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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 43,820 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Structural Description of Adang Fault, Makasar Strait, Indonesia
Hesekiel Bernando Nainggolan, RM Iman Argakoesoesmah, Indra Wahyudi, Andry Hidayat, Muhammad Fikry Shahab
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Structural Description of Adang Fault, Makasar Strait, Indonesia Hesekiel Bernando Nainggolan, RM Iman Argakoesoesmah, Indra Wahyudi, Andry Hidayat...
Fault Techniques: Analyzing Normal Faults: Unit 21: Techniques
Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway
AAPG Special Volumes
...Fault Techniques: Analyzing Normal Faults: Unit 21: Techniques Martin P. A. Jackson, William E. Galloway 1984 113 120 CN 25: Structural...
Sealing and Nonsealing Faults in Louisiana Gulf Coast Salt Basin
Derrell A. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
...Sealing and Nonsealing Faults in Louisiana Gulf Coast Salt Basin Derrell A. Smith 1980 145 172 64 2. (February) Fault-controlled accumulations...
Fault-seal Analysis in the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
Shutaro Hasegawa, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Shoji Iwanaga, Naofumi Sakuyama, Othman Ali Mahmud
AAPG Special Volumes
...Fault-seal Analysis in the Temana Field, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia Shutaro Hasegawa, Rasoul Sorkhabi, Shoji Iwanaga, Naofumi Sakuyama, Othman Ali...
Fault displacement gradients on normal faults and associated deformation
Alan P. Morris, Ronald N. McGinnis, and David A. Ferrill
AAPG Bulletin
...Fault displacement gradients on normal faults and associated deformation Alan P. Morris, Ronald N. McGinnis, and David A. Ferrill 2014 1161 1184 98 6...
Subsurface Structure of a 400-Km-Long Segment of the Oca-Ancon Right-Lateral Fault Zone from the Offshore Margin of Colombia to the Falcon Basin of Venezuela: Abstract
Paul Mann
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
...Subsurface Structure of a 400-Km-Long Segment of the Oca-Ancon Right-Lateral Fault Zone from the Offshore Margin of Colombia to the Falcon Basin...
Abstract: Thrust Faulting in the Laramie Range from Reanalysis of COCORP Seismic Data
Roy Johnson, Scott B. Smithson
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... Phanerozoic rocks in fault contact with Precambrian anorthosite and granite. Original COCORP Line 3 exhibits a strong event dipping west from...
Abstract: Mechanical Models of Compressional Fault-Related Folds: Controls on Deformation and Internal Stress
K. D. Apperson
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Mechanical Models of Compressional Fault-Related Folds: Controls on Deformation and Internal Stress K. D. Apperson 1991 54 55 Plane strain...
Abstract: The Harvey-Hopewell Fault, New Brunswick
C. St. Peter
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: The Harvey-Hopewell Fault, New Brunswick C. St. Peter Atlantic Geology The Harvey-Hopewell Fault, New Brunswick C. St. Peter New Brunswick...
Abstract: The Northward Extension of Baubak Fault in Kedah and Perlis, Peninsular Malaysia
Syed Sheikh Almashoor
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: The Northward Extension of Baubak Fault in Kedah and Perlis, Peninsular Malaysia Syed Sheikh Almashoor 135 The northward extension...
ABSTRACT: Kinematics at Death Valley-Garlock Fault Zone Junction, by R. Brady Abrams, K. Verosub, and A. Finnerty; #91040 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Maradi Fault Zone: 3-D Imagery of a Classic Wrench Fault in Oman, by D. Neuhaus; #90990 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Differences Between Fault-Propagation Folds and Detachment Folds and their Subsurface Implications, by W. K. Wallace and T. X. Homza; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Structural Geology of Shawneetown Fault Zone, Southeastern Illinois: ABSTRACT
Donald K. Lumm, W. John Nelson
AAPG Bulletin
...Structural Geology of Shawneetown Fault Zone, Southeastern Illinois: ABSTRACT Donald K. Lumm, W. John Nelson 1983 1457 1457 67 9. (September...
Abstract: Process-Based Fault Seal/Conduit Prediction, by G. Ozkan, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Juxtaposition and Seal Diagrams to Help Analyze Fault Seals in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
R. J. Knipe
AAPG Bulletin
...Juxtaposition and Seal Diagrams to Help Analyze Fault Seals in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs R. J. Knipe 1997 187 195 81 (1997) 2 A new set of diagrams...
Abstract: Fault Zone Permeability Upscaling: From Field to Numerical Modeling, by Herve Jourde, Atilla Aydin, and Louis Durlofsky; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: A New, Process-based Methodology for Shale Smear Analyses in the Niger Delta, by Bashir Koledoye and Atilla Aydin; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Synsedimentary Faulting in a Mesozoic Deltaic Sequence, Svalbard, Arctic Norway--Fault Geometries, Faulting Mechanisms, and Sealing Properties
Edward Prestholm and Olav Walderhaug
AAPG Bulletin
...Synsedimentary Faulting in a Mesozoic Deltaic Sequence, Svalbard, Arctic Norway--Fault Geometries, Faulting Mechanisms, and Sealing Properties Edward...
ABSTRACT: Boundary Fault Propagation Patterns and Their Control on the Formation of Petroleum Systems in the Erlian Basin, Eastern China, by Dou Lirong; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: The Geometry and Kinematics of Cangdong Fault Inferred from the Distribution and Migration of Sediment and Depocenters of Paleogene in Huanghua Basin, North China, by Qiao Yang and Jiafu Qi; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Temporal and spatial evolution of damage zones along small-displacement faults adjacent to the seismogenic San Jacinto fault, southern California
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Basin-Scale Controls on Fault Zone Diagenesis: Observations from the Rio Grande Rift, NM, by Randolph Williams; #90199 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Geomechanical Analysis of Fluid Injection and Seismic Fault Slip for the M4.8 Timpson, Texas, Earthquake
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Digital Mapping of fault patterns in the Northern Lofoten Islands and their tectonic significance; #90018 (2003)
Robert W. Wilson
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Digital Mapping of fault patterns in the Northern Lofoten Islands and their tectonic significance; #90018 (2003) Robert W. Wilson AAPG...