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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Depositional, Diagenetic, and Production History of the Upper Morrowan Buckhaults Sandstone, Farnsworth Field, Ochiltree County Texas
Timothy Wayne Munson
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... more abundant in samples from the east side of the field, (Table 3), can diminish reservoir permeability because of the tendency to swell when in contact...
Greater Aneth: T. 40-42 S., R. 23-25 E., SLB&M: San Juan County, Utah
Thomas R. Moore, Ralph L. Hawks
Utah Geological Association
.... Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 75, p. 653. Peterson, J. A., 1990, Algal mound carbonate reservoir, Aneth oil field, Paradox Basin, Utah–origin and related...
Abstract: Field Scale Static Reservoir Modeling Workflow for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Project in the Athabasca Oil Sands, NE Alberta, Canada; #90172 (2014)
Sorin Bujor, Damien Thenin, Ian Perry
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Field Scale Static Reservoir Modeling Workflow for a Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Project in the Athabasca Oil Sands, NE Alberta...
Long Beach Oil Operations - A History
Linda C. Ames
Pacific Section of AAPG
... discovered in March 1952 and the airport discovered in February 1954. Unitization In the 1960’s the major operators in the Long Beach Field determined...
ABSTRACT: Contribution of the Process-Based Modeling to Pluri-gaussian Simulation in the Case of Meandering Channelized Reservoirs, by Beucher, Hélène; Rivoirard, Jacques; Cojan, Isabelle; Ors, Fabien ; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Quantitative Estimation of Directional Permeability Barriers as a Reservoir Heterogeneity A New Approach Using Synthetic Core; #90187 (2014)
Mahbub Alam and Larry Lines
Search and Discovery.com
... heterogeneity. Often the vertical and the horizontal permeabilities are not considered separately in 3D geo-cellular models and in the reservoir simulations...
ABSTRACT: On Stratigraphic Architecture and Recovery by Waterflooding; #90013 (2003)
D. K. Larue, F. Jian, H. Legarre, J. Toldi, A. Chawathe, Y. Yue
Search and Discovery.com
... (F30) and field models (F50) were constructed. Waterflood simulations were performed on each model, and recovery efficiencies were compared...
Geostatistical Modeling and Reservoir Simulations of Reservoirs in the Greater Monument Butte Region, Uinta Basin, Utah
Milind D. Deo, Rajesh J. Pawar, John E. Dyer
Montana Geological Society
...Geostatistical Modeling and Reservoir Simulations of Reservoirs in the Greater Monument Butte Region, Uinta Basin, Utah Milind D. Deo, Rajesh J...
Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Steamflood Performance
M. Kumar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... heavy oil field were obtained using geostatistical techniques. Fine-grid, cross-sectional and three-dimensional steamflood simulations were then conducted...
AAPG Trip 1
J. N. Truex, W. J. Hunter, D. S. McMurdie, J. C. Taylor, R. O. Castle, A. G. Barrows, R. C. Erickson
Pacific Section of AAPG
... about 500 feet east of the reservoir. The Inglewood Oil Field was discovered in 1924 by the Standard Oil Company. It was developed rapidly and within...
Revisiting Pennsylvanian Reservoir Architecture—Chitwood, Norge, and Northeast Verden Fields, Caddo and Grady Counties, Oklahoma
Howard White, Rodney Kirkland, Ed Glassman, George Schnerk
Kansas Geological Society
... and shallow marine shoal settings. Incorporating these modified reservoir architectures into field development strategies has led to improved secondary...
How Can Stratigraphic Modeling Help Constrain Geostatlstical Reservoir Simulations?
Brigitte Doligez, Didier Granjeon, Philippe Joseph, Remi Eschard, Helene Beucher
Special Publications of SEPM
...How Can Stratigraphic Modeling Help Constrain Geostatlstical Reservoir Simulations? Brigitte Doligez, Didier Granjeon, Philippe Joseph, Remi Eschard...
Magnolia Field, Smackover Unit, Reynolds Limestone Reservoir, Columbia County, Arkansas
Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson
Bureau of Mines
...Magnolia Field, Smackover Unit, Reynolds Limestone Reservoir, Columbia County, Arkansas Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson 59 MAGNOLIA FIELD...
Characteristics of Microzonation Modelling in Reservoir Evaluation
Search and Discovery.com
MB Field Reservoir Simulation Study
Dodi Hidayat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...MB Field Reservoir Simulation Study Dodi Hidayat 1991 235 254 The MB field, located on the coast of NORTHWEST JAVA, commenced producing oil from...
Application of Numerical Outcrops of Fluvio-Deltaic Systems in Building Geological Reservoir Models
Search and Discovery.com
Upscaling in Numerical Simulation of Shale Transport Properties by Coupling Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Lattice Boltzmann Method
Yang Ning, Shuai He, Honglin Liu, Hongyan Wang, Guan Qin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...e is about 1.214 g/cm3. By performing external force field non-equilibrium MD simulations, we can determine the methane transport diffusivity coefficient...
ABSTRACT: Stochastic Simulation of Facies/Lithology for Reservoir Characterization, by Vinicio Suro-Perez, Andre G. Journel; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Object Based Modeling and Stochastic Simulation of Fluvial Reservoirs Geometry, by C. A. Poletto, W. L. Lanzarini, and G. Tavares; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Pilot Scale CO2 EOR Project in Upper Mississippian Formation at Wellington Field in Southern Kansas, #80343 (2013)
Yevhen Holubnyak, Willard Watney, Jason Rush, John Doveton, Mina Fazelalavi
Search and Discovery.com
...Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Pilot Scale CO2 EOR Project in Upper Mississippian Formation at Wellington Field in Southern Kansas, #80343 (2013...
Adena Field, "J" Sand Unit, Morgan County, Colorado
Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson
Bureau of Mines
...Adena Field, "J" Sand Unit, Morgan County, Colorado Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson 4 ADENA FIELD, " J " SAND U N I T , M O R G A N C O U N T Y...
Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Description and Flow Performance Evaluation: Glenn Pool Field - Self Unit Study, by A. Bahar, L. G. Thompson, and M. Kelkar; #90957 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
The Petroleum Geology of Tanjung Laban Field, South Sumatra
Mulyadi M. Hasan, Dindot S. Soebandrio
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... (Figure 2). Figure 1. Location Map Figure 2. T. Laban Field Structure Map on Top of TL-10/875 Coal Initial steps toward unitization of the field were...