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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Surface and Near-surface Geochemical Detection of Gas Microseepage from CO2 Sequestration and CO2-EOR Projects
Ronald W. Klusman
Search and Discovery.com
... at Teapot Dome, Field measurement of CO2 fluxes by IR spectrometer, soil gas CO2 , CH4, and light hydrocarbons by laboratory gas chromatography, isotope...
Eocene-Miocene shallow-water carbonate platforms and increased habitat diversity in Sarawak, Malaysia
Morana Mihaljevic, Willem Renema, Kevin Welsh, John M. Pandolfi
... of the Adriatic carbonate platform (Istrian Peninsula): Facies, v. 50, p. 61–75. COTTON, L.J., PEARSON, P.N., AND RENEMA, W., 2014, Stable isotope stratigraphy...
Tectonic and geomorphic controls on the lacustrine deposits of the Neogene Vinchina basin, northwestern Argentina
Sergio A. Marenssi, Carlos O. Limarino, Laura J. Schencman, Patricia L. Ciccioli
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 2010, Palaeogroundwater evolution in playa-lake environments: sedimentary facies and stable isotope record (Palaeogene, Almazán basin, Spain...
A general model for growth trajectories of linear carbonate platforms
Nicolas Goudemand,, Pulkit Singh, Jonathan L. Payne
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Synthetic stratigraphy of carbonate platform and basin systems: Geology, v. 16, p. 703– 706. Bice, D., 1991, Computer simulation of carbonate platform...
Cahoj Field--U.S.A. Anadarko Basin, Kansas
W. Lynn Watney, Bryan Stephens, Jan-Chung Wong
AAPG Special Volumes
... #5, 56 p. Jenden, P. D., K. D. Newell, I. R. Kaplan, and W. L. Watney, 1988, Composition and stable-isotope geochemistry of natural gases from Kansas...
Summary of Black Sea Investigations: Summary
K. O. Emery, J. M. Hunt
AAPG Special Volumes
... geochemistry of Black Sea sediments: this volume. Cox, J. M., and Gunter Faure, 1974, Isotope composition of strontium in carbonate phase of two cores from...
Pedogenic Mud Aggregates and Paleosol Development in Ancient Dryland River Systems: Criteria for Interpreting Alluvial Mudrock Origin and Floodplain Dynamics
Reidar Muller, Johan Petter Nystuen, V. Paul Wright
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... applications: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 47, p. 41-70. LERVIK, K.S., SPENCER, A.M., AND WARRINGTON, G., 1989, Outline of Triassic stratigraphy...
Evolution of a complex early Permian coarse-grained shoreline along a rift basin margin
Antoine Dillinger, Annette D. George, Romain Vaucher
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: Sedimentology, v. 25, p. 625– 648. Carr, I.D., Gawthorpe, R.L., Jackson, C.A-L., Sharp, I.R., and Sadek, A., 2003, Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy...
Devonian & Mississippian Rocks of the Four Corners Region
Dix R. Turnbow
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
.... STRATIGRAPHY Devonian System transition zone into the sandy dolomite of the Upper member of the Elbert formation. The McCracken ranges from 0 to 175 feet...
Geology of the Eastern Margin of the Indian Subcontinent
Y. S. N. Rao
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... compaction anticlines. Stratigraphy In many of the wells drilled on land in the Basin Margin Fault zone and the Stable shelf the entire Tertiary...
Elevated Arsenic Levels in the Weches Formation, Nacogdoches County, Texas
E. B. Ledger, Kathy Judy
GCAGS Transactions
.... M.S. Thesis, SFASU.. Hsieh, Jean C. C., and Yapp, Crayton J. 1999. Stable carbon isotope budget of CO2 in a wet, modern soil as inferred from Fe(CO3)OH...
Late Precambrian Geology of Scotland, England and Wales
M.A.J. Piasecki, O. van Breemen, A.E. Wright
CSPG Special Publications
..., 1970. A review of the structure and stratigraphy of the Moinian of Ardgour, Moidart and Sunart-Argyll and Inverness-shire. Scottish Journal of Geology...
