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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 60,883 Results. Searched 197,926 documents.

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The Thin-Skinned Thrust Structures of Timor

Kartono Sani, Mark I. Jacobson, Rusdinadar Sigit

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... poor and thus, not used in the structural interpretation. In addition to the data collected by Amoseas, existing aerial photographs, potential field...


Sequence Stratigraphy Applied in Well Logs, Cores, and Outcrops: Concepts for High Resolution Correlation of Time and Facies to Stipulate Further Hidrocarbon Prospect of Field With Deltaic Architecture Complex: Case Study of Sembakung Field, Tarakan Basin

Pambudi Suseno

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the production and the structural configuration. Better producing wells are located at the flank. A high-resolution sequence stratigraphic interpretation...



James Pindell1,2, Lorcan Kennan, Curtis Archie, Victor Young-on, Anthony Ramlackhansingh, Bruce Eggertson

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... interested in the structural and stratigraphic evolution of southeast Caribbean and Trinidad. Among the features highlighted in this poster are: 1) The Caroni...


Extensional Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the North Atlantic Margins: Introduction: Chapter 1

A. J. Tankard, H. R. Balkwill

AAPG Special Volumes

.... (2) A North Atlantic overview includes tectono-stratigraphic, geophysical, and igneous perspectives. (3) The tectonic-structural-stratigraphic...


Stratigraphic Control on the Lateral Distribution of Hydrothermal Dolomites away from Major Fault Zones, #50277 (2010)

G. Michael Grammer, Jennifer Schulz, David Barnes, Robb Gillespie, William B. Harrison, John E. Thornton

Search and

... by Presenter: In addition to a structural control, there is a stratigraphic control on the lateral distribution of reservoir quality HTD. The lateral...


Abstract: Seismic Inversion in a Tight Gas Sand: An Illuminating Case Study; #90171 (2013)

David Close, David Cho, Frederik Horn, and Charles Wagner

Search and

..., structural interpretations, and seismic inversion results provides both direct and intangible interpretation and visualization benefits. Introduction...


Abstract: Seismic Inversion in a Tight Gas Sand: An Illuminating Case Study; #90171 (2013)

David Close, David Cho, Frederik Horn, and Charles Wagner

Search and

..., structural interpretations, and seismic inversion results provides both direct and intangible interpretation and visualization benefits. Introduction...


Abstract: Seismic Data from the Eromanga Basin

B. Rumph

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... to illus• trate improvements in data quality with modern seismic techniques, and diff• erent structural and tectonic styles in the Eromanga Basin. Recent...


ABSTRACT: Petroleum System Modeling and Hydrocarbon Prediction of the Gulf Mexican Ridges

Joel Lara, Claudia Barrera-Ortiz, Juan R. Román-Ramos

GCAGS Transactions

... of the study area. Regional sections were used to build a pseudo cube, where the main stratigraphic sequences were delimited. The interpretation...


Evolution From Shelf to Deep Water Exploration in the Niger Delta, Nigeria: Abstract

Elwood Hardman

Houston Geological Society

... with the application of modern concepts of biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphic and structural interpretation, coupled with velocity studies and further...


Better Subsalt Imaging Integrating 3-D Seismic and Full Tensor Gradient Data: Gemini Field Case Study: Abstract

John Prutzman

Houston Geological Society

... data, particularly in areas of poorly imaged seismic reflectors caused by overlying structural and stratigraphic complications...


Exploration Success... and Failure on the North Slope of Alaska - Abstract

Greg Wilson

Alaska Geological Society

..., but no structural or stratigraphic trap and thus are wet (examples: Ivishak, Kuparuk). This talk will identify some of the historical successes...


Horizontal Seismic Sections and Their Utility in Petroleum Exploration

Alistair R. Brown

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... surveying is an established tool contributing to the solution of structural and stratigraphic problems in every type of environment worldwide. Since 1976 3d...


ABSTRACT: The Challenges in Defining Natural Gas Petroleum Systems

Ronald J. Hill

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and carbonate reservoirs in conventional structural and stratigraphic traps, and from low-porosity and low-permeability tight sandstones, shales, and coal...


Abstract: Chasing the Untested Miocene Deep Water Turbidites & Carbonate Buildups Plays of the East-Palawan Basin, Philippines

Gal Hartman

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... that holds potential for stratigraphic and structural traps; (2) Oligo-Miocene carbonate buildups play. More than 20 leads have been mapped throughout...


Abstract: Margin Basin Analysis (Brazil and West Africa) using a G3 Approach

William Dickson, Craig Schiefelbein, and Mark Odegard

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... The continental margin basins of Brazil and West Africa share similar tectono-stratigraphic units resulting from their proximity in Late Jurassic/Early...


Abstract: Compartmentalization and Time-Lapse Geochemical Reservoir Surveillance of the Horn Mountain Oil Field, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico

Alexei V. Milkov and Evvy Goebel

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... in combination structural-stratigraphic traps. Prior to initial production, several barriers and baffles were identified in both reservoirs...


Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Rharb Basin, Morocco [Abstract]

Roksandic, M.M., Soquip, Jabour, H., Onarep

CSPG Bulletin

... and/or shaly sands in the Globorotalia dutertrei biozone. Gas entrapment is predominantly controlled by stratigraphic factors, but commonly...


"Amauligak and Beyond: The Quest for a Canadian Beaufort Sea Economic Threshold [Abstract]"

Enachescu, M.E., Meehan, P.J., Smee, G.W.

CSPG Bulletin

... and large structural-stratigraphic traps of low complexity are present at depths from 3.5 to 4.5 km; c) direct hydrocarbon indicators are associated...


Problem of Oil-Gas Productivity of the Crimea

O. S. Stupka

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... schemes for the Crimea; this is indicative of the complexity of the problem. The main problem is the stratigraphic differentiation of the pre-Cretaceous...


Abstract: An Alternative Benthic Biofacies Model for the Plio-Pleistocene of the Gulf of Mexico: Examples from the Green Canyon Area

Villamil Tomas , Claudia Arango , Paul Weimer , Mark Rowan , Art Waterman

GCAGS Transactions

... of northern Gulf of Mexico will illustrate new models. Proposed models have important implications for the interpretation of the stratigraphic and structural...


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