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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 28,873 Results. Searched 196,956 documents.
Physical Properties of Carbonate Reservoirs in South Sumatra
B. Sudewo, A. R. Suhendan, S. Chacko
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the physical properties of the Baturaja Limestone from PT Stanvac Indonesia acreage in the South Sumatra Basin: P-wave velocity, density and electrical...
Hydrodynamic Properties and Grain-size Characteristics of Volcaniclastic Deposits on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of Iceland (Kolbeinsey Ridge)
Reinhard Oehmig, Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Observations concerning different current expositions of central ridge sediments, combined with the parameters of settling velocity distribution, grain...
Resolving Multiphase Fractions in Horizontal Wells Using Speed of Sound Measured with Distributed Acoustic Sensors and a PVT Database
Peyman Moradi, Brian Seabrook, Neal Adair, Ricardo Garza
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Sensor array has the ability to measure the Speed of Sound (SoS) in a variety of flowing mixtures, from noisy gas-liquid flows to low-velocity, quiet...
Experimental and Field Studies on the Genesis of Sandstones
Gerard V. Middleton
Wyoming Geological Association
... are the many studies made on factors affecting the settling velocity of particles, studies by Hjulstrum and Shields on the conditions necessary for the beginning...
A Novel Method of Deriving Weathering Statics from First Arrival Refractions
G. W. Hollingshead, R. R. Slater
Pacific Section of AAPG
..., the variable density mode of display was chosen as the most effective means of presenting the early signals on the production reflection records used...
Seismic Imaging Improvements in the Bolivian Fold-and-Thrust Belt Through Psdm
A. Rocha, J. Subia
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... to the client´s office). Once the velocity field/structural behavior was considered to be adequately known, the following jobs were done...
High-fidelity full-waveform imaging via impedance inversion
Feng Chen, Yu Zhang, Lian Duan, Weishan Han, Yilong Qin, Qianggong Song
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... present a full waveform imaging method based on trueamplitude migration that inverts both velocity and impedance models. Within the context of full...
Joint Anisotropic Parameter Inversion Based on Nonhyperbolic Moveout and Azimuthal Amplitude Variance
Fangyu Li, Jie Qi, Bin Lyu, Kurt J. Marfurt
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... analysis focuses on azimuthal changes on either velocity or amplitude. It is obvious that in the field application both HTI and VTI exist...
Geoscience Applications to Economic Development of a Relatively Shallow, Low Gravity, Structurally Complex Eagle Ford Oil Development, Atascosa County, Texas
Lee Billingsley, Bill Layton, Luke Finger
GCAGS Transactions
.... Velocity values based on the drilling and geosteering of nine, widely spaced horizontal wells indicates that velocity is faster near the downthrown...
Selected Studies in High-Angle Hole Cleaning
Mario Zamora, Paul Hanson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... beds, (5) velocity profile, (6) velocity, (7) flow regime, (8) rheology, (9) sweeps, (10) pipe rotation, and (11) mud weight. Unique photographs...
Characterization of a Carbonate Mudrock Reservoir by Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy, Sonic Velocity, and Characterization of the Macro- to Micropore Architecture; #41990 (2017)
Beth Vanden Berg, G. Michael Grammer
Search and Discovery.com
...Characterization of a Carbonate Mudrock Reservoir by Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy, Sonic Velocity, and Characterization of the Macro...
Keshan Zou, Jianchun Dai, Andy Hannan
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... is a must for any reasonable multi-component data interpretation downroad. The yielded Vp and Vs ratio could be used for migration velocity updating...
Abstract: The role of hydrogeology in developing effective mine water control programs in fractured porous rocks
John E. Gale, R. MacLeod, G. Bursey
Atlantic Geology
... Major's Path, St. John's, NF AJA 5Al, Canada 1 Many open pit and underground mining sites are characterized by overburden of variable thickness...
Interactive Color Display and Analysis--Added Dimension to Seismic Interpretation: ABSTRACT
G. W. Rice, B. B. Stebens, Peter Macalister Hall
AAPG Bulletin
... in multiple seismic parameters such as reflection strength, velocity, frequency, and structure can be assimilated more effectively with the aid of interactive...
Use of Precise Temperature Logs in Determination of Thermal Properties of Sedimentary Rocks and Investigation of Thermal Evolution of Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
David Blackwell, John Steele, Dan Hagedorn
AAPG Bulletin
... addressed. The thermal properties of many sedimentary rocks are not well known and the depth and time variable changes associated with compaction...
Mid-Tertiary Conglomerate Deposition and Structural Implications, Southwestern Wind River Range, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Richard J. Bottjer, James R. Steidtmann, Larry T. Middleton
AAPG Bulletin
... with their long axes between transverse and longitudinal positions, indicating later reworking of orientations developed during initial high velocity flows. Thus...
Abstract: Seismic Characterization of Debris Slopes Around Isolated Carbonate Platforms;
William Mynatt, Eugene Rankey, Michael Poppelreiter, Adelya Makhankova, Grisel Paola Soto
Search and Discovery.com
... of reliefs and thicknesses in slope deposits, paired with complex geometric relationships with basinal strata, results in variable seismic character...
Interpreting the Concept of the Sedimentation Unit
Alan V. Jopling
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the aggradation is directed. A velocity change accompanies such an adjustment, but it is the effect rather than the cause, a dependent variable, rather...
Elastic full-waveform inversion using random space shift
Yuhui Yao, Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... than AFWI due to the slow S-wave velocity which requires a more accurate initial model than Pwave velocity, together with the existence of tradeoff...
Transportation of Detritus by Moving Water
Filip Hjulstrom
Special Publications of SEPM
...; in turbulent flow it moves in pulsations in a variable way. The velocity of water in laminar flow is always low; in turbulent flow it may be low or high...
Image - Rays and the Treatment of Inhomogeneity in Migration
L. Hatton
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... depth conversion. Mildly Variable Velocity: Conformal Dipping Layers. This case is illustrated in Figure 7c. Any time-migration algorithm can be used...
Abstract: Reservoir Characteristics of a Quaternary Channel: Incorporating Rock Physics in Seismic and DC Resistivity Surveys; #90211 (2015)
Jawwad Ahmad and Douglas Schmitt
Search and Discovery.com
... properties into geological interpretation. High porosity and poorly consolidated channel sand shows variable seismic velocity that mainly depends...
Physical Basis of Reflection Seismology
Bruce S. Hart
Special Publications of SEPM
... for the sound to travel fro A to B and back again (the two-way travelti e, TWT), we can deter ine the distance AB by ultiplying the velocity of sound...
Modeling Tidal Bedding In Distributary-Mouth Bars
Nicoletta Leonardi, Tao Sun, Sergio Fagherazzi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... for small ratios of mud to sand settling velocity and mud to sand concentration. Bottom friction strongly affects tidal bedding by reducing the length...
Hydromechanical Principles of Sediment Structure Formation
L.I. Briggs, G. V. Middleton
Special Publications of SEPM
... and direction of the velocity at any point can thus be repre sented by drawing a velocity vector whose direc tion is a tangent to the streamline...