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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,036 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Development of a High-Resolution Geological Framework Model for the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone: Data, Assumptions, Procedures, and Workflow

Deborah J. Waiting, David A. Ferrill, Darrell W. Sims

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... of the Edwards Aquifer (Edwards Aquifer Authority, San Antonio Water System, U.S. Geological Survey, and the Bureau of Economic Geology) provided access...


Computer Simulation Models of Salt Domes

James C. Howard

AAPG Bulletin

... for piercement salt domes: Kansas Geol. Survey Computer Contr., no. 22, p. 22-34. Howard, J. C., 1969, Simulation of salt dome forms: Ph.D. dissert...


The Application of Induced Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy in Cased Hole Formation Evaluation in Sumatra, Indonesia

W. D. Morgan, R. C. Hertzog

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in evaluating how well the sand formations are sealed prior to selecting intervals for perforation. The wells in Lirik Sago field were chosen to sample...


Devonian Gas-Bearing Shales in the Appalachian Basin

Wallace de Witt Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... of New York; Part IV, comprising the survey of the fourth geological district: New York Geological Survey, 683 p. HARRIS, L. D., 1978, The Eastern...


ABSTRACT: Portfolio Management„Implementing the Right Tools to Support the Process; #90007 (2002)

Nicki Bourne, Mike Larsen

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...—Implementing the Right Tools to Support the Process Nicki Bourne, Mike Larsen. Paras Consulting Selecting the best portfolio management methodology...


ABSTRACT CO2 Sequestration in Sedimentary Basins: Major Remaining Issues, #90104 (2010)

Benson Sally M.

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... of the CO2 plume, how big is it and where does it migrate? How can we make more reliable predictions?  5. From prospectivity to selecting real sites… how do...


Abstract: Size Isnt Everything: Predicting Clastic Injectites at Stratigraphic Traps Using Appropriate Analogues; #90310 (2017)

Sarah Cobain, David Hodgson, Jeff Peakall

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... in these locations. This should be considered when selecting outcrop analogues to model in the subsurface, and not selecting an analogue because...


Maximizing Project Value in Vaca Muerta Shale Formation „ Part 1: Optimizing High Density Completions „ Case of Study

Alejandro Lerza, Sergio Cuervo, Sahil Malhotra

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... alternatives is not considered before selecting the one generating the highest value. Furthermore, the well spacing aspect of this complex problem, and its...


Recovering original type and abundance of organic matter in spent source rocks: A review and advances in elemental proxies

Wenyao Xiao, Jian Cao, Bing Luo, Yuce Wang, Di Xiao, Chunhua Shi, and Kai Hu

AAPG Bulletin

... geochemical data, such as RockEval pyrolysis parameters and measured total organic carbon contents, were used to determine the original total organic...


Design of a constructed wetland system for treatment of copper-contaminated wastewater

George M. Huddleston III, John H. Rodgers Jr.

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... Geological Survey Circular 1013, 43 p.Faulkner, S. P., W. H. Patrick Jr., and R. P. Gambrell, 1989, Field techniques for measuring wetland soil parameters...


Biogenic and Thermogenic Gas Potential of The Underexplored Southern Kutai Basin, Offshore East Kalimantan: A Case Study from South Sesulu Block

Yudhi Artha, Eddy. A. Subroto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... length 1,841.36 km and one 3D seismic survey covering area of 544.91 km2. This research concentrates on determining the potential maturity...


Decision Analysis to Determine Best Alternatives to Develop a New Discovery R FieldŽ

Ardhito Wirawan Sarwono, Santi Novani

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... with development of alternatives and selecting the solution and finally completed with solution implementation and some take away points or lesson learnt from...


Reservoir Geomechanics Applied to Drilling and Completion Programmes in Hostile and Complex Environments: North West Shelf, Timor Sea, North Sea and Colombia

David A. Castillo, D. Moos

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by selecting an optimal trajectory through the reservoir that can be drilled near balanced or under-balanced to minimise the formation damaging effects...


Jurassic subsidence history of the Hazelton Trough–Bowser Basin in the area of Todagin Mountain, north-central British Columbia, Canada

J.-F. Gagnon, C. A. Evenchick, J. W. F. Waldron, F. Cordey, T. P. Poulton

CSPG Bulletin

... Columbia. In: Current Research, Part E: Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1E, p. 131-139. Angevine, C.L. and Turcotte, D.L. 1981. Thermal subsidence...


Reflections on Geostatistics and Stochastic Modeling

D. E. Myers

AAPG Special Volumes

... and applications, particularly when it is difficult or costly to obtain live data. For example, the U.S. Geological Survey has developed several routines to simulate...


Chapter 3: Tools and Techniques for Studying Mudstones

O. R. Lazar, K. M. Bohacs, J. Schieber, J. H. S. Macquaker, T. M. Demko

AAPG Special Volumes

... in the Illinois and Appalachian basins: Indiana Geological Survey Open File Study 04-05, p. 78. Bohacs, K. M., and J. M. Guthrie, 2022, Chimney Rock Shale...


Initiatives to Limit Lost Time Injuries during Seismic Acquisition in the Papuan Fold Belt

S. J. Price

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... 1995 and, after some 280,000 man-hours of work, at times with almost 200 people involved, the survey was completed without a single lost time injury...


Advances in Sonic Logging … A New 3 Dimensional Acoustic Log Measurement

Frank Wijnands

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... within the reservoir. Such a Borehole Acoustic Reflection Survey can see tens of feet into the formation with a resolution that is many times better...


The Search for Pineview Field, Summit County, Utah

Gerald G. Loucks

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... basin that originally controlled sedimentation, facies distribution, and oil occurrence. Selecting the Best Maps Structure maps of the present basins...


An Overview of the Anoa Field Development

M. Fahman, Faisal Nur, J. S. Djalal, Subagio, Kasjati

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Lobes. Of the gas cap gas, 80 % of the total is in the B-2 sand of the West Lobe. Gas in the Central Lobe is insignificant. Fluid and Reservoir Parameters...


Remediation of Waste Sites Using in Situ Treatment

Ronald C. Sims, Judith L. Sims, Darwin L. Sorensen, R. Ryan Dupont

Utah Geological Association

... to disappear based upon a first-order kinetic model. Full-Scale Applications of in Situ Treatment A recent survey conducted for the U.S. Environmental Protection...


An Intelligent Rock Physics Approach for Predicting Permeability Distribution

Bambang Widarsono, Fakhriyadi Saptono, Patrick M. Wong, Suprajitno Munadi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... porosity and fluid saturation from seismic survey. (in Bahasa Indonesia) Proceedings, Symposium and 5th Congress of Association of Indonesian Petroleum...


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