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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Cleat In Low-‐Rank Coals Of The South Sumatra And Barito Basins: Geology And Coal‐Bed Methane Reservoir Significance
David Ontosari, Fikri M. Fiqih, Gathuk Widiyanto, Sunarli Adi, Ferian Anggara
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... both static and dynamic reservoir models. The simulations showed that cleat and coal mechanical properties...
Multiphysics monitoring framework for CO2 sequestration in carbonate reservoirs
Taqi Alyousuf, Daniele Colombo, Ersan Turkoglu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of the horizontal electric field to changes in reservoir CO2 saturation. This highlights the potential of EM techniques to track dynamic changes in CO2...
West Cement Field, Medrano Unit, Medrano Sandstone Reservoir, Caddo County Oklahoma
Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson
Bureau of Mines
...West Cement Field, Medrano Unit, Medrano Sandstone Reservoir, Caddo County Oklahoma Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson 26 W E S T C E M E N T F I E...
Integrated Seismic and Well Characterization of a Wara Formation Channel Complex
Search and Discovery.com
Modelling Diagenetic Reservoir Modifications During Basin Evolution, Off-Shore Norway, by D. F. Payne, A. J. Park, and P. Ortoleva; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: How to Turn the Geological Image of a Fractured Reservoir into a Dual-Porosity Model, by M. C. Cacas, S. Sarda, B. Bourbiaux, and J. C. Sabathier; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Spatial Distribution of Reservoir Quality in Deep-Water Wilcox Formation
Search and Discovery.com
Strategic Recovery Processes for Rindu Development
M. Kumar, A. A. Reed, M. E. Smith, D. S. Mims, E. J. Hanzlik, S. J. Gross
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... for each model. Eight geologic models were built to capture the variability in Rindu reservoir quality across the field. Numerical simulations of ten...
ABSTRACT: A Field Study to Assess the Value of 3D Seismic Data in Reducing Uncertainty in the Forecast of Hydrocarbon Production, by Torres-Verdin, Carlos, Maika Gambus-Ordaz; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization to Inexpensively Evaluate the Exploitation Potential of a Small Morrow Incised Valley-fill Field; #90007 (2002)
Saibal Bhattacharya, Alan Paul Byrnes, Paul Gerlach, Ricardo Olea
Search and Discovery.com
... matching. Based on reservoir simulations, various field management plans were evaluated allowing the operator to compare performance and return...
Simulating the Life of Hydraulically Fractured Wells Using a Fully-Coupled Poroelastic Fracture-Reservoir Simulator
Ripudaman Manchanda, Shuang Zheng, Deepen Gala, Mukul M. Sharma
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... simulator has been developed to perform multi-cluster hydraulic fracturing and reservoir simulations. The model (Multi-Frac-Res) uses coupled fluid...
ABSTRACT: Quantitative Characterization of Modern Carbonate Platforms to Improve Geologic Modeling, by Hillbun, Kelly N.; Benson, Gregory S.; Gournay, Jonas; Purkis, Sam J.; Simo, Toni; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Use of Connection Constraints for Checking and Enhancing Geological Models
Jean-Marc Chautru, Renaud Meunier, Hélène Binet, Matthieu Bourges
CSPG Bulletin
... and speed-up the process. Conclusion Testing and honoring connections between points in a static model before reservoir simulations is required...
Edsel Field (Minnelusa), Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Daniel W. Bean, Harvey R. Duchene, Walter A. King
Wyoming Geological Association
.... King, W.A., 1984, Waterflood Feasibility Study and Unitization Parameters, Edsel Minnelusa Unit: Davis Oil Co. Engineering Report. Edsel field...
Extended Abstract: Mexico—Perspectives of the Energy Reform, its Interruption, and Active 2019 Exploration Year
Michael Dyer
GCAGS Transactions
... in the basin with relative field sizes based on reservoir age. The Jurassic has been the primary productive zone in the basin but the Cretaceous has also been...
Microsoft Word - 2009DenverDoligez_PDFonly.docx
Brigitte Doligez, Helene Beucher, Marco Pontiggia, Andrea Ortenzi, Alessandro Mariani
Search and Discovery.com
... a geological model of this reservoir with properties in terms of sedimentary facies and diagenetic class, as nested simulations, plurigaussian...
Abstract: Analysis of the Efficacy of CO2 Sequestranration into Depleted Shale Gas Reservoirs, by Kulga, Ihsan B.; Ertekin, Turgay; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Multiphase Simulations of Fractured Basement Reservoir Composed with Dfn Characterized Seismic and Subseismic Scale Features, by H. Wang, T. Doe, and M. Deo; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Bantry Pekisko G Pool – A Mississippian Crinoidal Bank Deposit
Michael B. Rogers
CSPG Special Publications
.... The pool was originally mapped for the purposes of unitization and these maps were used in a modified form for a reservoir simulation model...
Virtual Outcrop Models to Multiple Point Statistics: Improved Reservoir Modeling From Virtual Outcrops Supported by Digital Field Computing
Search and Discovery.com
Deposition and Remaining Productive Capabilities of the Upper Cretaceous Eutaw Sands of East-Central Mississippi
Bobby R. Greer
GCAGS Transactions
...., Laboratory Test Results of Reservoir Oil from East Yellow Creek Field Unit (Wayne County, Mississippi) to Evaluate the Feasibility of Carbon Dioxide...
Developments in West Coast Area in 1949
Graham B. Moody
AAPG Bulletin
.... Unitization was consummated during 1949 in the Northeast Coalinga field and in the 27-B pool in Buena Vista Hills field. Prospects were favorable...
John Blomberg, Blomberg Engineering, Parkersburg, WV
Ohio Geological Society
... can be successfully installed in one field because an off-set EOR project in a very similar reservoir has been successful...