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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Summary of Future Petroleum Potential of Region 8, Michigan Basin: Region 8

Edward J. Combs

AAPG Special Volumes

... cu mi (450,040 cu km; Cohee and Landes, 1958). Pennsylvanian and Mississippian rocks make up 6 percent, Devonian 15.4 percent, Silurian 30.7 percent...


Outlook for the Phosphate Industry—a National and International View

Travis P. Hignett

Utah Geological Association

... in the last few years. In the last 4 years, its output on a worldwide basis has increased by an average of more than 10 percent per year. Most...


Coal -- The Alternate Fossil Fuel

William R. Pampe

GCAGS Transactions

... coal) contains 30 percent carbon and is a very moist coal with 30 to 40 percent water. Some lignite probably developed within the last 1 million years...


Abstract: The Significance of Textural, Compositional, and Diagenetic Interaction on Porosity Development in Gulf Coast and Other Reservoir Sandstones

Dick Larese

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... in considerable modification of pore space in part or all of the sequence and significantly influence exploration and exploitation strategy. Depositional Factors...


Abstract: Coalbed Methane Exploration Concepts — Where is the Next Big Play?

Andrew R. Scott

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... States. Coalbed methane (CBM) is an important part of the natural gas supply for the United States and now represents more than 7 percent of total gas...


ABSTRACT: Where do the Maidens Fly? Trace Elements and What Controls Their Fate: Examples from the Greymouth Coalfi eld, New Zealand

Zhongsheng Li, A.H. Clemens, Tim A. Moore, D. Gong, S.D. Weaver, Nelson Eby

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... to identify the other factors (such as temperature, coal particle residence time in combustor, the mineralogical transformations occurring within...


Eagle Mesa Entrada (Oil), T. 19 N., R.4 W., NMPM, Sandoval County, New Mexico

John P. Campbell

Four Corners Geological Society

... with 250 gallons of 7.5 percent acid Initial Potential: Pump 97 BOD and 4,300 BWD Bottom Hole Pressure: 2,184 psi Drilling and Completion Practices...


How Mobile is your Total Oil Saturation? SARA Analysis Implications for Bitumen Viscosity and UV Fluorescence in Niobrara Marl and Bakken Shale, Supported by FIB-SEM Observations of Kerogen, Bitumen and Residual Oil Saturations within Niobrara Marls and Chalks, #41903 (2016).

Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Lyn Canter

Search and

... Niobrara Chalk through black Niobrara Marl led us to investigate the role of asphaltenes percent not only on quenching of UV fluorescence but, more...


Petrography and Porosity of the Cow Run Sand, St. Marys, West Virginia

John C. Griffiths

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., controls the porosity. When less than 5 percent of carbonate occurs the grain size, size-sorting, quartz, and silica cement are the main factors...


Separation of Quartz and Feldspars from Mudrocks: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Harvey Blatt, Richard L. Jones, Raymond G. Charles

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... that forms about 60 percent of the average mudrock (Shaw and Weaver, 1965; Blatt and Schultz, 1976). In contrast, mudrock research at the University...


Flattening the Minas Oil Decline Rate From 25 Percent to Two Percent in Just Four Years

Dan Harris, Gede K.D.S. Giri, Andi Bachtiar, Machyuliz Machnizon, Seto Uditoyo, Agus Masduki, Abdullah Novrizal, Afifudin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Flattening the Minas Oil Decline Rate From 25 Percent to Two Percent in Just Four Years Dan Harris, Gede K.D.S. Giri, Andi Bachtiar, Machyuliz...


A Volumeter for Measuring Porosity of Incoherent Sands

John C. Ludwick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... percent (error percent). Various factors affecting the accuracy were estimated also and their respective errors calculated (table 2). Figure 6 shows...


Prospects for the Mesozoic Oil-Gas Complexes of the Southern Regions of West Siberia

I. I. Nesterov, I. N. Ushatinskiy, A. V. Ryl’kov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... and south regions that are favorable for discovery. Here, just as in the north, it is composed of up to 800 m of sandstone-siltstone (70 percent of its...


Impact of Uranium on the Economy of the State and the Southeastern Utah Area

Elroy Nelson

Utah Geological Association

... buildings, schools, and roads, but there were also some minus factors. Moab's peach crop, at one time a significant portion of the basic income...


Sespe Oil Field

Pacific Section of AAPG

... economic today if fracturing was not available or attempted. Stimulating has increased recovery factors in the field by 500 percent in most cases...


Designing a Petroleum Fund for Indonesia

Pityt Puty Hariandy, Iswahyudi Sondi Putra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Deficit-to-GDP ratio is not higher than 3 percent; and and gas revenues in the realized government budget. Other factors are considered ceteris...


Hydrocarbons in Estuarine Sediments of Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida, and Their Implications for Genesis of Petroleum

James G. Palacas , Alonza H. Love , Peter M. Gerrild

AAPG Bulletin

... to characterize the bitumen. In the upper 10-16 cm of estuarine mud, which contains an average of 3.6 percent organic carbon, the bitumen content ranges...


A Method for Determining the Randomness of Regionally Distributed Quantitative Geologic Data

R. A. Cadigan

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... is related to one or more nonuniform cause and effect factors. In most scientific fields, a significance level of 5 percent (p=0.05) is used...


The Relationship Between Carbonate Mineralogy and Grain Size in Two Alpine Lakes

Stephen K. Kennedy, Norman D. Smith

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and total calcite increases with decreasing grain size. Results of observed mineral distributions, saturometry experiments, and percent saturation...


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