 74th ICCP and 39th TSOP Meeting Organic Petrology in the Energy Transition Era: Challenges ahead
Kimon Christanis, Stavros Kalaitzidis
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... of palynofacies analysis in archeological studies 64 M. Životić, D. Stojiljković, N. Nikolić, D. Bajuk-Bogdanović, D. Životić The behaviour of Kolubara...
ABSTRACT: Petrography of subbituminous Tertiary Colombian coals and their evaluation in pyrolysis, activation and petroleum source processes
Oscar Javier Jaramillo Rua
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... matter, fixed carbon, sulfur, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, maceral composition, vitrinite reflectance and palynofacies. The three samples that showed...