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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 7,126 Results. Searched 196,217 documents.

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Chapter 9: Exhumation of a Proximal Foredeep and Associated Wedge-Top Basin Evidenced by Porosity versus Depth Trends: The Upper Cretaceous Vivian Sandstones in Northwestern Marañón and Santiago Basins (Peru)

Oscar Lopez-Gamundi, Cecilia Lopez-Gamundi

AAPG Special Volumes

... sandstones exhibit anomalously low porosities at relatively shallow depths, a distinct diversion from the regional trend. The depth difference between...


Pressure Prediction in Exhumed Basins

A. Edwards, J. Heller, S. Clancy, N. Whitfield, S. O'Connor

GEO ExPro Magazine

... © 2018 Geopublishing Limited TECH NOLOG Y Pressure Prediction Predicting pressure in basins that are exhumed or contain rich source rocks...


Rock Physics Based Quantification of Carbonate Pore Type Effect on Permeability Heterogeneity: Application to the Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin; #51480 (2018)

Adewale Amosu, Yuefeng Sun

Search and

... a significant role in the complex porosity-permeability relationship observed in carbonate rocks. In this study, we select a predefined pore structure...


Characterization of Three Forks Formation Reservoir Lithofacies in the Williston Basin, North Dakota

Adedoyin Adeyilola, Stephan Nordeng, Chioma Onwumelu, Olusegun Tomomewo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... densities are observed to increase from the less dense clean mudstone lithofacies with relatively higher porosities into the denser clean dolostone...


Thermal Conductivity of Organic Shales and Coals … How Their Presence and Persistence Effect Thermal Maturity, #41672 (2015).

Robert J. Coskey, Steve Cumella

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... slow velocities and the first derivative indicates flattening of the temperature curve. Because thermal gradient increases at capillary seals...


Pore-scale electrical numerical simulation and new saturation model of fractured tight sandstone

Qian Wang, Maojin Tan, Chengwen Xiao, Siyu Wang, Chuang Han, and Lingtan Zhang

AAPG Bulletin

... upgrading. According to equation 8, a set of digital rocks with different porosities should be constructed, and the resistivities of these digital...


Density and Porosity of Sea-floor Surface Sediments off San Diego, California

Edwin L. Hamilton , Henry W. Menard

AAPG Bulletin

... and 100% water for any grain density. For the stations of Table I, average wet densities and porosities have been plotted against each other...


Evaluation of the Morrow Sandstone in Sorrento Field, Cheyenne County, Colorado

Dan J. Hartmann, Edward B. Coalson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... a matrix density of 2.68 gm/cc, based on core-measured grain densities. The resulting density porosities compared very well with core porosities...


Middle Devonian Facies Relationships, Zama Area, Alberta

John G. McCamis,, Lawrence S. Griffith

CSPG Bulletin

... Geologists, p. 49-59. Hriskevich, M. E., 1966, Stratigraphy of Middle Devonian and older rocks of Banff-Aquitaine Rainbow West 7-32 discovery well...


Characterizing a weathering profile over the Kuantan Basalt

John Kuna Raj

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of the weathered rims were diamond sawn for determination of densities, unit weights and apparent porosities employing the saturation and bouyancy...


Reservoir Characterisation Study: Inter Well Reservoir Property Prediction and Mapping by Petrophysics Data and Seismic Data Integration

Robi Junipa, Michel Bee

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... itself is a response measurement of wave propagation through the rocks which is strongly depended on physical properties of the rocks...


Porosity Logs: Chapter IV

George B. Asquith, Charles R. Gibson

AAPG Special Volumes

... porosity (grainstones) or intercrystalline porosity (sucrosic dolomites). However, when sonic porosities of carbonates with vuggy or fracture porosity...


Abstract: Investment Opportunity in Blocks 148 & 149, Offshore Vietnam


Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... porosities varying from 18.6% to 25%. The upper Oligocene – Lower Miocene lacustrine coaly mudstone source rocks have a TOC ∼ 5%, HI ∼ 700 mg/g and type I...