High-resolution Mg/Ca ratios in a coralline red alga as a proxy for Bering Sea temperature variations from 1902 To 1967
Steffen Hetzinger, Jochen Halfar, Andreas Kronz, Robert S. Steneck, Walter Adey, Phillip A. Lebednik, Bernd R. Schöne
... and Macintyre, 1983) decomposes rapidly under electron bombardment, whereas dolomite and the sample calcite behave in a stable manner. Analytical quality...
The Great American Carbonate Bank in Eastern Laurentia: Its Births, Deaths, and Linkage to Paleooceanic Oxygenation (Early CambrianLate Ordovician)
Ed Landing
AAPG Special Volumes
... p.Coniglio, M., 1986, Stable isotope and elemental relationships of ancient shallow-marine and slope carbonates, CambroOrdovician Cow Head Group...
Structure, Seismic Data, and Orogenic Evolution of Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
A. W. Bally, P. L. Gordy, G. A. Stewart
CSPG Bulletin
..., A summary of the regional structure and stratigraphy of the Rocky Mountain Trench: Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy Bull., v. 52, no. 565, p. 322-327...
Tectonic History of Northern Alaska, Canadian Arctic, and Spitsbergen Regions Since Early Cretaceous
J. R. McWhae
AAPG Bulletin
.... Detterman, R. L., H. N. Reiser, W. P. Brosge, and J. T. Dutro, Jr., 1975, Post-Carboniferous stratigraphy, northeastern Alaska: USGS Professional...
Seismic Stratigraphy of the Deep-Water Area in the Northern Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa; #10389 (2012)
Jonathan Salomo
Search and Discovery.com
...Seismic Stratigraphy of the Deep-Water Area in the Northern Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa; #10389 (2012) Jonathan Salomo Seismic Stratigraphy...
Re-Visiting the Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite and Devonian Darby Subcrop Geometry across SW Wyoming: New Light from an Old Well; #51416 (2017)
Donna S. Anderson, Mark W. Longman
Search and Discovery.com
... Madison Limestone to Precambrian basement, and the core is archived at the USGS CRC in Lakewood, CO. From a reinterpretation of the stratigraphy...
Frontmatter: Contributions to Geology of South Texas, 1962
Wilford Lee Stapp
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
.... The South Texas oil business never seems to be a “boom” or “bust” situation, but continues at a relatively steady rate which creates a stable growth. We...
Montana Geological Society
...., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Kummel, B., 1954, Triassic stratigraphy of southeastern Idaho and adjacent areas: U. S. Geol...
Summary of the Pre-Coconino Stratigraphy of Southwestern Utah, Northwestern Arizona, and Southeastern Nevada
Andrew H. McNair
Utah Geological Association
...Summary of the Pre-Coconino Stratigraphy of Southwestern Utah, Northwestern Arizona, and Southeastern Nevada Andrew H. McNair 1952 45 51 Hewett, D...
Barents Sea: A First Look at New High Resolution 3D Multicomponent Seismic
Rune Sakariassen, Nicola O'Dowd, Sören Naumann, PGS
GEO ExPro Magazine
... of internal stratigraphy within the horst acquisition. In subsequent years, the blocks is clearly seen in the WEM image. company has trialled various...
Regional Stratigraphy of the Mud-Rich Turbidite System of the Forbes Formation, Sacramento Basin, California
Douglas P. Imperato, Tor H. Nilsen, Donald W. Moore
Pacific Section SEPM
...Regional Stratigraphy of the Mud-Rich Turbidite System of the Forbes Formation, Sacramento Basin, California Douglas P. Imperato, Tor H. Nilsen...
Chalkley Field Cameron Parish
Marc Sonnier
GCAGS Transactions
..., stratigraphy, production of the Chalkley Field, which has proven to be an excellent producer of both oil and gas. International Oil Scouts Association...
Foreword - Marine Conglomerate Reservoirs: Cretaceous of Western Canada and Modern Analogues
T. F. Moslow, John-Paul Zonneveld
CSPG Bulletin
... progradational, retrogradational and stable conditions. The insights derived from this modern analogue provide a much-valued enhancement...