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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 23,500 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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A Pore Scale Study of Slickwater Systems in Shale Reservoirs: Implications for Frac-Water Distribution and Produced Water Salinity

Yinan Hu, Deepak Devegowda, Alberto Striolo, Anh Phan, Tuan A. Ho, Faruk Civan, Richard Sigal

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...A Pore Scale Study of Slickwater Systems in Shale Reservoirs: Implications for Frac-Water Distribution and Produced Water Salinity Yinan Hu, Deepak...


The Impact of Pore Size and Kerogen Maturity on the Behavior of Water in Organic Kerogen Nanopores in Shales

Yinan Hu, Deepak Devegowda, Richard F. Sigal

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...e to access pores of diverse sizes for several Barnett shale samples. This heterogeneous wettability of shales and specifically, of kerogen pore system...


Abstract: Validation of the Digital Rock Models with Capillary Pressure Data in Late Carboniferous Sandstones; #91204 (2023)

Hussain Alhilal, Ivan Deshenenkov, Aqeel Furaish

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... that can be characterized with DRP depending on the resolution of the imaging. In this work, the pore systems of the late Carboniferous Juwayl...


A Pore-Scale Mechanistic Investigation of Shale Gas Condensate at Near Saturation Pressure on Fluid Flow in Shale

Shu Pan, Jingsheng Ma, Julian Youxiang Zuo, Nejib Hamed

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...A Pore-Scale Mechanistic Investigation of Shale Gas Condensate at Near Saturation Pressure on Fluid Flow in Shale Shu Pan, Jingsheng Ma, Julian...


Effect of Pore Geometry and Heterogeneous Surface Wettability on the Nanoconfined Phase Behavior in Nanopore Networks of Shale Rocks

Sidian Chen, Jiamin Jiang, Bo Guo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Effect of Pore Geometry and Heterogeneous Surface Wettability on the Nanoconfined Phase Behavior in Nanopore Networks of Shale Rocks Sidian Chen...


Combining Sonic Velocity and Characterization of Pore Architecture to Develop a Proxy for Reservoir Permeability in Unconventional Carbonates: An Example from the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone

Beth Vanden Berg, G. Michael Grammer

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Because of the wide variability and complexity of pore systems in carbonate reservoirs, simple porosity/permeability transforms developed...


Migration and Entrapment of Petroleum in Two-Fluid-Phase Systems

Dr. H. D. Windland

New Orleans Geological Society

... systems closely and to define physically the characteristics of these pore systems. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) work with various reservoir...


Extended Abstract: Comparison of Porosity Distribution within Selected North American Shale Units by SEM Examination of Argon-Ion Milled Samples

James M. Rine, Erin Smart, William Dorsey, Kultaransingh Hooghan, Michael Dixon

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v.79, p. 848–861. Loucks, R.G., R.M. Reed, S.C. Ruppel, and U. Hammes, 2012, Spectrum of pore types and networks...


Pore-throat sizes in sandstones, tight sandstones, and shales

Philip H. Nelson

AAPG Bulletin

... where pore sizes are on the order of 10 nm or less; for example, laboratory study of smectite-water systems indicates that the thickness...


Estimating Oil-Water Relative Permeability Curves Using Digital Rock Physics

Christopher J. Landry, Maša Prodanović, Rob Reed, Peter Eichhubl, Kishore Mohanty

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... spaces associated with both interparticle and organic matter pore systems, and is constrained by comparing pore size/shape distributions of two...


Nano-Imaging of Shale using Electron Microscopy Techniques

Laura Froute, Anthony R. Kovscek

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Modeling of fluid migration in shale nanoscale systems is hampered by knowledge gaps in rock-fluid affinity, storage and transport processes under...


Integrated Rock-Log Calibration in the Elmworth Field - Alberta, Canada: Reservoir Rock Detection and Characterization: Part I

R. M. Sneider, H. R. King

AAPG Special Volumes

... that the potential reservoirs have varied and complex lithology and pore systems. Most of the rocks are cemented, compacted, and contain varying amounts...


Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using Sonic Velocity and Characterization of Pore Architecture: An Example From the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone; #50979 (2014)

Beth Vanden Berg, G. Michael Grammer, Gregor Eberli, Ralf Weger

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..., and G.P. Eberli, 1998, Quantitative characterization of carbonate pore systems by digital image analysis: AAPG Bulletin, v. 82/10, p. 1815-1836. Eberli...


Petrography and Reservoir Physics III: Physical Models for Permeability and Formation Factor (1)


AAPG Bulletin

..., being sensitive to the structure of the porous microstructure, i.e., the sizes of pore throats, the numbers and sizes of pores, and the relationships...


Pore-throat Morphology in the Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation of Alabama

David C. Kopaska-Merkel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of mercury occurs with pressure reduction (Kopaska-Merkel 1993). CAPILLARY-PRESSURE ANALYSIS The characteristics of rock pore systems are commonly...


Top Seal Potential of Tertiary Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico Shales

Dawson, William C. and Almon, William R.

GCAGS Transactions

... laminar fabrics appear to enhance seal capacity. Almon, W. R., and J. B. Thomas, 1991, Pore systems aspects of hydrocarbon trapping: in Gluskloter, H...


Porosity Characterization Utilizing Petrographic Image Analysis: Implications for Rapid Identification and Ranking of Reservoir Flow Units, Happy Sprayberry Field, Garza County, Texas

John M. Layman, II, Wayne M. Ahr

West Texas Geological Society

... and, when properly used, is a valuable method for reservoir characterization in heterogeneous carbonate pore systems. Ahr, W.M. and B.S. Hammel, 1999...


Correlation of the Pore Pressure Gradient and Maturity of the Niobrara Formation Across the Powder River Basin, Wyoming; #30634 (2021)

Adriana G. Perez, David Yale, Robert Raney, Ross Taylor

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... and below) from one location to another. The permeability derived from 1D petroleum systems modeling (required for pore pressure gradient calibration...


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