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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 35,032 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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ABSTRACT: The Distribution of Hazardous Air Pollutant Elements in Relation to Ash Yield and Petrographic Composition of the A1 Lignite Bed (Calvert Mine), Cahrert Bluff Formation, Wilcox Group, East-Central Texas

Sharon S. Crowley, Peter D. Warwick, Leslie F. Ruppert, James Pontolillo

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...ABSTRACT: The Distribution of Hazardous Air Pollutant Elements in Relation to Ash Yield and Petrographic Composition of the A1 Lignite Bed (Calvert...


Geology of Oil-Shale Deposits Within The Narrows Graben, Queensland, Australia

David A. Henstridge , David D. Missen

AAPG Bulletin

... oxidation patches. Fresh oil shale is exposed at the confluence of Kerosene and Munduran Creeks; the exposure is part of a marker bed of oil shale within...


The Influence of Lateral Basinal Slopes on Turbidite Sedimentation in the Annot Sandstones of SE France

H. D. Sinclair

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and siltstones representing upslope drapes. In summary, bed thickness trends, grain size, and facies in basinal turbidite FIG. 16. Relationship...


Origin of Rollover (1)


AAPG Bulletin

..., including (1) the shape of the fault, (2) the total fault slip after a bed is deposited, (3) the direction of relative particle motion in hanging-wall...


Experiments on the Thickness of Beds Deposited by Turbidity Currents

G. V. Middleton, W. J. Neal

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... was deposited. Nevertheless, such reconstructions must be attempted, as there is no unique relationship between bed thickness and the maximum, or even...



D. L. Blackstone, Jr.

Montana Geological Society

... the fold as controlled by a normal fault dipping 80° W with approximately 8500 feet (2590 m) vertical separation. The excess bed...


Geology of Turner Valley Oil and Gas Field, Alberta, Canada: Oil and Gas Occurences

W. B. Gallup

AAPG Special Volumes

... is a dolomitic biostrome identified by the abundance of detrital crinoids et cetera which form the porous zones and provide source. This relationship...


Geology of Rocky Mountain Front Ranges Near Bow River, Alberta

Leslie M. Clark

AAPG Bulletin

... consist largely of repeated sequences of Paleozoic strata dipping 40° W. and separated by subsequent valleys eroded in Mesozoic or Upper Paleozoic beds...


Re-Using Old Formation MicroScanner Logs to Help Understand Reservoir and Fracture Development at the Dover East Field, Southwestern Ontario, Canada; #20252 (2014)

Dragan Andjelkovic, Simon Brame, and Timo Von Rudloff

Search and

...)? • Is there a relationship between fractures orientation/density and production? Several dip categories were identified on the images: bed boundaries, natural fractures...


Pitfalls of Using Entrenched Fracture Relationships: Fracture System within Bedded Carbonates of the Hidden Valley Fault Zone, Canyon Lake Gorge, Comal County, Texas, #41220 (2013)

Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Kevin J. Smart, Alan P. Morris

Search and

... trace, (ii) there is no detectable relationship between fracture spacing and bed thickness, and (iii) joint/fault ratios are far smaller than values...


Processes of Sediment-Wave Construction Along the Present Zaire Deep-Sea Meandering Channel: Role of Meanders and Flow Stripping

Sebastien Migeon,, Bruno Savoye, Nathalie Babonneau, France-Lucy Spy Andersson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... related to a strong decrease then increase of the bed shear stress on the upstream and downstream flank of the wave, respectively. Interpretation...


Sole marks reveal deep-marine depositional process and environment: Implications for flow transformation and hybrid-event-bed models

Jaco H. Baas, Niall D. Tracey,, Jeff Peakall

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the bed in a downward-dipping manner and then abruptly exits the bed (Allen 1984) (Fig. 3), thus producing transversely asymmetrical marks...


Primary Structures of the Halfway Sand in the Milligan Creek Oilfield, British Columbia1

Don R. Clark

CSPG Bulletin

... in the area (Fig. 3). This structure appears to be a slightly irregular homocline dipping gently to the southwest at the rate of about thirty feet per mile...


Natural Fractures and Strain Accommodation in the Tensleep Formation at Beer Mug Anticline

Scott P. Cooper

AAPG Special Volumes

... is common between beds—especially between limestone and sandstone units, and along the large dune cross-bed foresets. The meter-scale limestone beds...


Chapter 5: Transcurrent Structures of Late Cretaceous and Middle Paleocene Age

Thomas X. Homza, Steven C. Bergman

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the anticlinorium suggest a kinematic relationship. We interpret the Central Chukchi Anticlinorium to have formed by transpression inversion of the Hanna...


Entry Road Log - Denver to Glenwood Springs, Colo., via U.S. 40 and 6

J.W. Vanderwilt, J.M. Van Tuyl, B.W. Beebe, A.H. Koschmann, O.L. Tweto, E.S. Shaw, N. Wood Bass

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... thick; (3) a gray shale unit 51 feet 6 inches thick containing thin beds of ss. and a basal light-gray ss. bed 8 feet thick; (4) a gray clay unit 49 feet...


Abstract: Comparison of Auriferous Structures in New Brunswick and Their Relationship to Tectonostratigraphic Zone Boundaries

A. A. Ruitenberg

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Comparison of Auriferous Structures in New Brunswick and Their Relationship to Tectonostratigraphic Zone Boundaries A. A. Ruitenberg 203...


Grain Fabrics in Turbidite Sandstone Beds and Their Relationship to Sole Mark Trends on the Same Beds

Ivan P. Colburn

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... level or for which the data from multiple sample levels was averaged for the bed, a predictable relationship was observed to exist between the mean...


Relation of Deformational Fractures in Sedimentary Rocks to Regional and Local Structure

John F. Harris , Garvin L. Taylor , Jack L. Walper

AAPG Bulletin

... the density of fractures was observed as 3. The relationship was also checked at other stations where datum bed "A" was in close proximity to bed "B...


Ghost River Type Section

J. D. Aitken

CSPG Bulletin

... Devonian unit; this is interpreted as a weathering effect at the unconformity. The regional relationship of the base of the red-bed unit to underlying...


Deltaic Coals of Ferron Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale: Predictive Model for Cretaceous Coal-Bearing Strata of Western Interior

Thomas A. Ryer

AAPG Bulletin

... Cretaceous seaway during late Turonian time. Five cycles of deltaic sedimentation, each containing one major coal bed or coal zone, are represented...



George E. McGill

Montana Geological Society

... overthrust, because the dip direction of the steeply dipping thrusts ( or reverse faults ) bears no constant relationship to the dip...


Impact of interlayer slip on fracture prediction from geomechanical models of fault-related folds

Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris

AAPG Bulletin

... into the faulting process from numerical simulations of rock-layer bending, in H. Lewis and G. D. Couples, eds., The relationship between damage...


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