Hydrothermal Alteration and Porosity Enhancement in Sandstones: An Example from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea

F. Nie

Search and

.... Such diagenesis in carbonate rocks has been recognized as an important process in enhancing porosities, e.g., in hydrothermal dolomites. Similar effects may...


Hydrothermal Alteration and Porosity Enhancement in Sandstones: An Example from the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea

F. Nie

Search and

.... Such diagenesis in carbonate rocks has been recognized as an important process in enhancing porosities, e.g., in hydrothermal dolomites. Similar effects may...


New hydrocarbon trap models for the diagenetic transformation of opal-CT to quartz in Neogene siliceous rocks

Takashi Tsuji, Yasuhiro Masui, Satoru Yokoi

AAPG Bulletin

...New hydrocarbon trap models for the diagenetic transformation of opal-CT to quartz in Neogene siliceous rocks Takashi Tsuji, Yasuhiro Masui, Satoru...


Evidence for overpressure generation by kerogen-to-gas maturation in the northern Malay Basin

Mark R. P. Tingay, Chris K. Morley, Andrew Laird, Orapan Limpornpipat, Kanjana Krisadasima, Suwit Pabchanda, Hamish R. Macintyre

AAPG Bulletin

... source rocks. Pore-fluid pressure data and sonic velocityvertical effective stress plots from 30 wells reveal that overpressures in the northern...


Point load strength of clastic sedimentary rocks from the Semanggol Formation, Beris Dam, Kedah Darul Aman

J. K. Raj

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., densities and apparent porosities of representative specimens determined according to the saturation and bouyancy procedure of ISRM (1979). The specific...


Importance of Hydrodynamic Factor in Formation of Lower Cretaceous Combination Traps, Big Muddy-South Glenrock Area, Wyoming: REPLY

Donald S. Stone , Roger L. Hoeger

AAPG Bulletin

... in the Rocky Mountain area, we seldom have seen Dakota rocks with such low porosities and permeabilities that they truly could be called impermeable...


Towards a Balance of Pore Size Distribution of Non-Conventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: a Combination of Bulk Techniques Applied to Comparable Sub-Samples Localized by 3D X-ray µ-Tomography

Natalia Matskova, Dimitri Pret, Stéphane Gaboreau, Philippe Cosenza, R. Brechon, I. Gener, Claire Fialips, G. Dubes, François Gelin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the microstructure of the analyzed full cores is never indicated. Consequently, the total porosities provided by different methods within a single study rarely match...


Adjustments of Velocity Logs to Tie Geophone Surveys

Warren Hicks

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... of Reservoir Rocks - Geophysics, Vol. 21, #3, July, 1956. Hamilton, E. L.: Low Sound Velocities in High-Porosity Sediments - Journal Acoustical Society...


Design Support for Texaco CO2 Flooding Projects

R. L. Gardenas, A. J. Nute

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... In these low-dip reservoirs, flooding with CO2-N2 solvent at frontal velocities below the calculated critical velocities for the two reservoirs (in order...


Sedimentological, Petrophysical, and Seismic Characterization of an Upper Jurassic Shoreface-Dominated Shelf Margin (the Boulonnais, Northern France)

H. Braaksma, J.N. Proust, J.A.M. Kenter, G.G. Drijkoningen, N. Filippidou

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... (Fig. 9D). Storm-related, very poorly sorted beds may still have high porosity and low Vp, but overall, porosities and velocities are intermediate...


Serang Field Re-Evaluation

Tom Clark, Joewono Hadiwijoto, Bashir Zagalai, Steve Martinez, Donna Staples

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is from the Late Miocene Mahakam Deltaic System. These rocks are equivalent in age to those of Attaka Field. The geology of the Mahakam Delta and Kutai...


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