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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)


Proceedings of the 2017 South East Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Conference, 2017
Page 19

Abstract: Investment Opportunity in Blocks 148 & 149, Offshore Vietnam



Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation Ltd. (PVEP) is currently operating exploration blocks 148 & 149 in the PhuKhanh Basin, offshore Vietnam. The production sharing contracts were signed in 2011. PVEP holds 100% participating interest. The blocks cover an area of 28,428 km2 with a water depth of 2000 – 2600 m. The blocks are covered by 2D and 3D seismic data. Oil has been discovered in the Miocene carbonate reservoir in nearby well 124-CMT-1X. The carbonate and clastic Miocene reservoirs have Previous HitporositiesNext Hit varying from 18.6% to 25%. The upper Oligocene – Lower Miocene lacustrine coaly mudstone source Previous HitrocksTop have a TOC ∼ 5%, HI ∼ 700 mg/g and type I& III kerogens. The OIIP is approximately 17,519.9 MMSTB.


SEC 2017 Farmout Forum Presentation: Abstracts
PVEP 170321 Flyer Blocks 148 149

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