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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section A: Sedimentary Petrology and Processes
Vol. 64A (1994)No. 3. (July), Pages 524-534

Previous HitPoreNext Hit-throat Morphology in the Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation of Alabama

David C. Kopaska-Merkel


A new parameter called "a" is calculated from capillary-pressure data. "a" = (m - 1)/2, where m is the slope of a line segment on a log-log plot of the difference between maximum cumulative intrusion volume and cumulative intrusion volume versus capillary pressure. "a" has been previously interpreted as a measure of Previous HitporeNext Hit-throat shape: "a" has the value I for sheetlike Previous HitporeNext Hit throats, 2 for cylindrical Previous HitporeNext Hit throats, and 3 for equant Previous HitporeNext Hit throats. An alternative, and more likely, interpretation is that "a" measures Previous HitporeNext Hit-throat surface roughness. This inference is based on the observations that (1) "a" is calculated by a method analogous to that of fractal dimension, and fractal dimension is commonly interpreted as a roughness measure, (2) most "a" values in Smackover reservo r rocks from Alabama are low (< 1) and most Previous HitporeNext Hit throats in these strata are smooth, and (3) Previous HitporeNext Hit throats in samples of Smackover reservoir rocks with "a" values near 2 are not cylindrical. "a" is independent of gas permeability. If "a" is correctly interpreted as a measure of Previous HitporeTop-throat roughness, then it probably affects liquid permeability and could influence producibility of oil and gas-condensate.

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