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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,545 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Embracing the Digital Revolution from an Oil and Gas Perspective: Totals Experience; #90306 (2017)
Henri Houllevigue
Search and Discovery.com
... interpretation software (Seismic trace classification & Pseudo Gamma-ray). During the 1990s, Neuron Network lost its fashion, only to rise again...
Highly Resolved Pleistocene Surface Drainage Revealed by Seismic Survey Data in the Offshore Gippsland Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Interactive Modeling, Visualization and Visual Analytics Challenges in Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering, #120046 (2012)
Mario Costa Sousa
Search and Discovery.com
.... As a result, data is transformed into information and then into knowledge. Visualization in oil and gas E&P began with the introduction of interpretation...
Abstract: Interactive Modeling, Visualization & Visual Analytics Challenges for Smart Oil/Gas Exploration & Production; #90174 (2014)
Mario Costa Sousa
Search and Discovery.com
.... As a result, data is transformed into information and then into knowledge. Visualization in oil and gas E&P began with the introduction of interpretation...
David P. James, Dale A. Leckie
CSPG Special Publications
...’s Production and Research Division. The emphasis placed on sequence stratigraphy led to the creation of our major themes, namely Sequences, Stratigraphy...
Abstract: Jurassic Hydrocarbon Potentiality In Northern Western Desert of Egypt Emphasizing Khalda Areas
Ahmed Abd El Aleem and Ali El Awdan
Search and Discovery.com
..., combined with 3D seismic and additional geological interpretation, demonstrate that fields may be larger than previously thought...
Abstract: The Past and Future Development of Africa’s Play Systems: Why Regional Geology is More Important than Ever
Duncan Macgregor
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... have for explorers in the region, and speculates on some of the themes which will categorize future new discoveries. Historically, the oil and gas...
Abstract: The Maritime Appalachian Transect (MAT): a new proposal to Lithoprobe
F. Marillier, M. Malo, The MAT Group
Atlantic Geology
... between existing deep seismic lines. It lies between the Quebec-Maine transect where thin-skinned tectonics dominate to the Lithoprobe-East lines...
Offshore East Coast Blocks Offer Raises Hopes Of New Petroleum Discoveries
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... T The announcement follows a package of exploration incentives released last year, which included a fund for the acquisition of seismic data to support...
A review of research on revolution of 3D Seismic Geomorphology of Fluvial System
Search and Discovery.com
New Insights into the Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Offshore Nova Scotia, #40638 (2010)
Hamish Wilson
Search and Discovery.com
... Salt interpretation • Based on reprocessed TGS and GXT seismic data and an extensive 3D grid of the core exploration area • Enhanced imaging...
Synthetic Seismic Validation of Reservoir Models of the Carbonate Gas Fields in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia; #41087 (2012)
Alexander David Kayes
Search and Discovery.com
...” in the integrated reservoir modeling process, which originates with the interpretation of the seismic data. The underlying mechanics of the process...
ABSTRACT: SEAPSO Project in New Hebrides-Fiji-Tonga Area
J. M. Auzende, J. Daniel, J. P. Eissen, J. P. Foucher, B. Pontoise, J. Recy
Circum Pacific Council Publications
...-Charcot from October 1985 to January 1986. The new data concern multinarrow-beam bathymetry, gravity, magnetics, 3.5-kHz echo sounding, single-channel...
Abstract: Exploring for Subtle Traps, Natih Formation, North Oman; #90254 (2016)
Uzma Ghulam, Sulaiman Z. Al Farqani, Ibrahim Rajaibi, Abdullah Al Gahaffi, Alban Rovira, Angelika Wulff, Bushra Al Mamari, Hubertus Dejong, Henk Droste
Search and Discovery.com
... in PDO exploration has targeted the delivery of a portfolio of Natih Subtle Traps by the broad themes of ‘getting more geology from seismic...
Abstract: Main Pass 290: Assembling a Successful Thirty Well Redevelopment Program in a Mature Field, Offshore Gulf of Mexico, by J. V. Bikun, D. A. Sharpe, and D. J. Shafer; #90987 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
2.1 Tectonics of Extensional Provinces: Title Page
AAPG Special Volumes
... interpretation of seismic data: AAPG Cont. Educ. Course Note Series No. 23, 73 p. Sheriff, R.E., and L.P. Geldart, Exploration seismology (2 vols...
3.1 Tectonics of Compressional Provinces: Title Page
AAPG Special Volumes
... Devel. Corp., 227 p. Sheriff, R.E., 1982, Structural interpretation of seismic data: AAPG Cont. Educ. Course Note Series No. 23, 73 p. Sheriff, R.E....
SG 15 Volume 1: Seismic Expression of Structural Styles: A Picture and Work Atlas - Foreword
A. W. Bally
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Seismic stratigraphy: Boston, Internat. Human Resources Devel. Corp., 227 p. {*} Sheriff, R.E., 1982, Structural interpretation of seismic data: AAPG Cont...
Closing the Gap III: Advances in Applied Geomodeling for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
David Garner
CSPG Bulletin
... forecasting; and 5) a clever twist in the practical integration of seismic to guide facies models in oilsands while considering the importance of geobodies...
Dedication to Michel T. Halbouty
AAPG Special Volumes
..., The Deliberate Search for the Subtle Trap. The search for stratigraphic traps led to the development of seismic stratigraphy and the investigation of the role...
Principles of Seismic, A Short Course
Lawrence H. Wickstrom, Editor, Ohio Geological Society, P.O. Box , Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Geological Society
... Borehole Seismic Techniques 64 Interpretation Methods Utilizing Seismic Data...
Did You Know That Rocks Have Memory?
Åsmund Drottning, Per Avseth, Tore Nordtømme Hansen, DIG Science
GEO ExPro Magazine
...-resolution seismic data Rapid access to interpretation ready data Reduced costs & less land disruption • • • • • Same Channel/Valley Same Stratigraphic...
Geological Modelling of the Offshore Orange Basin, West Coast of South Africa, #10191 (2009)
Curnell J. Campher, R. di Primio, G. Kuhlmann, D. van der Spuy, and R. Domoney
Search and Discovery.com
Characteristics of Expert Behavior in Problem Solving and Workflow Strategy in Seismic Interpretation, #70349 (2018).
James P. Dobbs, Matthew A. Jackson, Eric M. Riggs
Search and Discovery.com
...: Qualitative Research in Psychology, v. 3/2, p. 77-101. Yilmaz, Ö., 2001, Seismic Data Analysis: Processing, Inversion, and Interpretation of Seismic...
Depositional Themes of Mixed Carbonate-siliciclastics in the South Florida Neogene: Application to Ancient Deposits
D. F. McNeill, K. J. Cunningham, L. A. Guertin, F. S. Anselmetti
AAPG Special Volumes
... to distinguish specific lithofacies on seismic profiles and sonic logs. In ancient mixed-system deposits where only seismic data exist, problems...