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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Production & Optimization in a Mature Reservoir: Lobitos Field Z-2B Area, Basal Salina Formation Case Study; #90243 (2015)
M. Morffe, M. Heredia, K. Aristizabal, J Dextre, and F. Paredes
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Production & Optimization in a Mature Reservoir: Lobitos Field Z-2B Area, Basal Salina Formation Case Study; #90243 (2015) M. Morffe, M...
Cole Creek South
Andy Finley
Wyoming Geological Association
... of the field comes from fluvial channel sandstones that dissect the marine facies. Differences in reservoir characteristics from these two facies has...
The Importance of Quantification of Reservoir Mineralogy in Thermally Enhanced Recovery Projects: A Study Via Computer Simulations, by C. H. Moore, J. S. Dudley, and A. Cochran; #90986 (1994).
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Memorial: Owen Fuller Thornton (1916-1953)
John D. Todd
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... scoffed-at opinion that the newly discovered N e w Hope oil field needed water flooding. Although his "voice crying in the wilderness" then went...
Adjustment Form of Unit Operating Agreement
C. Condon MacKay
Tulsa Geological Society
... concerning difficulties in the straight acreage pooling agreements are not made for the purpose of abusing unitization. On the contrary, it is an effort...
Abstract: Forty-Seven Wells in 40 Acres: A Detailed Reservoir Study of Loudon Field, IL, by D. H. Horowitz and N. K. Maer, Jr.; #91013 (1992).
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Timber Creek North
Nick Loundagin
Wyoming Geological Association
...Timber Creek North Nick Loundagin 2000 516 518 Field Timber Creek North Location T49-50N R70W County, State Campbell County, Wyoming Reservoir...
Abstract: Impact of Stress Perturbations nearby Salt Bodies on Fault Stability: Examples from Reservoir Geomechanics, by B. Orlic, J.D. van Wees, and F. Mulders; #90066 (2007)
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Abstract: Regional Assessment of Reservoir Properties and Waste Disposal Modeling for Arbuckle Formation in South Central and Southwestern Kansas; #90242 (2015)
Yevhen Holubnyak, Lynn Watney, Mina FazeAlavi, Jason Rush, Tandis Bidgoli, Eugene Williams, Paul Gerlach, and Saugatta Datta
Search and Discovery.com
... and fractures also add complexity to the reservoir. To understand fluid flow in these complex carbonate reservoirs, numerical simulations were performed...
Geological Limitations to Oil Law
William W. Porter II
AAPG Bulletin
... unitization, he would have been assessed Fig. 1. Diagram of part of East Cat Canyon field, Santa Barbara County, California, which illustrates short-distance...
Geothermal Resource Characterization of the Middle Devonian Slave Point Formation at Clarke Lake Field, Fort Nelson, B.C., Canada
Search and Discovery.com
High-Performance Reservoir Simulations on Modern CPU-GPU Computational Platforms
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Improved Oil Recovery Through Integration of Geologic and Engineering Data in Comprehensive Programs of Reservoir Management, by Beverly Seyler, Emmanuel O. Udegbunam; #91020 (1995).
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The Influence of Intra- and Inter-Channel Architecture in Selecting Optimal Gridding for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation
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Abstract: Multiscale Characterization of a Marine Shelf Sandstone, the Cardium Formation in the Wapiti Field, Alberta Basin, Canada, by M. Socas-Bassons and C. P. North; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: The 4-D Gravity Method and Water Flood Surveillance at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
John Ferguson
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... surveillance. An inversion procedure was formulated and tested on synthetic gravity data based on reservoir simulations. Various 4-D gravity noise scenarios...
Abstract: Dual Mesh Method in Heterogeneous Porous Media, by S. Verdiere and D. Guerillot; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Modeling Potential Scenarios for Induced Seismicity in Arbuckle Group Saline Aquifer in Southern Kansas
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Determining Well Connectivity - Topological Modelling of Natural and Synthetic Fracture Systems; #90007 (2002)
Robert Smallshire, Paul Griffiths, Chris McKeown
Search and Discovery.com
... to generate reservoir properties for full field flow simulations. The validation of such DFN models is a key component in both exploration and development...
ABSTRACT: California's Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (1915-Present)
Tim Kustic
Petroleum History Institute
... of the State’s offshore resources consistently improved with technology developments, however, it wasn’t until 1958 that the first new-field discovery...
Rangely Field, Rio Blanco County, Colorado
P.M. McMinn, H.L. Patton
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., nearly thirty years after the discovery of the Weber reservoir and nearly twenty years after the start of its active development, is the largest field...
Abstract: The Goodwyn Field: An Integrated Approach to Optimal Field Development
S. H. Newman, N. C. Taylor
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... reservoir simulations under different aquifer strengths and development options. The location of the various development wells was then designed...
Abstract: Capturing the Geology Accurately in Alternative Reservoir Modeling Processes - An Example From the Etchegoin Reservoir at West Coalinga Field, California, by K. Tucker and J. Thorne; #90935 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Project 2 - Caughlin Strawn Field, Caughlin Strawn Unit. Wise County
Frank Parrish Jr., Paul Meadows
Bureau of Mines
...Project 2 - Caughlin Strawn Field, Caughlin Strawn Unit. Wise County Frank Parrish Jr., Paul Meadows 21 Project 2--Caughlin Strawn Field, Caughlin...